
O'Reilly Proving He's a Sexual Cretin, Yet Again?

by Last Night in Little Rock

Bill O'Reilly, of Fox News' O'Reilly Factor who was against sexual perverts on his show before it was popular, has apparently, at least in MSNBC's Tucker Carlson's view, proved himself to be a real sexual cretin, blaming a woman's rape and murder on her wearing a miniskirt and being inebriated, essentially saying that "she was asking for it." In Carlson's August 7th show, we see this:

CARLSON: Welcome back. Time now for "Beat the Press."

First up, FOX's Bill O'Reilly. On his radio show last week, O'Reilly discussed the rape and murder of 18-year-old Jennifer Moore. See if you can tell who he thinks is responsible for the killing of that New Jersey girl. Here he is.


BILL O'REILLY, RADIO HOST: She was 5'2, 105 pounds, wearing a mini skirt and a halter top with a bare midriff. Now, again, there you go. So every predator in the world is going to pick that up at 2:00 in the morning. She's walking by herself on the west side highway, and she gets picked up by a thug, all right? Now she's he out-of-her-mind drunk.


CARLSON: So she's got a halter top with a bare midriff and she's drunk; therefore, she gets raped and murdered, as if that's natural? That's what happens when you've got a bare midriff and you're loaded? Not in my America, buddy.

Pretty low standards. I mean, I don't know if O'Reilly is attempting to blame her for luring this guy in, or what, but the fact is, it's sick all the way around. You ought to be able to wear whatever you want on our streets and not get raped and murdered. Period.

O'Reilly's just speaking his mind, which maybe usually in the gutter, as evidenced by the allegations in Mackris v. O'Reilly, N.Y.Sup.Ct., N.Y. County 04114558. The suit is summarized on The Smoking Gun (pdf):

Hours after Bill O'Reilly accused her of a multimillion dollar shakedown attempt, a female Fox News producer fired back at the TV star today, filing a lawsuit claiming that he subjected her to repeated instances of sexual harassment and spoke often, and explicitly, to her about phone sex, vibrators, threesomes, masturbation, the loss of his virginity, and sexual fantasies. Below you'll find a copy of Andrea Mackris's complaint, an incredible page-turner that quotes O'Reilly, 55, on all sorts of lewd matters. Based on the extensive quotations cited in the complaint, it appears a safe bet that Mackris, 33, recorded some of O'Reilly's more steamy soliloquies. For example, we direct you to his Caribbean shower fantasies. While we suggest reading the entire document, TSG will point you to interesting sections on a Thailand sex show, Al Franken, and the climax of one August 2004 phone conversation. (22 pages)

The demand started at $60M, but that case was supposedly settled for about $2M according to Howard Kurtz writing in the Washington Post in 2004, but the details are confidential.

As Al Franken said: "It was a he-said, she-taped sort of thing."

Just after Mackris sued, and maybe after it settled, I was in an airport book store and saw O'Reilly's The O'Reilly Factor for Kids: A Survival Guide for America's Families because somebody on TV or radio pointed out that there was a gross contradiction between his writing and his publicity. I remember reading O'Reilly telling boys that it is vitally important they respect women. He has, of course, a co-author. Maybe that was the co-author's part of the manuscript.

Finally, while at Amazon getting the above link, I'm offered O'Reilly's The O'Reilly Factor: The Good, the Bad, and the Completely Ridiculous in American Life.

I'm sure he's not talking about his own show.

And so it goes...

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    Re: O'Reilly Proving He's a Sexual Cretin, Yet Aga (none / 0) (#1)
    by Edger on Tue Aug 15, 2006 at 04:17:41 PM EST
    O'Reilly seems to be doing a lot of compensating. Poor guy. What do they say to you when it's that small, Bill? What a cute little thing?

    Re: O'Reilly Proving He's a Sexual Cretin, Yet Aga (none / 0) (#2)
    by Edger on Tue Aug 15, 2006 at 04:18:37 PM EST
    I was referring to his brain, btw.

    Who knew Carlson is a liberal?

    Re: O'Reilly Proving He's a Sexual Cretin, Yet Aga (none / 0) (#4)
    by roxtar on Tue Aug 15, 2006 at 05:07:47 PM EST
    From the Secret Deposition of Mackris v. O'Reilly: Q: Ms. Mackris, when Mr. O'Reilly exposed himself to you, what did you see? A: It looked like a penis, only smaller.

    Re: O'Reilly Proving He's a Sexual Cretin, Yet Aga (none / 0) (#5)
    by Sumner on Tue Aug 15, 2006 at 05:58:34 PM EST
    Some time ago, Bill O'reilly had a famous adult film actress on his show. On air he referred to her as a "slut" and a "whore". She didn't slap him. Tuning into O'Reilly's show tonight, I see him pontificating on yet another "sex scandal". Some years back, Carl Sagan and Ann Druyan, appeared on Larry King Alive, and stated: "The alpha male demands sexual compliance from all females, regardless of age." Now demanding sexual compliance can either be for sex, or for demanding abstinence. Demanding abstinence is a whole lot easier for a would-be alpha male. Most every puritan alpha male wanna-be would fall into this category. Tucker Carlson has agitated for castration of all sex offenders in his rantings. As a general rule, the puritanical frenzy in the media, bully-pulpits and the halls-of-lawmakers wanes during hot summer months, and generally flares again when weather temperatures cool. This year has been somewhat unusual in that the war on sex frenzy has lasted past the Fourth-of-July. Although O'Reilly may not currently be listed in the Sex Offender Registry, cryptome.org lists O'Reilly's home address and has pictures of his lavish home. No less than Bill Gates aspires to the imperium and to alpha male and this may explain some of the big money behind the unrelenting and constant blitzkrieg in America against sex "offenses", as well as stacking the courts and legislatures with prudes. But it is all very too-clever-by-half as witnessed in the double standard of Rupert Murdoch and his Page 3 Girls of The Sun. Has no one yet "jumped the shark"?

    rogan's point would be? In any case, walking around drunk and scantily clad is not smart... but it surely doesn't deserve the death penalty. O'Reilly can stick his "falafel" where the sun don't shine.

    There is a point there in O'Reilly's blathering. Women should be able to wear whatever they want and party as hard as they want without getting into trouble. This has been feminist mantra for a long time and girls my age have taken it up with gusto. The problem is that what should be possible and what is smart behaviour are two different things. There are large numbers of creeps and thugs out there, and it is best to take a defensive approach to these things. Going out with a number of friends and limiting one's alcohol intake is a good defence, though it limits one's options and makes for a more restricted society. The best option, of course, is for more intensive policing, focusing on preventing violent crimes rather, very long prison sentences for offenders, and very severe penatlies for rape, never mind murder. A quick death penalty (within 3 years) would be a great deterrent.

    Re: O'Reilly Proving He's a Sexual Cretin, Yet Aga (none / 0) (#8)
    by jondee on Tue Aug 15, 2006 at 07:33:55 PM EST
    The other point in O'Reilly's blathering (unbeknownst to him) is that he's a troglodyte who wants to blame women for it. And saying that women shouldnt have to worry isnt the same as recommending that they put themselves in precarious situations.

    Re: O'Reilly Proving He's a Sexual Cretin, Yet Aga (none / 0) (#9)
    by Sumner on Tue Aug 15, 2006 at 07:51:54 PM EST
    More thoughts on similar dynamics can be found here.

    Re: O'Reilly Proving He's a Sexual Cretin, Yet Aga (none / 0) (#10)
    by jondee on Tue Aug 15, 2006 at 07:54:03 PM EST
    Regardless of who the guilty party is You mean there's some kind of question about that aspect, Rogan?

    If it was up to O'Reilly he'd give the death penalty for jaywalkers.

    Re: O'Reilly Proving He's a Sexual Cretin, Yet Aga (none / 0) (#12)
    by Lww on Tue Aug 15, 2006 at 08:50:42 PM EST
    Before Bill landed on Foxnews he used to do a show that was a cross between Jerry Springer and Entertainment tonight. He made Maury Povich look downright Cronkitian. Hard to believe it but Bill is not looked on with the same adoring eyes by the Bush League and neo-cons as Hannity or some of the other pimps on Foxnews.

    Re: O'Reilly Proving He's a Sexual Cretin, Yet Aga (none / 0) (#13)
    by Sailor on Tue Aug 15, 2006 at 09:12:11 PM EST
    O'reilly is consistently (fal)awful, why would anyone be surprised? I'm sure mAnn Coulter would agree;-)

    I think Bill O'Really should be commended for updating his book of advice to Republican children by including a chapter on how to settle sexual harrassment lawsuits out of court.

    Re: O'Reilly Proving He's a Sexual Cretin, Yet Aga (none / 0) (#15)
    by Che's Lounge on Wed Aug 16, 2006 at 12:14:03 AM EST
    It comforts me to know that the simple words in this comment, one of many millions of comments found all over the blogosphere, are just as socially significant as anything that Bill O'Reilly has ever had to say.

    Re: O'Reilly Proving He's a Sexual Cretin, Yet Aga (none / 0) (#16)
    by jen on Wed Aug 16, 2006 at 06:18:48 AM EST
    Posted by rogan1313 Boy, is this the mother of all ad hominem attacks. Is it so strange to think that very few Talkleft women bloggers really believe that walking in a large city drunk and provocatively dressed is an act of self-preservation, regardless of who is the guilty party here.
    How polite! You declared your intent beforehand :)

    Re: O'Reilly Proving He's a Sexual Cretin, Yet Aga (none / 0) (#17)
    by Slado on Wed Aug 16, 2006 at 06:26:26 AM EST
    The sad thing is if this guy is convicted these same people taking shots at O'Reiley will be complaining that the sentence is unjust and we should parole this creep in 5 years. The obvious point is this girl put herself in danger by being alone @ 2am and only compounded it by being dressed to go out (which today means dressing like a prostitute; not that I mind but it's the truth) and being drunk. Did she deserve it? No. Nobody does. But it wasn't smart behavior. Ask yourself if your daughter asked you to pick her up downtown @ 2am because she would be drunk and was dressed like most young women dress these days when they party would you agree to it? That was the point O'reilley was making rather clumsily. He has a talk show where he needs to fill air time. Parsing one statement that isn't even wrong just insensitive seems pretty petty. I like Tucker but him and his cronies at MSNBC need to stop acting so petty when it comes to O'Reilley. It only improves his ratings.

    Re: O'Reilly Proving He's a Sexual Cretin, Yet Aga (none / 0) (#18)
    by Che's Lounge on Wed Aug 16, 2006 at 07:40:14 AM EST
    The sad thing is if this guy is convicted these same people taking shots at O'Reiley will be complaining that the sentence is unjust and we should parole this creep in 5 years. Slado, you are SUCH a troll.

    If you get run over in a crosswalk, its the driver of the car's fault since you have right of way. However, not looking both ways before entering a cross walk is stupid, risky behavior. Likewise that young woman was engaging in risky behavior. Just because you have a right to walk home alone at 2am with a snoot full and an atractive appearance doesn't make a wise thing to do.

    Re: O'Reilly Proving He's a Sexual Cretin, Yet Aga (none / 0) (#20)
    by Edger on Wed Aug 16, 2006 at 09:11:32 AM EST
    Just because you have a right to walk home alone at 2am with a snoot full and an atractive appearance doesn't make a wise thing to do. Just because you have a right to spout nonsensical excusing of predatory a$$hole rapist/murderers in veiled attempts to blame the victim isn't a wise thing to do, either. It defines you. Not well, btw.

    And, Che, the really sad thing is that we have to endure Slado's posts.

    Some background . . . The girl drove into the city with her friend to go out. At some point, the friend got so drunk that she had to be taken to the hospital. That's how the victim ended up alone. She was wandering up the west side highway because her car got towed during the whole fiasco and she was trying to find the impound lot. Her behavior obviously wasn't safe, but under the circumstances it wasn't that outrageous either. She was young, alone, scared and just trying to find her car somewhere in New York City. I have nothing but sympathy and her death is an incredible tragedy. Everyone wishes she hadn't gone out there, but O'Reilly's comments were uncalled for and unneccessary.

    "Just because you have a right to spout nonsensical excusing of predatory a$$hole rapist/murderers in veiled attempts to blame the victim isn't a wise thing to do, either." This in no way excuses the dirt bag that killed her. Keeping yourself out of risky situations is good sense, not nonsense.

    "Just because you have a right to spout nonsensical excusing of predatory a$$hole rapist/murderers in veiled attempts to blame the victim isn't a wise thing to do, either." This in no way excuses the dirt bag that killed her. Keeping yourself out of risky situations is good sense, not nonsense.

    Re: O'Reilly Proving He's a Sexual Cretin, Yet Aga (none / 0) (#25)
    by Slado on Wed Aug 16, 2006 at 11:26:21 AM EST
    Che I can only assume I struck a chord with you since all you could do in response is call me names. Hues, thanks for the context. Assuming all you say is true...I have no reason to doubt I just haven't researched it...O'reilleys comments are even more ridiculous. but again as you said partialy true. This girl made a mistake, but not a mistake it was worth getting killed over. Again I think this guy should be locked up forever and if NYC sees fit, even though I don't agree, put to death. Do those banging away on O'reilley feel the same or do they only punish stupid statements, not crimes?

    Keeping yourself out of risky situations is good sense, not nonsense.
    That's true, but what O'Reilly said is not the way to make that point. I realize I may be taking it out of context, but he seems to be making a moral judgement about the victim that is totally inappropriate under the circumstances. Caution kids to be safe, but don't make this girl out to be some kind hooker when she was really just an ordinary girl acting the way most ordinary girls act at least once or twice in their lives.

    Re: O'Reilly Proving He's a Sexual Cretin, Yet Aga (none / 0) (#27)
    by Edger on Wed Aug 16, 2006 at 12:06:04 PM EST
    O'Reilly's comments were uncalled for and unneccessary. I don't often criticize the person, but rather the statements made by the person. In this case however I think that not only are O'Reilly's comments uncalled for and unneccessary, but that O'Reilly has shown himself (more than once, btw) to be himself uncalled for and unneccessary.

    Again I think this guy should be locked up forever and if NYC sees fit, even though I don't agree, put to death. Do those banging away on O'reilley feel the same or do they only punish stupid statements, not crimes?
    It's not progessive, but I wish nothing but suffering on the guy who did this. If it were possible to determine guilt with 100% certainty, I wouldn't care if they stoned him to death in central park.

    Re: O'Reilly Proving He's a Sexual Cretin, Yet Aga (none / 0) (#29)
    by Edger on Wed Aug 16, 2006 at 12:25:21 PM EST
    Do those banging away on O'reilley feel the same or do they only punish stupid statements, not crimes? If there were not subhumans like O'Reilly exalted in media like Fox as if they are to be looked up to as exemplifying moral standards and societal values and portraying teenage girls who fizz up their hormones as dehumanized sexual objects, there might be less of these kinds of crimes. O'Reillys views and opinions are one of the causes.

    edger.... Just because you have a right to spout nonsensical excusing of predatory a$$hole rapist/murderers in veiled attempts to blame the victim isn't a wise thing to do, either. He wasn't blaming her...he was pointing out that her actions (as stupid as they were) lead to her demise. Obviously the guy that did this is responsible and should burn. BTW.... you making a statment like this: O'Reillys views and opinions are one of the causes. ...is no different then what you claim O'Reilly did (blaming the victim? Slado.... The sad thing is if this guy is convicted these same people taking shots at O'Reiley will be complaining that the sentence is unjust and we should parole this creep in 5 years. Even tho Che' calls you a troll... the sad fact is...you are 100% correct. I guess the truth hurts?

    Re: O'Reilly Proving He's a Sexual Cretin, Yet Aga (none / 0) (#31)
    by Edger on Wed Aug 16, 2006 at 01:35:19 PM EST
    BB, if you somehow consider O'Reilly a victim in this case I'll go ahead and lump your attitude and view as one of the causes as well.

    Re: O'Reilly Proving He's a Sexual Cretin, Yet Aga (none / 0) (#32)
    by scribe on Wed Aug 16, 2006 at 02:24:58 PM EST
    Well, let's not forget O'Reilly's likely also being driven by the fact that the lead defendant in the murder of Ms. Moore is, uh, black (See photo). And a repeat offender and pimped a young white woman (who was charged with felony murder about a week ago - police think she was there when the girl was killed, but did not take part). And no one wants to talk about the responsibility of all those trendy clubs on the West Side, where fake IDs are the ticket for 18 year olds trying to get a drink. Such that they're falling-down drunk and easy prey, too afraid of being arrested to call their parents. At least, when I was 18, one could drink legally in NY and not have to worry about being arrested for that. O'Reilly's a piece of garbage, and deserves only condemnation.

    The obvious point is this girl put herself in danger by being alone @ 2am and only compounded it by being dressed to go out (which today means dressing like a prostitute; not that I mind but it's the truth) and being drunk.
    Slado.You sound an awful like Mike Tyson.

    Re: O'Reilly Proving He's a Sexual Cretin, Yet Aga (none / 0) (#34)
    by jondee on Wed Aug 16, 2006 at 03:26:28 PM EST
    I'd like the morons Bullet Brain and Slado to give one example from the last few years of anyone here at TL recommending that murderers/rapists be paroled after five years. C'mon yard ape, come up with something; back it up.

    Re: O'Reilly Proving He's a Sexual Cretin, Yet Aga (none / 0) (#35)
    by Che's Lounge on Wed Aug 16, 2006 at 04:15:39 PM EST
    OK calling him a troll was unfair to a regular. But the statement was trollish. It had no purpose other than to create animosity.

    Re: O'Reilly Proving He's a Sexual Cretin, Yet Aga (none / 0) (#36)
    by Che's Lounge on Wed Aug 16, 2006 at 04:17:10 PM EST
    Can I have some cheese with this whine?

    Re: O'Reilly Proving He's a Sexual Cretin, Yet Aga (none / 0) (#37)
    by jondee on Wed Aug 16, 2006 at 04:55:30 PM EST
    O'Reilly is victim alright: of being born with a big mouth (and an itty bitty something else) completely disconnected from higher brain functioning.

    Re: O'Reilly Proving He's a Sexual Cretin, Yet Aga (none / 0) (#38)
    by Slado on Wed Aug 16, 2006 at 06:02:20 PM EST
    Easy Furillo. I'd have to type with a lisp to sound like Mike Tyson. I am not saying the girl deserved it but she made a mistake being out, drunk, alone and scantily clad...if she indeed was...@ 2am by herself. She didn't deserve to die but denying the obvious doesn't help the conversation.

    Well at least O'Really, BB, and Slado haven't blamed this on Ned Lamont...yet.

    Re: O'Reilly Proving He's a Sexual Cretin, Yet Aga (none / 0) (#40)
    by Sailor on Wed Aug 16, 2006 at 07:30:34 PM EST
    EDL, nope ... it's Clinton's fault;-)

    Re: O'Reilly Proving He's a Sexual Cretin, Yet Aga (none / 0) (#41)
    by Ray Radlein on Wed Aug 16, 2006 at 08:28:36 PM EST
    I realize that Bill O'Reilly has the right to walk around in public wearing an expensive suit and fancy Rolex watch, but it's obviously his fault if he gets robbed and murdered. Right?

    Re: O'Reilly Proving He's a Sexual Cretin, Yet Aga (none / 0) (#42)
    by jondee on Wed Aug 16, 2006 at 08:41:14 PM EST
    Only if the robber, goaded by one too many office sluts, turns to crime out of sheer frustration.

    Re: O'Reilly Proving He's a Sexual Cretin, Yet Aga (none / 0) (#44)
    by jondee on Thu Aug 17, 2006 at 10:35:18 AM EST
    B.B - In short, nobody here ever championed letting rapists or murderers or rapists "out after five years" and you've been busted yet again confusing stool-softeners with brain pills.

    Re: O'Reilly Proving He's a Sexual Cretin, Yet Aga (none / 0) (#45)
    by Sailor on Thu Aug 17, 2006 at 10:43:53 AM EST
    After all, anyone that doesn't agree with the left is automatically a racist...right?
    wrong. Provide links or apologise.
    Or how badly that traitor John Walker was treated... & how he should be let go...
    No one ever said he should be let go, some like me do think he shouldn't have been tortured and should have been treated according to the constitution.
    It's the left that likes to blame everyone else but who's actually guilty.
    so o'lielly blaming the victim means he's a lefty!?
    Nope..blaming things on people that had nothing to do with them is a leftie tactic. We don't do that.
    caught lying 4 times in the same comment, I believe that's a record. BTW, you do remember this thread is about o'lielly, right?

    Re: O'Reilly Proving He's a Sexual Cretin, Yet Aga (none / 0) (#46)
    by Edger on Thu Aug 17, 2006 at 10:52:15 AM EST
    BTW, you do remember this thread is about o'lielly, right? Sailor, wouldn't em>remembering require him having something to remember with? ;-)

    Re: O'Reilly Proving He's a Sexual Cretin, Yet Aga (none / 0) (#47)
    by jondee on Thu Aug 17, 2006 at 10:52:45 AM EST
    He probobly thinks releasing someone on DNA evidence is being "soft on crime". "We dont do that." LOL

    Sailor... some like me do think he shouldn't have been tortured I'll provide a link that shows you & your ilk are soft on crime (AKA - let crimminals go with little or no time served) as soon as you provide a link showing John Walker Lind was tortured!!! As far as a "link" proving you all call anyone disagreeing with you "racists"... (here is a partial list that has brought out the 'racist ire ... pick any of the below) 1.Wanting to have illegals follow our immigration laws. 2.Wanting to have middle Eastern men profiled 3.Wanting to have prisoners treated like prisoners & not coddled to. You'll have to wait till I have the time to get to it. However...you Sailor in particular, have thrown that term (racist) around more than most on here. You'd be wise not to push on this one! caught lying 4 times in the same comment, I believe that's a record. Please show me where I lied 4 times... And BTW...yes I know the link is about O'Reilly...and I already commented on that. As I already explained...(if you bothered to read it)..."it's always the perpetrator's fault"... However as I siad (& O'Reilly also said) if you are dressed like that, drunk & alone at 2 AM...you are certainly presenting predators (and there are many out there) an easy target. Now ...how many times did I "Lie" there Sailor? (considering a lie = disagreeing with you)

    Re: O'Reilly Proving He's a Sexual Cretin, Yet Aga (none / 0) (#49)
    by Sailor on Thu Aug 17, 2006 at 12:56:35 PM EST
    Photos emerged from Lindh's captivity of him being held naked and bound, wearing an obscenity-covered blindfold. When details of the conditions of his captivity began to emerge, it was discovered that he had initially been wounded and hidden for a week with limited food, water, and minimal sleep before being captured. After being captured and taken to a room with the only window blocked off, Lindh had his clothes cut off him and was duct-taped to a stretcher and placed in a metal shipping container for transportation. Lindh was not even released from the stretcher when he needed to urinate. Instead, guards propped him upright. When interrogated, he was denied a lawyer despite several requests, and was threatened with denial of medical aid if he didn't cooperate. It took more than a week in U. S. custody for his wound to be treated and the bullet removed. The court scheduled an evidence suppression hearing, at which Walker would be able to testify about the details of the torture to which he was subjected. The government faced the problem that a key piece of evidence--Walker's confession--might be excluded from evidence as having been forced under duress. Furthermore, the hearing would turn a spotlight on the way that U.S. soldiers had conducted the interrogation. To forestall this possibility, Michael Chertoff, the head of the criminal division of the Justice Department, directed the prosecutors to offer Walker a plea bargain: He would plead guilty to two charges -- serving in the Taliban army and carrying weapons. He would also have to consent to a gag order that would prevent him from making any public statements on the matter for the duration of his twenty-year sentence, and he would have to drop claims that he had been mistreated or tortured by U.S. military personnel in Afghanistan and aboard two military ships during December 2001 and January 2002. In return, all the other charges would be dropped.

    Re: O'Reilly Proving He's a Sexual Cretin, Yet Aga (none / 0) (#50)
    by jondee on Thu Aug 17, 2006 at 01:13:48 PM EST
    Shorter O'Moron: She was asking for it. Like those ball-busters in the office. And all certified knuckle draggers agree.