
How Many Laws Has the Bush Administration Broken?

by TChris

TPM Muckraker reports that Democrats have counted the number of laws and regulations that the Bush administration has violated. The number -- with specifics to be revealed (perhaps later this week) in a report prepared by the House Judiciary Committee Democrats -- is greater than two dozen. Is that all?

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  • Re: How Many Laws Has the Bush Administration Brok (none / 0) (#1)
    by roger on Mon Jul 31, 2006 at 01:01:22 PM EST
    All that we know about. So far.

    "slow walk to impeachment"? The neo-cons have sunk the US United States at the dock. You want to give those freaks months to further eff it up?

    Sky-ho... I beg to differ... Liberals have ruined this country (and I can give you dozens of examples) and the neocons are tring to save it... It might actually be too late tho.... I think we're screwed!

    Re: How Many Laws Has the Bush Administration Brok (none / 0) (#4)
    by cpinva on Mon Jul 31, 2006 at 07:43:05 PM EST
    BB, what parallel universe are you occupying, really? let's see, during 8 years of clinton, the country enjoyed a record economy, strong job growth in high wage industries, increased real wages, reduced levels of poverty across the board, limited involvement in foreign wars, reductions of the national debt, a strengthened military, etc. all was not perfect obviously, but it was the best decade this country had ever seen, in its entire history. the clinton administration provided a road map for a positive future, for all americans. people were sincerely optimistic about their futures, predicated on tangible improvements in their lives. what has bushco given us? record budget deficits, a quagmire in iraq, increased terrorism threat levels, massive outsourcing of high wage jobs, tax cuts benefiting primarily the rich, a degraded military unable to meet enlistment quotas absent a reduction in minimum mental & academic requirements. as well, bush has given us a state of permanent pessimism, as the average joe realizes how far behind he's fallen, under the current administration. the future just a'int looking all that bright. was clinton perfect? not hardly. is bush the devil incarnate? he isn't that good. all things considered, i'll take clinton for $100 alex. as well as the country was going, with him getting a bj from a 22 year-old, i say give him a 20 year-old!

    Posted by BB July 31, 2006 03:36 PM Sky-ho... I beg to differ... Liberals have ruined this country (and I can give you dozens of examples) and the neocons are tring to save it... It might actually be too late tho.... I think we're screwed! ------------------------------------- Don't worry cpinva! At first, I thought he was serious too. But, after reading it over several times, I concluded he was just pulling a Don Quixote on us. You know, satire?

    cpinva... what parallel universe are you occupying, really Yes.... Indeed. I'd like to pick your points apart one by one... but I don't have time. But, let's start with "a strengthened military"... You've got to be kidding???? Do you remember the hundreds of base closing around the country..? Clinton cut the military more than any other president in my lifetime! Talk about being in a parallel universe...! I'll discuss this one..."limited involvement in foreign wars" as soon as I stop laughing. Bush inherited a diminished military...as well as a "propped up" economy... But you keep on believing that Clinton was great ... All the countries problems are because of GW now...! Yeah right! And, as far as "increased terrorism threat levels" are concerned, If Clinton would have done his job..(Instead of getting blow jobs) we wouldn't be in this mess now. He passed on Osama several times... But, don't let any facts get in the way of your slanted (parallel) universe view.

    Re: How Many Laws Has the Bush Administration Brok (none / 0) (#7)
    by Sailor on Tue Aug 01, 2006 at 11:45:09 AM EST
    Clinton cut the military more than any other president in my lifetime!
    actually he just contin ued the 25% reduction started by bush's father, and it was in order to cut the 300 BILLION dollar defecit caused by reganomics. Also, after clinton had been in office for 2 years repubs controlled both houses ... why didn't they do something? and as far as bush's record, he took the largest syurplus in history and ran it into the largest defecit while cutting support for our troops and their families.