
Ezra's Hot, Kaine's Not

I usually stay out of the fray between journalists and bloggers. But this one, picked by Nation Editor Katrina Vanden Heuval against the liberal blogosphere, and Ezra Klein in particular, I just can't pass up. I agree with Crooks and Liars and Jane.

If it was just Ms. Vanden Heuval's comments justifying the Democrats' choice of Virginia Governor Tim Kaine to give the SOTU response, even though I disagree with the pick, I'd probably demur. But she attacked my pal Ezra, and I don't like when my friends are attacked and she's just flat out wrong, or as Jane says, blind.

Ezra wrote a post criticizing Kaine's selection as response-giver, and said some unflattering things about Kaine's appearance. Ms. Vanden Heuval responds by saying Ezra was "no Brad Pitt, last time I checked him out."

Ezra Klein is about 23 years old. He is, except for the TL kid, about the most handsome, well-mannered young man I know. (You can check Ezra out here, he's in the front in the blue shirt, next to Atrios, who's next to me.) Sorry, Katrina, but he's plenty hot for his age.

Not to mention, Ezra is bright the way Matt Yglesias is bright -- these kids can romp from medicare to politics to foreign policy to economics to science and back again without missing a beat. I spent days with them and others their age at the Democratic convention in Boston in 2004 and I was just awed by their talent. They are the future. We are lucky to have them on our side.

Plus, Ms. Vanden Heuval is doing the liberal blogosphere a disservice. She's causing division among the ranks. Someone needs to tell her the enemy is not in here, it is outside the room.

Many, including me, expressed disappointment of the Democrats' selection of Virginia Governor Tim Kaine to present the rebuttal to the State of the Union address. But none of us made a huge deal over it. We noted our disappointment and moved on. Why is Ms. Vanden Heuval making such an issue over Ezra's singular post now? Even Gov. Kaine recognizes his homeliness.

Kaine addressed his appearance in a USA TODAY </