
FBI Agent Turns on Government During Moussaoui Testimony

FBI Agent Greg Samit turned the tables on the Government at the Moussaoui trial today during his cross-examination by Moussaoui's lawyers.

The FBI agent who arrested Zacarias Moussaoui in August 2001 testified Monday he spent almost four weeks trying to warn U.S. officials about the radical Islamic student pilot but "criminal negligence" by superiors in Washington thwarted a chance to stop the 9/11 attacks.

FBI agent Harry Samit of Minneapolis originally testified as a government witness, on March 9, but his daylong cross examination by defense attorney Edward MacMahon was the strongest moment so far for the court-appointed lawyers defending Moussaoui.

Samit testified he believed Moussaoui was a terrorist but no one would allow him to get a search warrant.

Samit told MacMahon he couldn't persuade FBI headquarters or the Justice Department to take his fears seriously. No one from Washington called Samit to say this intelligence altered the picture the agent had been painting since Aug. 18 in a running battle with [FBI Agent Mike] Maltbie and Maltbie's boss, David Frasca, chief of the radical fundamentalist unit at headquarters. They fought over Samit's desire for a warrant to search Moussaoui's computer and belongings. Maltbie and Frasca said Samit had not established a link between Moussaoui and terrorists.

....Under questioning from MacMahon, Samit acknowledged that he had told the Justice Department inspector general that "obstructionism, criminal negligence and careerism" on the part of FBI headquarters officials had prevented him from getting a warrant that would have revealed more about Moussaoui's associates. He said that opposition blocked "a serious opportunity to stop the 9/11 attacks."

In order to win the death case, the Goverment must prove that Moussaoui's lies contributed to the death of at least one person killed in the 9/11 attacks.

The FBI's actions between Moussaoui's arrest, in Minnesota on immigration violations on Aug. 16, 2001, and Sept. 11, 2001, are crucial to his trial because prosecutors allege that Moussaoui's lies prevented the FBI from discovering the identities of 9/11 hijackers and the Federal Aviation Administration from taking airport security steps.

Perhaps most damaging of all to the Government's case:

MacMahon introduced an Aug. 31 letter Samit drafted "to advise the FAA of a potential threat to security of commercial aircraft" from whomever Moussaoui was conspiring with. But Maltbie barred him from sending it to FAA headquarters, saying he would handle that, Samit testified. The agent added that he did tell FAA officials in Minneapolis of his suspicions.

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  • Wow - I haven't been following this case closely enough. I haven't even heard a hint of this.

    So, it turns out it's not hard to get a warrant when you apply for it. But sometimes it can be hard to apply because your boss doesn't want you to get ahead. When an FBI agent thinks a trial is the only opportunity s/he has to make a point, we've got a big problem--especially since there are so few trials.

    Re: FBI Agent Turns on Government During Moussaoui (none / 0) (#3)
    by barbarajmay on Mon Mar 20, 2006 at 05:34:16 PM EST
    By tomorrow, the mainstream media will be running headlines saying "Bleeding heart liberal democrats made search warrants necessary for searches of terrorist's home; 3000 people died". Because it's the only way they could run that story-

    Re: FBI Agent Turns on Government During Moussaoui (none / 0) (#4)
    by Edger on Mon Mar 20, 2006 at 06:02:23 PM EST
    "criminal negligence" by superiors in Washington thwarted a chance to stop the 9/11 attacks.
    "obstructionism, criminal negligence and careerism" on the part of FBI headquarters officials had prevented him from getting a warrant that would have revealed more about Moussaoui's associates. He said that opposition blocked "a serious opportunity to stop the 9/11 attacks."
    I have always thought that the bush administration - maybe not bush himself - but someone or someones in the the government knew that 9/11 was going to happen, and either did nothing to stop it, or actively thwarted efforts to stop it. It is an opinion only. But is is what I believe. 9/11 was too pat a justification for everything that this criminal administration has done since.
    The Bush Administration began laying plans for an invasion of Iraq, including the use of American troops, within days of President Bush's inauguration in January of 2001 -- not eight months later after the 9/11 attacks as has been previously reported. More...
    I also think that it is very possible that 9/11 was planned and executed by someone or someones in the US government.

    Isn't this old news -- like, 3 or 4 years old? (Or I am getting this mixed up with some other "criminal negligence" by the Government?) If so, why the f#$k did the U.S. put the guy on the stand?

    Ya mean besides the fact that they're incompetent morons at the top?

    Re: FBI Agent Turns on Government During Moussaoui (none / 0) (#7)
    by Che's Lounge on Mon Mar 20, 2006 at 08:13:59 PM EST
    At the very least, the FBI was incompetent. That's giving them the benefit of actually not having a clue. At the most, they are guilty of murder, if you believe they didn't want to stop it. It's Clinton's fault.

    edger, You are not the only one who thinks that, especially outside the US. Not only does it provide the simplest explanation (Occam's razor) for a lot of confusing evidence about what happened before and after 9/11, it is completely consistent with the covert methods employed by US intelligence agencies to manipulate public opinion, both inside the US and elsewhere. Especially since the consequences have all been changes in exactly the directions desirable to those with a fascist point of view. [btw PPJ, don't bother asking, you could find your own links if you wanted to] But what do I know? I am just a dyed-in-the-wool liberal wacko with a healthy distrust of authority, so what is obvious to someone like me who is paying attention is probably an unthinkable anti-American heresy to the true believers, right? Anyway, since the fascists -- who are so expert at arguing that black is white -- have even figured out how to switch the traditional meanings of red and blue in the political arena, I propose we recycle an old slogan which has now taken on an entirely new meaning: Better Dead than Red.

    So, I guess this guy won't be having a job pretty soon?

    Re: FBI Agent Turns on Government During Moussaoui (none / 0) (#10)
    by Edger on Tue Mar 21, 2006 at 12:42:25 AM EST
    Cyrmo: what is obvious to someone like me who is paying attention is probably an unthinkable anti-American heresy to the true believers Moussaoui is a modern day Oswald, I think.

    Re: FBI Agent Turns on Government During Moussaoui (none / 0) (#11)
    by desertswine on Tue Mar 21, 2006 at 08:02:53 AM EST
    Slate reports:
    On cross-examination, Samit admitted that even though Moussaoui wouldn't talk, he was sure the Moroccan was working with others to hijack a plane--there was even a suggestion that one might be flown into the World Trade Center, according to the NYT--and said that he raised the possibility to his superiors more than 70 times. Samit says his bosses didn't care and just wanted to "run out the clock" and deport Moussaoui.
    I think this goes beyond "criminal negligence."