
A Veteran Writes Bush, Returns Navy Wings and Bars

Candide's Notebook reports on the letter retired Florida Public Defender Joseph DuRocher, now a law professor, sent President Bush on Monday. The letter was accompanied by his shoulder bars and navy wings.

....to remain silent is to let you think I approve or support your actions. I do not. So, I am saddened to give up my wings and bars. They were hard won and my parents and wife were as proud as I was when I earned them over forty years ago. But I hate the torture and death you have caused more than I value their symbolism. Giving them up makes me cry for my beloved country.

Another passage:

As a citizen, a patriot, a parent and grandparent, a lawyer and law teacher I am left with such a feeling of loss and helplessness. I think of myself as a good American and I ask myself what can I do when I see the face of evil? Illegal and immoral war, torture and confinement for life without trial have never been part of our Constitutional tradition. But my vote has become meaningless because I live in a safe district drawn by your political party. My congressman is unresponsive to my concerns because his time is filled with lobbyists' largess. Protests are limited to your "free speech zones", out of sight of the parade. Even speaking openly is to risk being labeled un-American, pro-terrorist or anti-troops. And I am a disciplined pacifist, so any violent act is out of the question.

[Via Sideshow.]

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  • Re: A Veteran Writes Bush, Returns Navy Wings and (none / 0) (#1)
    by Dadler on Sat Mar 11, 2006 at 12:56:27 PM EST
    A public defender and law professor??? He's probably a criminal-loving lefty in the first place, so who needs him? Ahem. The wingers are now freed from commenting. As for the rational, we all tip our hats to this man, for his service and, more importantly, his convictions of the non-legal sort.

    Sir: It saddens me that you gave up icons of obvious personal importance to an insignificant person who apparently so little understood responsibility and honor that he lied and deceived to separate himself from service to his country. Find some relief that history will treat this incompetent and his minions with appropriate disdain, assuming of course that we retain our freedoms and democracy.

    Will Bush respond to him? I doubt it, but maybe it will make him think about what he has done, the setbacks that his administration has done in the "War on Terror".

    George W. Bush will never see this guy's letter. Please. Some paid intern in the White House Mail Room will open it, read it, then forward it to some lower-level schmuck in the Public Relations department who will fire off a "response" letter by cutting and pasting the guy's name and address at the top of the page, which will say something like, "While we understand not everyone agrees with the policies set forth by the leaders of any country, including our great nation, rest assured that we value and honor your opinion and the right to state that opinion. That's what makes this country the greatest in the world. And trust that the President and every member of your government is working hard to secure your freedoms in the face of the greatest unimaginable evil ever faced in the history of mankind, and make this country a better place under God." Then affixing a digitally rendered version of Bush's signature on the bottom line. I just wish there were some way to MAKE Bush read it. Like hold his hair and shove the letter at him. Ooh -- that thought makes me feel all tingly...

    Re: A Veteran Writes Bush, Returns Navy Wings and (none / 0) (#5)
    by TomStewart on Sat Mar 11, 2006 at 03:28:13 PM EST
    They'll probably forward it to the FBI as a terrorist threat.

    Re: A Veteran Writes Bush, Returns Navy Wings and (none / 0) (#6)
    by jen on Sat Mar 11, 2006 at 05:22:29 PM EST
    even if he read it he wouldn't 'hear' it

    Re: A Veteran Writes Bush, Returns Navy Wings and (none / 0) (#7)
    by scarshapedstar on Sat Mar 11, 2006 at 05:51:10 PM EST
    I heard he's gay and wasn't really on a ship and didn't really earn his wings and bars anyway. Rev up the swiftboats!

    Junior was recently seen playing "Top Gun" on the White House lawn wearing a shiny pair of aviators wings and flashy shoulder bars.

    He'll never see this, as someone else noted, and he's admitted that he never reads the news and only gets the news that his advisors tell him (which is remarkably rosier than reality, it seems). No one within a 100 mile radius is going to personally tell Bush about this, unfortunately. What a waste of space that man is. (Bush, not the letter-writer.)

    Re: A Veteran Writes Bush, Returns Navy Wings and (none / 0) (#10)
    by Edger on Sun Mar 12, 2006 at 04:52:29 AM EST
    Jen: even if he read it he wouldn't 'hear' it Yeah, and even if he heard it he wouldn't care.

    He is another American Hero who has spoken truth to power. This is remenisant of another Vietnam Hero who also spoke the truth when it needed to be said.

    Re: A Veteran Writes Bush, Returns Navy Wings and (none / 0) (#12)
    by jimakaPPJ on Sun Mar 12, 2006 at 08:09:10 AM EST
    Et al - Too bad he traded on his military service to put some "attention" in his protest. Otherwise his letter would have never been known about. Oh well, a man's gotta do what a man's gotta.

    Re: A Veteran Writes Bush, Returns Navy Wings and (none / 0) (#13)
    by Edger on Sun Mar 12, 2006 at 08:26:57 AM EST
    Famous misquotations of fictional persons
    "A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do." --John Wayne in Hondo Actual quote: "A man ought'a do what he thinks is best."
    DuRocher: I am saddened to give up my wings and bars. They were hard won and my parents and wife were as proud as I was when I earned them over forty years ago. But I hate the torture and death you have caused more than I value their symbolism. Giving them up makes me cry for my beloved country.
    "Just the facts, Ma'am." --Jack Webb as Sgt. Friday on Dragnet Actual quote: "All we want are the facts, ma'am."

    Re: A Veteran Writes Bush, Returns Navy Wings and (none / 0) (#14)
    by jimakaPPJ on Sun Mar 12, 2006 at 09:00:38 AM EST
    edger - Huh? What does that have to do with what this man did? Again. Too bad he traded on his military service to get "attention."

    PPj You think you would be ashamed to bring up trading. When Bushbag has been trading the lives of over 3000 souls on (/11 at every turn for his political purposes. It's comical you have the Bal s to be so blantlantly hypocritical.

    Re: A Veteran Writes Bush, Returns Navy Wings and (none / 0) (#16)
    by Sailor on Sun Mar 12, 2006 at 01:05:00 PM EST
    What it has to do with your post is that you were inaccurate again and edger also went on to make a comment on point. A protest, by definition is:
    1 A formal declaration of disapproval or objection issued by a concerned person, group, or organization. 2 An individual or collective gesture or display of disapproval.
    As it was a matter on conscience, I wouldn't expect this commenter to understand, especially since he constantly trades on his military service.

    Re: A Veteran Writes Bush, Returns Navy Wings and (none / 0) (#17)
    by HK on Sun Mar 12, 2006 at 01:15:27 PM EST
    My father used to say (tongue-in-cheek): 'There isn't a problem in the world that can't be solved with more money and bigger guns.' The juxtaposition of the actions of Mr. DuRocher and Mr. Bush makes me wonder if my father was closer to the truth than first thought...

    Re: A Veteran Writes Bush, Returns Navy Wings and (none / 0) (#18)
    by jimakaPPJ on Sun Mar 12, 2006 at 04:41:16 PM EST
    sailor - Yes, I did little over ten years in Naval Aviation. If you call that "trading" then do so when desired. I seem to remember that you got all excited when I asked if you had served, immediately saying that you had. Again. I just hate to see someone using, or "trading" their military service as a means of insuring attention to their political positions. Now, if you think real hard, you may see the difference in a simple statement of fact with no elaboration in a comment that has no value to anyone, and someone using his military service as a flag to attract the MSM and the Left.

    Re: A Veteran Writes Bush, Returns Navy Wings and (none / 0) (#19)
    by Sailor on Sun Mar 12, 2006 at 05:35:37 PM EST
    I did little over ten years in Naval Aviation.
    That I can believe.
    If you call that "trading"
    since you constantly bring it up, I call that trading.
    I seem to remember that you got all excited when I asked if you had served, immediately saying that you had.
    No! You questioned my service and I replied so vehemently that TL deleted my comment, but let your comment stand questioning my service. But hey TL's blog TL's rules. I still resent my reply being deleted, but your insult to my service being allowed. But I understand TL's blog, TL's rules.
    I just hate to see someone using, or "trading" their military service as a means of insuring attention to their political positions.
    But you do that every day on this board. And of course, this comment by you is just another attack on the person, and not the point. The point is that yet another hero has turned in his medals because he deems them worthless when awarded by a dishonorable government.

    Re: A Veteran Writes Bush, Returns Navy Wings and (none / 0) (#20)
    by scarshapedstar on Sun Mar 12, 2006 at 05:54:29 PM EST
    Again. I just hate to see someone using, or "trading" their military service as a means of insuring attention to their political positions.
    Yeah, like if a President put on a flightsuit and landed on an aircraft carrier to drum up support for a war, that would be terrible.

    Trying to bring attention to your political positions - mmmmmm? Doesn't everyone wish they could do this? Duh? I wish more people would "trade" or "use" their military service as a means of insuring attention to their political positions, so we could end this war!!!! Good one, scar.

    Vets need to step forward and express their views. Here is the transcript of the Kerry and O'Neil debate on Dick Cavett. It took place in 1971. Kerry said some very wise things about Viet Nam. One was that the president would bring the troops home, why not sooner than later. In 1971, 45,000 Americans had died Viet Nam. Nixon announced on January 4, 1971 that the end was in sight. Nothing really changed between 1971 and the end of the war except that Nixon was facing an election. By the end of the war, we had 58,184 dead. If we would have listened to Kerry and pulled out sooner rather than later, 13,184 lives would have been saved. Vets need to speak up and draw attention to their political positions.

    Posted by JimakaPPJ March 12, 2006 05:41 PM
    sailor - Yes, I did little over ten years in Naval Aviation. If you call that "trading" then do so when desired. I seem to remember that you got all excited when I asked if you had served, immediately saying that you had.
    Again. I just hate to see someone using, or "trading" their military service as a means of insuring attention to their political positions.
    Now, if you think real hard, you may see the difference in a simple statement of fact with no elaboration in a comment that has no value to anyone, and someone using his military service as a flag to attract the MSM and the Left.
    Yeah, I've noticed it bugs ya an average of two or three times a day. Gimme a break. And spare me this slop about the left, after Spawn Solo's dress-up schtick on the Abe Lincoln and Duke Cunningham showed us what honor and dignity was all about. Just what does that mean? I spent a little over 10 years in Naval Aviation? Now if you were an Aviator, we would've heard about it, so just what does it mean. Were you a Pastry Chef? A Janitor? A Technician? No, you would've said so. Please, tell us how you won the Cold War for Ronald Reagan, Jim.

    Sailor.... The point is that yet another hero has turned in his medals because he deems them worthless when awarded by a dishonorable government.. I was awarded 2 air medals by President Nixon. A guy I couldn't stand and didn't vote for. I too considered giving them back. What stopped me was the realization that my medals were mine... I was proud of them... and the award was much bigger than the man "in charge" at the time. He is just a figurehead of the military. Yes, the 'commander in chief', but that is temporary at best. The military and it's history will go on after Nixon, GW ... (or whoever) is long gone. Serving in the military is something to be proud of... even if you aren't thrilled with who is in charge at the time. Anyway, look at it this way... this guy will probably run for prez someday, just like Kerry.

    Re: A Veteran Writes Bush, Returns Navy Wings and (none / 0) (#25)
    by HK on Mon Mar 13, 2006 at 10:20:53 AM EST
    Fair enough, BB. I understand your point of view and to be honest, although I have never and will never serve in the military, if I had earned such recognition, I would probably not give it up. But things are only worth the value we give them. The medals had come to symbolise something DuRocher loathed and therefore their value - in his eyes - had diminished. In addition, I know what it is like to feel passionate and desperate about something that meant a lot to me, but not be able to make my voice heard. Maybe DuRocher just did what he had to do to make people sit up and take notice. Also, I don't see the issue with him 'trading' on his service. Surely the very point was that what was going on has become a political rather than a military state of affairs. Sticking by your morals is more important than blind allegiance to any organisation. How could DuRocher have broached what he viewed as a conflict of interests without stating his interests?