
FBI Won't Rule Out Using NSL Letters for Reporters' Phone Records

Greg Sargeant moves the story forward today. FBI spokesman William Carter refused to rule out the agencies use of National Security Letters to obtain the phone records of reporters, as ABC News' The Blotter has reported. Greg believes this is the first time the FBI has commented on the record about the issue.

My last post on the use of National Security letters is here.

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    Everyone is aware of the news that there is/was a planned special investigation of the NSA, but the investigators need security clearance to perform this investigation.. ..so how did our administration block this investigation? easy, they denied security clearance to any of the officials, lawyers, etc who would proceed with the investigation!! could there possibly be a more corrupt government than what we now have? i think not :(

    Everyone is aware of the news that there is/was a planned special investigation of the NSA, but the investigators need security clearance to perform this investigation.. ..so how did our administration block this investigation? easy, they denied security clearance to any of the officials, lawyers, etc who would proceed with the investigation!! could there possibly be a more corrupt government than what we now have? i think not :( Liberal Reason

    Re: FBI Won't Rule Out Using NSL Letters for Repor (none / 0) (#3)
    by squeaky on Wed May 17, 2006 at 07:53:24 PM EST
    Do a crime and then make it secret. Nice trick. As a blogger recently said: A mobster's dream.