
Lamont Wins, Lieberman Concedes, Will Run as Independent

Lieberman is on tv now giving his concession speech. He's mad. He's going to run as an independent.

Reversing the thread, newer results on top:

All that's left is Joe's concession speech. Congratulations, Ned Lamont.

11:02 pm. It's over. Lamont has a 10,000 vote lead with only 35 precincts out. It's too late Joe. As to why the MSM isn't reporting it, I was just told by someone who knows these things, "The MSM has been very timid about calling races since 2000, but it's tradition to wait for the loser to concede ... We may have a sore loser on our hands."

713 of 748 Precincts Reporting - 95.32%
Lamont, Ned Dem 138,836 51.92
Lieberman, Joe Dem 128,566 48.08

10:56 pm : No way can Lieberman win now, why won't the media say so? I'm ready for the Lieberman concession speech. Greta breaks her promise, she went the whole hour without declaring a winner in the race. Lieberman needs 79% of the remaining precincts to win, just about impossible.

706 of 748 Precincts Reporting - 94.39%
Lamont, Ned Dem 136,353 51.73
Lieberman, Joe Dem 127,249 48.27

10:51 pm 94% of votes in

702 of 748 Precincts Reporting - 93.85%
Lamont, Ned Dem 134,942 51.65
Lieberman, Joe Dem 126,330 48.35

10:46 pm 89% of vote in

667 of 748 Precincts Reporting - 89.17%
Lamont, Ned Dem 127,786 51.60
Lieberman, Joe Dem 119,867 48.40

10: 42 pm: Fox's Carl Cameron is all but calling it a Lamont win.

651 of 748 Precincts Reporting - 87.03%
Lamont, Ned Dem 124,940 51.84
Lieberman, Joe (i) Dem 116,060 48.16

648 of 748 Precincts Reporting - 86.63%
Lamont, Ned Dem 124,528 51.82
Lieberman, Joe Dem 115,803 48.18

10:37 pm. Greta says it's a "cliff-hanger." How so? Lamont has kept a 4 point lead or better all night, he's almost 9,000 votes ahead with 87% of the vote in. 100 precincts to go.

10:32 pm: A few more precincts in.

627 of 748 Precincts Reporting - 83.82%
Lamont, Ned Dem 120,890 51.90
Lieberman, Joe Dem 112,060 48.10

10:29 pm: I'm almost ready to post the Lamont victory photo. Even though I called the race at 9:47 pm, see below, since the MSM hasn't, I'm waiting a little longer. Also the NY Times now says both candidates say it's too soon to call even with 80% of the vote in. No more results yet.

10:42 pm 87% of votes in

651 of 748 Precincts Reporting - 87.03%
Lamont, Ned Dem 124,940 51.84
Lieberman, Joe Dem 116,060 48.16

10:21 pm: Lamont keeps his lead.

625 of 748 Precincts Reporting - 83.56%
Lamont, Ned Dem 120,616 51.88
Lieberman, Joe Dem 111,887 48.12

10:16 pm : Lamont now leads by 8,500 votes with 82.62% in.

618 of 748 Precincts Reporting - 82.62%
Lamont, Ned Dem 119,100 51.83
Lieberman, Joe Dem 110,686 48.17

10:11 pm 81% of vote in

608 of 748 Precincts Reporting - 81.28%
Lamont, Ned Dem 116,387 51.71
Lieberman, Joe (i) Dem 108,683 48.29

10:07 pm. 80% of votes are in, Lamont keeps an 8,000 vote lead. Why arent' the networks calling it?

598 of 748 Precincts Reporting - 79.95%
Lamont, Ned Dem 114,165 51.75
Lieberman, Joe Dem 106,428 48.25

10:01 pm: 77% of the vote in, Lamont's lead is widening. I called the race for him at 9:47 pm (see below.) The tv networks are being more cautious, none have declared a winner.

575 of 748 Precincts Reporting - 76.87%
Lamont, Ned Dem 109,239 51.76
Lieberman, Joe Dem 101,818 48.24

9:58 pm
551 of 748 Precincts Reporting - 73.66%
Lamont, Ned Dem 103,145 51.73
Lieberman, Joe Dem 96,235 48.27

9:52 pm I think it's way over and Lieberman is history. 72% of the vote is in
U.S. Senate - - Dem Primary
537 of 748 Precincts Reporting - 71.79%
Lamont, Ned Dem 100,425 51.61
Lieberman, Joe Dem 94,148 48.39

I'm calling the race for Lamont at 9:47 pm with 65% of the vote tallied:

9:47 pm
U.S. Senate - - Dem Primary
484 of 748 Precincts Reporting - 64.71%
Lamont, Ned Dem 89,814 51.60
Lieberman, Joe Dem 84,231 48.40

9:37 pm 54% of vote is in

U.S. Senate - - Dem Primary
404 of 748 Precincts Reporting - 54.01%
Lamont, Ned Dem 74,396 51.98
Lieberman, Joe Dem 68,718 48.02

The New York Times on the early returns; Washington Post; Greta on Fox says she'll announce the winner during the 10:00 pm hour if Hannity and Colmes doesn't do it in the next 20 minutes.

9:32 pm: 50 % of the vote is in:

U.S. Senate - - Dem Primary
376 of 748 Precincts Reporting - 50.27%
Lamont, Ned Dem 70,444 52.13
Lieberman, Joe Dem 64,700 47.87

9:27 pm : 332 of 748 Precincts Reporting - 44.39%
Lamont, Ned Dem 64,383 53.09
Lieberman, Joe Dem 56,891 46.91

9:23 pm

U.S. Senate - - Dem Primary
287 of 748 Precincts Reporting - 38.37%

Lamont, Ned Dem 61,449 53.62
Lieberman, Joe Dem 53,159 46.38


189 of 748 Precincts Reporting - 25.27%
Lamont, Ned Dem 40,934 55.09
Lieberman, Joe Dem 33,375 44.91

Original Post:

Preliminary vote results: 8:53 pm ET

U.S. Senate - - Dem Primary
106 of 748 Precincts Reporting - 14.17%

Lamont, Ned Dem 25,969 57.79
Lieberman, Joe Dem 18,968 42.21

Update: 9:03 pm ET

U.S. Senate - - Dem Primary
128 of 748 Precincts Reporting - 17.11%

Lamont, Ned Dem 30,219 56.34
Lieberman, Joe Dem 23,414 43.6

Update: 9:09 pm:

U.S. Senate - - Dem Primary
160 of 748 Precincts Reporting - 21.39%

Lamont, Ned Dem 35,942 56.01
Lieberman, Joe Dem 28,227 43.99

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    Re: Lamont Wins, Lieberman Concedes, Will Run as I (none / 0) (#1)
    by TomK on Tue Aug 08, 2006 at 06:10:41 PM EST
    I hope Liberman cries himself to sleep tonight.

    Re: Lamont Wins, Lieberman Concedes, Will Run as I (none / 0) (#2)
    by orionATL on Tue Aug 08, 2006 at 06:38:38 PM EST
    god damned i have looked at a half-dozen sites to see what is going on in CT. this site, and only this site, has some numbers. congratulations. why so much verbiage on the other sites?

    It's the only site I could find...the others I saw are not live time. I checked out several before settling on this one.

    Re: Lamont Wins, Lieberman Concedes, Will Run as I (none / 0) (#4)
    by clio on Tue Aug 08, 2006 at 06:53:00 PM EST
    Agree it's Lamont. Can we get a better point spread? Am not near a TV. What are the pundits saying?

    Congrats, Jeri!

    Goodbye Joe, me gotta go, me oh my oh, Me gotta go pole the pirogue down the bayou My Yvonne, the sweetest one, me oh my oh, Son of a gun, we'll have big fun on the bayou Jambalaya and a crawfish pie and fillet gumbo, 'Cause tonight I'm gonna see by ma cheramio Pick guitar, fill fruit jar and be gay-o Son of a gun, we'll have big fun on the bayou Thibodaux, Fontaineaux, the place is buzz-in' Kinfolk come to see Yvonne, by the dozen Dress in style and go hog wild, me oh my oh Son of a gun, we'll have big fun on the bayou Repeat chorus, kiss your Senate seat goodbye

    Re: Lamont Wins, Lieberman Concedes, Will Run as I (none / 0) (#7)
    by Che's Lounge on Tue Aug 08, 2006 at 07:08:15 PM EST
    4% won't keep Uberman from running as an indy. The most laughable thing I heard so far was Faux news' ace political reporter for H&C (looks like Fred Astaire) assumed that Joe would automatically get the entire indy vote in Nov.

    10:07 pm. 80% of votes are in, Lamont keeps an 8,000 vote lead. Why arent' the networks calling it?
    I think the answer is in your successive posts. Lamont had a 7000 vote lead in your very first post after 14.17% of the precincts reported, and it has simply wavered around that figure ever since. So isn't it possible that a few strong Lieberman precincts (if they exist) could reverse Lamont's 8000 vote lead?

    Quick calculation. If (a) votes are evenly distributed across precincts, and (b) unreported precincts are the same average sizes as reported precincts, (big assumptions, but resonable with no other information) then based on the 10:16pm numbers, Lieberman will need to get about 59% of the remaining vote to overtake Lamont. Looks good ...

    Re: Lamont Wins, Lieberman Concedes, Will Run as I (none / 0) (#10)
    by jimcee on Tue Aug 08, 2006 at 07:26:15 PM EST
    One question; Being a Democratic primary and all if it is a close race will there be charges of election fraud no matter who wins? If Lamont wins there will be no charges but if Lieberman wins the Netroots community will scream to high heaven. Want to bet either scenario anyone?

    I'm amazed that it's this close, actually. This is much more of a nail-biter than I thought possible. A choice between Republican Lite and a Progressive, and the people of Connecticut are having a difficult choice!!!??? Very scary. Which should tell everyone just what a pathetic state of affairs the so-called Democratic Party is in.

    jimcee you are not funny, so stop trying.

    Three cheers Lamont, three cheers Conneticut! A rare ray of sunlight, fial not to enjoy it...

    cluelessness about the web New Haven Independent said: The press story on the final day of the Lieberman-Lamont Democratic primary campaign may prove to be a symbol for dogged US Sen. Joe Lieberman's camp from the start: cluelessness about the web. As voters streamed ..

    Update: At 10:51pm, Lieberman needs about 62% of the remaining votes to catch up.

    cluelessness about the web New Haven Independent said: The press story on the final day of the Lieberman-Lamont Democratic primary campaign may prove to be a symbol for dogged US Sen. Joe Lieberman's camp from the start: cluelessness about the web. As voters streamed ..

    Hacking claim a big joke and a sore loser in his concession speech - no class...

    My party has spoken. They apparently think being mean to Republicans is a good idea. This is bad. So I decided to create my own party. - Sen. Joe Those Lamont ad about the losing baseball team trying to get a petition accepted to let them go to the World Series is rather on the money huh, esp. given Joe's football metaphor. It's half time only etc. Yeah, most Democrats when they lose the primary thinks otherwise.

    Hey it's gonna be funny watching all the Rethugs that called him Sore/Loserman back in 2000 now backing his Indie run. Hey Bubba Clinton, get on the horn and have a soul to soul with your wayward Joe. My prediction: He will lose in November, too! (if he actually goes through with it).

    Re: Lamont Wins, Lieberman Concedes, Will Run as I (none / 0) (#20)
    by Liberal Heart on Tue Aug 08, 2006 at 08:31:56 PM EST
    Joe should just run as a Republican and be done with it. If he runs in Nov., he'll just split the Dem vote and let the GOP challenger grab votes. He needs to be yanked out of the race fast. Thanks, TalkLeft, for being the one place I could get vote totals tonight in a timely manner. You were way ahead of TV -- and, unlike Firedoglake, your site worked.

    Re: Lamont Wins, Lieberman Concedes, Will Run as I (none / 0) (#21)
    by dutchfox on Tue Aug 08, 2006 at 08:49:10 PM EST
    I don't have cable, so I am grateful for TL's up-to-the-minute results. Thanks so much. Watched the Lieberman and Lamont speeches. Lieberman: Sore Loser. Lamont: Gracious to a fault. I was wondering why Lieberman's site was down when I clicked it. Then I read about it...and also the accusations that Lamont had a hand in it. Not when you (Lieberman) are spending a measly $15/mo for hosting fees. You pays your money and you takes your choice.

    Lieberman was the only right wing democrat from his party. Too bad his favortism by Bush came back to get him. Hopefully this is a sign of good things to come this November.

    Re: Lamont Wins, Lieberman Concedes, Will Run as I (none / 0) (#23)
    by John Mann on Tue Aug 08, 2006 at 09:05:29 PM EST
    Being a Democratic primary and all if it is a close race will there be charges of election fraud no matter who wins?
    I would imagine the Republicans will be crying "foul".

    Re: Lamont Wins, Lieberman Concedes, Will Run as I (none / 0) (#24)
    by Patrick on Tue Aug 08, 2006 at 09:16:06 PM EST
    Ole McKinney didn't make it either. Think she'll run as an independent?

    Think she'll run as an independent?
    Nah, she'll just come back in 2 years and win it as a Democrat again.

    How exactly is he going to win when republicans and independents are added to this mix?
    Firstly, because the more they see an arrogant, whiny a-hole like LieberBush, the more they will dislike him, and secondly...see firstly.

    Check out Holy Joe's concession speech on C-span. It may be the single most ungracious performance by a politician in human history. Ewwwwww!

    Re: Lamont Wins, Lieberman Concedes, Will Run as I (none / 0) (#28)
    by squeaky on Tue Aug 08, 2006 at 09:42:15 PM EST
    Can't wait to see what Schumer is going to say tomorrow.

    Re: Lamont Wins, Lieberman Concedes, Will Run as I (none / 0) (#29)
    by squeaky on Tue Aug 08, 2006 at 09:44:55 PM EST
    A check from Hillary Clinton's HILLPAC is being cut to Ned Lamont for five thousand dollars. She's the first one to be counted on and make good on her promise to support the winner of the Connecticut primary. We can only hope that the rest of the Democratic Party stands behind Ned in his bid to win the Senate seat.
    C&L One down.

    I wonder if the Dems can formulate and articulate a more clear platform and strategy than turning on other Dems who supported the Iraq invasion. From my view of the radical right, they are going to use the attacks on Lieberman as proof of how "Left" wing the Democrats are and how intolerant the "Left" is. They will use it to scare their "base" into supporting a president & party they disagree with. I wonder if the Democrats will live to regret this piling on of Lieberman. just speaking as a Democrat who wants to win.

    Re: Lamont Wins, Lieberman Concedes, Will Run as I (none / 0) (#31)
    by cowboyx on Wed Aug 09, 2006 at 05:41:48 AM EST
    Brave...you worry that the GOP will try to scare their base into voting for a president and party they don't agree with? Well, it's a valid concern...considering that the GOP has been doing that for decades. Why shouldn't someone have run against Lieberman? How "Left" do you think Lamont appears to the average voter? I don't see any GOP traction here...Joe is showing himself to be a Zell Miller that looks less like Emporer Palpatine. He lost the primary...the dems should suppport the winner. What piling on is there that doesn't have at it's base the idea that Joe was acting like he was going to run for Senate no matter what the primary results were?

    Re: Lamont Wins, Lieberman Concedes, Will Run as I (none / 0) (#32)
    by jimakaPPJ on Wed Aug 09, 2006 at 05:43:50 AM EST
    et al - Good Morning. Enjoy your victory. The interesting thing is this. The hard Left has now got the attention of the rest of the party, and the country. Leiberman, and evey other politican, will load up on smart net people, so that advantage, will be gone. And with such staunch Demos as Lanny Davis writing this the middle will now shift to the right, just as it did in '70 - '72. Hillary will give Lamont a few bucks, as if he needed it, and a few words. Lieberman will win in November and announce he is still a Demo, giving the middle some leadership. Hillary will forgive him and she'll be nominated. Think I'm wrong? Read the Lanny Davis article and remember who's his daddy. Happiness is wanting what tou get. ;-)

    Re: Lamont Wins, Lieberman Concedes, Will Run as I (none / 0) (#33)
    by Jlvngstn on Wed Aug 09, 2006 at 05:52:05 AM EST
    PPJ - The lanny davis letter is silly. Quoting posters on blogs and attributing it to the masses is silly. Hillary will not win the nomination, care to make a $25 donation to TL wager here?

    Re: Lamont Wins, Lieberman Concedes, Will Run as I (none / 0) (#34)
    by cowboyx on Wed Aug 09, 2006 at 06:20:00 AM EST
    PPJ...what is hard left about Lamont?

    Lamont is not the hard left and that is just the usual rhetorical crap from the hard right.... I guess you are defined as hard left if you point out the Bush administration is incompetent...so we can only conclude that people who support Bush are supporters of people unable to do their jobs and need to have welfare--Bush ad Rummy are the biggest welfare queens of this era

    Lamont is not the hard left and that is just the usual rhetorical crap from the hard right.... I guess you are defined as hard left if you point out the Bush administration is incompetent...so we can only conclude that people who support Bush are supporters of people unable to do their jobs and need to have welfare--Bush ad Rummy are the biggest welfare queens of this era

    Leiberman, and evey other politican, will load up on smart net people That's good to know, PPJ, but the topic is Lieberman and the CN Senatorial race, not some obscure candidate no one here has heard of. And with such staunch Demos as Lanny Davis writing this the middle will now shift to the right, just as it did in '70 - '72. PPJ, you have a talent for treating your hopes as predictions, keep up the good work.

    Re: Lamont Wins, Lieberman Concedes, Will Run as I (none / 0) (#38)
    by soccerdad on Wed Aug 09, 2006 at 07:09:56 AM EST
    Lamont is clealy a centerist, Lieberman is a neocon.

    Re: Lamont Wins, Lieberman Concedes, Will Run as I (none / 0) (#39)
    by jondee on Wed Aug 09, 2006 at 07:57:41 AM EST
    aka:wishful thinking - Lieberman's been getting attacked like that and worse for months. You're saying his people never thought of "using" quotes before now? Where do you get this stuff? Connecticut isnt red Colorado and people dont take their marching orders from mega-church pastors and Rush. Too bad for you.

    Re: Lamont Wins, Lieberman Concedes, Will Run as I (none / 0) (#40)
    by dutchfox on Wed Aug 09, 2006 at 07:59:07 AM EST
    soccerdad, I agree with you in your assessment of Lamont and Lieberman. The two corporatist parties have shifted righward, so that what used to be liberal is now centrist (and sometimes to the right of center) and what used to be truly conservative (which I respected although didn't agree with that philosophy) is now extremely to the right of John Birch.

    Re: Lamont Wins, Lieberman Concedes, Will Run as I (none / 0) (#41)
    by Che's Lounge on Wed Aug 09, 2006 at 08:00:43 AM EST
    Keep talking Jim. You're like Geraldo drawing strategy in the sand. Thanks. This battle is over. The war is just beginning.

    Re: Lamont Wins, Lieberman Concedes, Will Run as I (none / 0) (#42)
    by Peaches on Wed Aug 09, 2006 at 08:06:53 AM EST
    It doesn't matter what Lamont is for, it is the support of him by such people as "tomjones" that will brand him as anti-war far Left and with the jewish tie in, then he becomes anti-Israel.
    Jim, We all know how politics works. Lieberman will try and brand lamont as a radical by emphasizing connections to people like "Tomjones," and it looks like this negative branding has already begun with you leading the charge. Lamont will move to distance himself from the internet personality with the monikor "TomJones," and with only a little political skill, it should easy as cake. It all depends on who lines up behind Lamont and who lines up behind Lieberman. My gut feeling is that with only option for negative branding being a connection to an internet blogger, the people with money in Lieberman's corner will quickly position themselves behind Lamont if they are politically savy. As far as Hilary, I am with you. She gets the nomination. And she can beat the republican nominee, if the election is straight up. Which it very well could be, this time. I think Rove and company are wearing out their welcome and the power-elites need a villain demonizing leftist ideas like universal health care. Someone who is harmless to them, but people associate with all that is wrong with the left. Hilary fits the bill, perfectly.

    Re: Lamont Wins, Lieberman Concedes, Will Run as I (none / 0) (#43)
    by squeaky on Wed Aug 09, 2006 at 08:07:03 AM EST
    Well lordy me, Schumer came around. He initially threatened to support Lieberman even if he lost the primary:
    "The Democratic voters of Connecticut have spoken and chosen Ned Lamont as their nominee. Both we and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) fully support Mr. Lamont's candidacy. Congratulations to Ned on his victory and on a race well run. "Joe Lieberman has been an effective Democratic Senator for Connecticut and for America. But the perception was that he was too close to George Bush and this election was, in many respects, a referendum on the President more than anything else. The results bode well for Democratic victories in November and our efforts to take the country in a new direction."

    Re: Lamont Wins, Lieberman Concedes, Will Run as I (none / 0) (#44)
    by jondee on Wed Aug 09, 2006 at 08:09:47 AM EST
    Whats going to happen (at least in Ct.) is that Lieberman, "the center", will begin subtley moving to the left when he starts to realize that the attacks from Powerline, Hugh Hewitt and The Bloviating Bigmouth dont have much traction in his home state. Despite what Mr. "I have my finger on the pulse of the nation" says.

    Cowboy X -- no, I didn't imply or say that no one should challenge Lieberman or any other standing politician at any level, or of any party. I question the long term value of the method used in CT. I do think the the full frontal attack on Lieberman will backfire as the Right will use it as proof that Dems are intolerant AND don't offer any positive point of view AND they will get the votes to prove it. Remember, Democrats have not won the Presidential election -- as much as I don't wish the present occupant to be there. Dems need to - MUST! - think about message at least as much as Republicans do.

    Re: Lamont Wins, Lieberman Concedes, Will Run as I (none / 0) (#46)
    by aw on Wed Aug 09, 2006 at 08:34:20 AM EST
    Cowboy X -- no, I didn't imply or say that no one should challenge Lieberman or any other standing politician at any level, or of any party. I question the long term value of the method used in CT.
    The method used? A primary election? What other method is there? Maybe a "Please, Senator, would you maybe listen to us, your constituents, once in a while and actually act on our wishes?" Would that "method" work better?

    Re: Lamont Wins, Lieberman Concedes, Will Run as I (none / 0) (#47)
    by squeaky on Wed Aug 09, 2006 at 08:39:02 AM EST
    . I question the long term value of the method used in CT.
    Yes, aw, they prefer "appointments", fixed voting machines, or just shooting opponents in the face.

    Ernesto.... Nah, she'll just come back in 2 years and win it as a Democrat again She's a racist and needs to go away. The voters have spoken. (funny how you all can point out racists that you perceive on the right but totally ignore those on the left) What a load... Lamont is not the hard left and that is just the usual rhetorical crap from the hard right.... Who would you label as 'hard left' then? Soccerdad... Lamont is clealy a centerist, Lieberman is a neocon. Same question to you. If Lemont is center, who is hard left? Peaches... Lieberman will try and brand lamont as a radical by emphasizing connections to people like "Tomjones," He doesn't have to 'try' too hard. With people like Jesse Jackson & Al Sharpton backing him, it's kinda obvious. He's about as far left as it gets! If not...who is farther? brave... I do think the the full frontal attack on Lieberman will backfire as the Right will use it as proof that Dems are intolerant AND don't offer any positive point of view AND they will get the votes to prove it. Couldn't have said it better myself!

    Re: Lamont Wins, Lieberman Concedes, Will Run as I (none / 0) (#49)
    by DonS on Wed Aug 09, 2006 at 08:46:07 AM EST
    In some people's minds, Lamont must be "hard left" because Lieberman is to his right. Lieberman masquerades as the center whereas the fact is , on the most significant issue of the day, and foreign policy generally, he is unabashedly calssified as a hawk. Applying logic to these facts and the Connecticut vote, it is clear that more distortion is being promoted, more big lie. And since when does winning a major party primary, with a lot of conservative crossovers voting, with a large turnout, imply anything close to a hard left victor