"This fellow here over here with the yellow shirt, Macaca, or whatever his name is. He's with my opponent. He's following us around everywhere. And it's just great. We're going to places all over Virginia, and he's having it on film and its great to have you here and you show it to your opponent because he's never been there and probably will never come."
He continued, "Let's give a welcome to Macaca, here. Welcome to America and the real world of Virginia." Immediately following this exchange, Allen discussed the "war on terror."
A macaca is a rhesus monkey. A search of Google indicates they seem to be used frequently for laboratory experiments.
Here's the video.
As for Siddarth in real life:
S.R. Sidarth, a senior at the University of Virginia, had been trailing Allen with a video camera to document his travels and speeches for the Webb campaign. During a campaign speech Friday in Breaks, Virginia, near the Kentucky border, Allen singled out Sidarth and called him a word that sounded like "Macaca."
Allen campaign manager, Dick Wadhams gave a particularly lame excuse for Allen's comments:
Wadhams said Allen campaign staffers had begun calling Sidarth "mohawk" because of a haircut Wadhams said the Webb staffer has. "Macaca was just a variation of that," Wadhams said.
You see a mohawk haircut here? [Photo via Firedoglake]
Frameshop reports:
Macaca' or 'macaque' is a nasty racial epithet alright. It is often used by American white supremacists to describe black people. In Belgium, it is a racial slur for 'dirty arab.' Could this be George Allen's Mel Gibson moment?
More photos of macacas:

Here's a picture of the macaca nigra, native of Southeastern Asia. It's on the endangered species list. And check out this picture of the macaca nigra from the Buffalo Zoo.