Yet there is a full war and full military action, and it is not by accident. It is also exactly on time to be the trigger. But this will not be the worst of it, because Syria will be drawn in; it has to be, and then Iran. This is the strategy that was feared and that is now being played out across the Middle East.
This is a strategy long wanted by the far right and people like Dick Cheney, and this is a strategy that was long in the planning. Even as we began military operations in Iraq, Iran was the subject of all major military discussions. And yet when Israel became engaged in military operations against Lebanon, the entire world failed to understand the true nature of this conflict and the real issues behind it. Israel is a client-state of the United States and, as such, it will do as it is told.
While I disagree with her conclusions that Israel has been acting "carelessly" and that Israel as a "client-state" of the U.S. will do what it is told, I don't doubt that a war with Iran has been on the Cheney-Bush-neocon agenda all along. I just think Israel will do what it thinks is best for Israel's self-preservation. That may or may not continue to mesh with the Cheney-Bush agenda.
As for negotiations, maybe if we had a more effective Secretary of State than Condoleeza Rice, progress could be made. Either she's being hamstrung by Bush-Cheney or just not up to the task. Regardless, she's not getting the job done.