
CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone

I'm just tuning into today's news, and Wolf Blitzer on CNN reported that Israel has nuclear weapons and may decide to try and take Iran out even if it has to go it alone.

A reporter from the Jerusalem Post said he has heard this too but that there has been no official confirmation from Israeli officials.

The reasoning seems to be that Israel wants to stop Iran's nuclear weapon development plans which it thinks will reach the R&D stage within six to 12 months. The U.S. may not have the military capability to fight Iran, given how stretched it has become in Iraq.

So, we lost more than 2,000 precious U.S. lives to take out a despot who had nothing to do with 9/11 or the war on terror, only to be impotent at taking out what could be a real threat not just to hundreds of millions of Americans but the whole world?

I realize there is a big issue as to whether Iran is 5 to 10 years away from having a viable nuclear weapons program or 6 to 12 months away from entering R&D, but either way, it just shows what a waste this war in Iraq has been.

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    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#1)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Aug 24, 2006 at 02:42:55 PM EST
    I realize there is a big issue as to whether Iran is 5 to 10 years away from having a viable nuclear weapons program or 6 to 12 months away from entering R&D, but either way, it just shows what a waste this war in Iraq has been. I believe "waste" is not accurate. "Waste" makes the sense that it was worth nothing. This is worse than a waste. This is a catastrophe. It has made us more hated, more vulnerable, and left us in a worse position where we have few friends, more enemies, and a weakened army. That is not a waste, that is a high crime and misdemeanor. That is not a waste, that should be one count in the People vs. George Bush.

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#2)
    by Gabriel Malor on Thu Aug 24, 2006 at 02:53:34 PM EST
    The U.S. may not have the military capability to fight Iran, given how stretched it has become in Iraq.
    One must recognize that Israel would fight with Iran in an entirely different manner than our intervention in Iraq. 1. Israel would not invade. (There are many reasons for this, but the most important are that Israel does not have the force projection capability to reach Iran; nor does Israel have the troops to subdue a country three times (geographically and demographically) the size of Iraq.) 2. Israel will have only limited--likely no--air strike capability. (Iran is too far away even were Israel to violate the airspace of Syria, Jordan, or Iraq.) 3. Israel's intervention, should it occur--which I doubt--will be almost entirely through missle attack. (Using missles solves the distance problems. Also, Israel possesses at least three--and probably more given reports that Israel has been buying--missle subs, allegedly armed with nuclear weapons.) Missle attack, targetted at nuclear facilties (or suspected facilities) and at Iranian leadership would end the reason for the crisis. Why do I bring it up? Well, TL writes as if Israel would have the ability to conduct a war against Iran in the manner of the US war against Iraq; that is, bomb, invade, and subdue. That is just not the case. What's more, claims that the US would be capable of such a feat--if only we hadn't gone to Iraq!--are also questionable. The strategic difficulties of invading Iran are far beyond those of Iraq. As much as leftists (yes, leftists) like to say that "Dear Leader" has his sights set on Iran, intervention in Iran could never take place in the mold of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. Such a belief belies wishful thinking--one more way to poo-poo the seriousness of the situation.

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#3)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Aug 24, 2006 at 02:55:55 PM EST
    The reasoning seems to be that Israel wants to stop Iran's nuclear weapon development plans which it thinks will reach the R&D stage within six to 12 months. I'm not sure what this means. In most technical endeavors, the R&D phase is the first part, so it's not dependent on anything to begin. To say that they will reach it in 6 to 12 months doesn't seem to make any sense.

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#4)
    by Andreas on Thu Aug 24, 2006 at 03:13:01 PM EST
    While Israel (a state created and maintained by terror) has nuclear weapons Iran has none. If there is a "real threat not just to hundreds of millions of Americans but the whole world" then it is the regime in the United States of America. The establishment in the US (supported by Zionist state terrorists) is preparing the nuclear anihilation of tens of millions of people in Iran. That Talkleft now has joined the war propaganda is of political significance. That we can read articles here about "taking out" Iran by using nuclear weapons should be taken serious. The WSWS writes today:
    The thinking of the most hawkish elements of the Bush administration was outlined by Michael Ledeen from the right-wing American Enterprise Institute. In an article on August 14, he berated the critics of the invasions of Iraq and Lebanon for "a failure of strategic vision" and declared that a broader regional campaign against Iran and Syria was required. "Israel cannot destroy Hezbollah by fighting in Lebanon alone, just as we cannot provide Iraq and Afghanistan with decent security by fighting only there. The destruction of Hezbollah requires regime change in Damascus. Security in Iraq and Afghanistan requires regime change in Damascus and Tehran. Lebanon, Gaza, Iraq and Afghanistan are not separate conflicts. They are battlefields in a regional war," Ledeen declared. Ledeen's remarks graphically set out the logic of unending military aggression that is inherent in the US doctrine of "preventative war" and plans for hegemony throughout the Middle East.
    US administration rejects Iran's offer of "serious negotiations" By Peter Symonds 24 August 2006

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#5)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Aug 24, 2006 at 03:28:50 PM EST
    Thank you, Andreas. And ANY invasion of Iran would be catastrophic for Western long-term goals, and rightly so. Funny, but SOME people can fight back; Iran being one of them. If the U.S. or Israel picks that sort of fight, then all bets are off. I would imagine that Americans should begin to inure themselves to lots more domestic terrorist incidents. But, perhaps that is precisely the point of all this jingoistic hoohah: self-fulfilling prophesies. Yes, let's attack Iran so that we can all say - once Iran fights back - "See, told you they were a bunch of freedom-hating terrorists!" Le plus ca change ...

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#6)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Aug 24, 2006 at 04:08:09 PM EST
    Why should not Iran have nuclear weapons like Israel? It is a matter of national sovereignty to develop whatever weapons a country feels that it needs subject to international restrictions like the NPT. Even under that treaty, which Israel has refused to sign, Iran has the power to withdraw from it. Who has been the more aggressive nation in the Mideast, Israel or Iran? TL's Zionist perspective is showing here.

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#7)
    by Sailor on Thu Aug 24, 2006 at 04:17:51 PM EST
    One must recognize that Israel would fight with Iran in an entirely different manner than our intervention in Iraq.
    Can you say nukes? Can you say nuclear winter? Can you say global conflagration? Sheesh, the warmongers don't have a clue.

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#8)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Aug 24, 2006 at 04:26:12 PM EST
    Sailor says: "Can you say nukes? Can you say nuclear winter? Can you say global conflagration? Sheesh, the warmongers don't have a clue." Hmm. Perhaps Sailor can explain how Israel should deal with a nation which has stated that one of its policy goals is to wipe Israel off the map? What's the compromise position in this case? What do you think Israel should do, Sailor? Wait for Iran to get nukes and see what happens? MAD isn't going to cut it with Iran - the people running the government are looking to start an apocalypse, as they seem to think it will hasten the return of the "hidden Imam". The population of Iran probably isn't signed up for that vision, but their view is as irrelevant in Iran as the view of a Soviet citizen was circa 1937.

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#9)
    by soccerdad on Thu Aug 24, 2006 at 04:28:08 PM EST
    This idea strikes me as empty war mongering meant more to bring the idea of war with Iran into the open and get the American people used to the idea. I think that the US will attack Iran because the neocons will see it as the only way to save their entire operation in the ME. If it indeed happens, look for the US to do to Iraq what the Israelis did to Lebanon only the death toll will be much worse. Israel might attack Lebanon again.

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#10)
    by Steven Sanderson on Thu Aug 24, 2006 at 04:41:27 PM EST
    I'm just tuning into today's news, and Wolf Blitzer on CNN reported that Israel has nuclear weapons and may decide to try and take Iran out even if it has to go it alone.
    It's most likely a set up. If Israel starts a war with Iran you can bet your bottom dollar that Bushco will immediately jump into the fray to "protect" Israel and that our AIPAC-influenced Congresscritters will pledge America's unflinching support of the cause. We sure know how to alienate friends and create new enemies.

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#11)
    by Sumner on Thu Aug 24, 2006 at 05:22:11 PM EST
    Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, vowed that "he" wouldn't bow to U.N. demands to curtail Iran's nuclear effort. Wednesday's "serious negotiations" pledged on behalf of Iran's nuclear program have produced the results that can be read in the last paragraph of United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan's Daily Noon Briefing. Note, that paragraph will expire and be overwritten tomorrow at noon, New York time, and will probably be retrievable by this link

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#12)
    by John Mann on Thu Aug 24, 2006 at 05:23:15 PM EST
    25 years ago, Israel bombed an Iraqi nuclear facility in a "preemptive strike". Why in the world would anyone believe they won't do the same thing to Iran?
    Israel's preemptive strike against Iraq was heartily condemned in Washington and by the United Nations, although privately most governments, even in the Middle East, were pleased to see the setback to Saddam Hussein's ambition. In 1991, Maj. Gen. David Ivry, commander of the Israeli Air Force at the time of the raid, received a framed satellite reconnaissance photo of the destroyed reactor. The photo was inscribed: "With thanks and appreciation for the outstanding job you did on the Iraqi nuclear program in 1981, which made our job much easier in Desert Storm!" The photo was signed by Dick Cheney, then-U.S. Defense Secretary and later Vice President.
    Full Story

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#13)
    by Gabriel Malor on Thu Aug 24, 2006 at 05:42:52 PM EST
    John, see here:
    To hit Osirak in 1981, Israel's bombers flew in low over Saudi Arabia. In a study published late last year by the U.S. Army War College, Brom suggests that a strike against Iran's facilities could arrive by way of the Indian Ocean--roughly twice the operational radius of Israel's newest strike aircraft under optimal flying conditions. But Israel's fleet of specialized planes for in-flight refueling--five aging KC-130H tankers--doesn't have the capacity to get all those aircraft there and back again. The only way to manage it would be with a covert stopover midway--it's anybody's guess where.

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#14)
    by jondee on Thu Aug 24, 2006 at 05:54:58 PM EST
    Gee, is there any form of inflammatory rhetoric and sabre rattling that we havn't used yet that might goad Iran into developing a nuclear weapons program even faster? These stuck-the-Dark Ages types just aren't getting it. Real civilised nations know how to command the moral high ground and spare no expense developing arsenals capable of irradiating two thirds of the planet. Apparently these stuck-in-The Dark Ages types need a little more friendly persuasion before they to decide to evolve to the next level.

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#15)
    by jimakaPPJ on Thu Aug 24, 2006 at 06:01:08 PM EST
    only to be impotent at taking out what could be a real threat not just to hundreds of millions of Americans but the whole world?
    First, we would not invade Iran on a "take and hold plan." What we would do is destroy a lot of infrastructure in one or two days of air ops. Purpose? Delay and interupt Iran's nuclear program. Remember you don't have to get it all. 50% would be great. But, if you want to argue that the rest of the world is threatened, then the rest of the world can send troops. England, Austlia and Italy "might." Certainly none from the countries now under heavy influence from the moslem world. John Mann - I hope it had a very nice frame. Gabriel - Here again it isn't necessary to get it 100%, just slow'em way down, so it wouldn't be necessary for a maximum effort strike. Plus, if you can refuel them enough to make the attack, they could land in Iraq for refueling, or ejecting over water for US pickup if they need to just dump the planes. Remember "30 Seconds Over Tokyo."

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#16)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Aug 24, 2006 at 06:32:36 PM EST
    joindee-the after look on paper especially aerially looks very flat and cleen - free of topodong missles that can now reech alaska thretening our eskeehomos and free of everything else except dirt and ashes.

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#17)
    by soccerdad on Thu Aug 24, 2006 at 06:54:56 PM EST
    First, we would not invade Iran on a "take and hold plan." What we would do is destroy a lot of infrastructure in one or two days of air ops.
    Any attack on Iran will look like the Israeli attack on Lebanon. Thats the model. Inherent in the approach is the misguided thinking that shock and awe will convince the people to abandon their leaders when in fact it will have the direct opposite effect. There is no way they would just attack Iran and leave any conventional forces intact. Any attack on Iran is likely to be massive and include low yield bunker busters. Simply put this will be like throwing gasoline on a fire. The troops in Iraq will be put at severe risk since the Shias will turn on the US in a big way. That is why I predict a massive increase in force by the US in Iraq. The neocon's backs are against the wall. The stink of failure is everywhere, they will go for broke and bury the ME in a major holocost. The lunatic fringe of the right wing punitry is already "softening" up the people for what is to come.

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#18)
    by Edger on Thu Aug 24, 2006 at 07:01:07 PM EST
    Payvand's Iran News ...
    What is the response of Iran to the U.S. or Israelis threat?
    By Hussein Sharifi

    "We have our sensors in place in the U.S., Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel, and most Arab countries. We know ahead of the time when they are coming, and since Mr. Bush has given American democracy along with the preemptive strike as the right of everybody in the world, we are going to use it and use it effectively. We are present in most of the military briefings of the U.S. in Afghanistan and Iraq. As soon as we see that it is imminent we hit them and hit them hard... Whether the U.S. or Israel attacks us, we will consider it as Israeli attack since we know how much power they have over the U.S. political and decision-making system." If the attack happens, that will trigger the nuclear efforts of Iran. We will definitely go underground and speed up nuclear weapon production, since there will be no choice except to have them and have them soon. Right now we do not need nuclear weapons which are a liability rather than an asset, because we do not have hostile enemy which we cannot smash when we want to. The country has been able to stand on its feet for the last 2,500 years and will do so in the future. Look at the last war we had with Iraq, which by the way, was shortest war we had during the last 200 years.">

    Hussein Sharifi is a retired military officer who served in Iranian Imperial Army and Islamic republic army and now resides in the United States.

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#19)
    by Dadler on Thu Aug 24, 2006 at 07:07:12 PM EST
    Does anyone here, on the right I'm primarily asking, support a fully independent and free and sovereign Native American nation? WITH a military? Would you be willing to kick white Americans off their land to make way for this Indian America? Or is the statute of limitations on genocide too short? We had our own holocaust in this nation -- two, in fact. Native American genocide and Slavery. And just what has been done in terms of restitution for those crimes, compared to Israel's founding as restitution for the Nazi holocaust? It's very curious to me how people can talk about the Israeli/Palestinian conflict without the slightest hint that our own Palestinians have been wasting away, neglected, their land and money stolen, every treaty broken since "manifest destiny" began destroying the destinies of so many so long ago.

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#20)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Aug 24, 2006 at 07:10:56 PM EST
    Dear Mr. Shareefer- Please be advsied that you will be interned 30 miles north of billings montana within minutes of any attack on Iran. You can repot volutarily or we'll arrnge to pick you up a drop you off, hard. Sure yor country has been able to stand on its feet (bare) for 2500 years and it not too hard to do when their anchored in all that sand. Don't threten us with your spitball retoric.

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#21)
    by roger on Thu Aug 24, 2006 at 07:12:26 PM EST
    My bet would be that if Israel does it, they will pattern the attack after the raid on the Osirus plant in Iraq. Bomb (or missile) and get out of there. They were condemed for the raid, but no one really seemed to care, in the long run.

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#22)
    by soccerdad on Thu Aug 24, 2006 at 07:14:24 PM EST
    Dadler, And IMO the US is getting ready to commit genocide on a massive scale in the ME. And the wrong wingers believing all the dehumanizing lies that have been told about the Muslims will not lose a minute of sleep when it happens. Those naive people who still believe the american history they were taught in 8th grade will be running around yelling "we are not that kind of country" when the actual history of the US proves otherwise.

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#23)
    by Edger on Thu Aug 24, 2006 at 07:20:14 PM EST
    Don't threten us with your spitball retoric.
    Right. Of Course. What else should we expect. Another mindless attempt at rewriting logic. Very good, luf10ent. 2 + 2 = 3 in your world too?

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#24)
    by Edger on Thu Aug 24, 2006 at 07:24:03 PM EST
    Medical Consequences of a Nuclear Attack on Iran
    From our map we can see that within 48 hours, fallout would cover much of Iran, most of Afghanistan and spread on into Pakistan and India. Fallout from the use of a burrowing weapon such as the B61-11 would be worse than from a surface or airburst weapon, due to the extra radioactive dust and debris ejected from the blast site. In the immediate area of the two attacks, our calculations show that within 48 hours, an estimated 2.6 million people would die.
    Over 1,000,000 people would suffer immediate injuries including thermal and flash burns, radiation sickness, broken limbs, lacerations, blindness, crush injuries, burst eardrums and other traumas. In the wider region, over 10.5 million people would be exposed to significant radiation from fallout (those in the light green to pink zones on the map above), leading to radiation sickness, future excess cancer deaths, genetic abnormalities in future generations, as well as high rates of stillbirths, miscarriages, malignancies and hypothyroidism. Most if not all medical facilities near the two attack sites would be destroyed, or located within the radiation 'hot zone' and thus unusable. Little or no medical care would be available to the injured in the aftermath of an attack, leading to many avoidable deaths.

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#25)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Aug 24, 2006 at 07:29:59 PM EST
    edger:Medical Consequences of a Nuclear Attack on Iran This sounds horible, nitemarish - is that what these bombs do - who the hell designed these things... the devastation sounds as chillng as the world trade center

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#26)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Aug 24, 2006 at 07:45:47 PM EST
    edger-thank you for the advise. I do okay though with multiplication - 2x2=5, 4X4=7 . Same answers as additon becuause it's all arithmetic. multiply the number of world trade towers in Tehran by the mega-tonnage of enriched betty crockeer easy bake uraniem and presto (many trade centers=1 mother lode)

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#27)
    by Edger on Thu Aug 24, 2006 at 08:02:30 PM EST
    Thanks FluffTent. I appreciate someone finally showing up here to give us these enlightening demonstrations of the intellectual capacity of the right. It's always good to know your enemies capabilities. ;-) Night night, now. Watch out for the boogeymen in the closet and under the bed. We'll have to do this again sometime. How does mid November work for you?

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#28)
    by Sailor on Thu Aug 24, 2006 at 08:03:35 PM EST
    Hmm. Perhaps Sailor can explain how Israel should deal with a nation which has stated that one of its policy goals is to wipe Israel off the map?
    So your case is nukes, conflagration and nuclear winter!?

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#29)
    by Al on Thu Aug 24, 2006 at 10:13:22 PM EST
    First, we would not invade Iran on a "take and hold plan." What we would do is destroy a lot of infrastructure in one or two days of air ops. (PPJ)

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#30)
    by Al on Thu Aug 24, 2006 at 11:10:06 PM EST
    So TL blames Bush because his war in Iraq renders us incapable of attacking Iran, a "real danger". One would infer from this that she supports the idea of a preemptive war against Iran. (rogan)
    One would have to be severely logically impaired to infer such a thing, one would.
    this is just another excuse to attack Bush
    Who needs an excuse?
    if he did attack Iran he would be bashed just as much on this site.
    That would be because attacking Iran would be singularly idiotic, even for Bush.

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#31)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Fri Aug 25, 2006 at 03:49:58 AM EST
    Does one honestly think that Iran has not ALREADY placed hundreds of cells within the U.S. in the event the U.S. tries "pre-emption" on Iran!!?? (You know, pretty much what the U.S. has already done in Iran). Please, let's not be so naive. Also, how is attacking Iran NOT terrorism when Iran hasn't attacked anyone? Yet, when Iran attempts to defend itself, in any way possible, those defensive acts are labeled "terrorism"? Hmmmmmmm? "Yes, Alice, I do believe you're understanding it all", said the Queen.

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#32)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Fri Aug 25, 2006 at 03:51:55 AM EST
    Or, in short: we have met the enemy, and it is the U.S.; the master of state-sponsored terrorism.

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#33)
    by Jlvngstn on Fri Aug 25, 2006 at 05:49:31 AM EST
    When Clinton was in office we bombed Iraq on a regular basis to thwart any attempt at reconstituting or rebuilding wmd. I have zero issue with a containment policy against Iran. Europe seems rather united in preventing Iran from enriching uranium and Russia/China would be against a full scale attack but would most likely look the other way for targeted bombing. Unless you were steadfast in your protest of Clinton's policy toward Iraq, I find it hard to believe that strategic bombing in this instance would be completely against the democrats "beliefs" or policies. Too many on the left are confusing the idiotic decision to invade Iraq, a country completely contained through sanctions and targeted bombing with targeted bombings and sanctions against Iran. Ahmadinejad is a whack job and if President Bush was saying that Iran does not have a right to exist there would be outcry so loud distant life would hear us. But since it is just Ahmadinejad in the middle east, we are supposed to ignore it? I had no doubt in the run up to the war with Iraq that the intel was cherry picked and from day one kept saying "where are the wmd". And those of us that thought the admin was full of bunk were right. I have zero confidence that Iran is seeking nuclear development for energy, of course they want a bomb, North Korea taught them that. The problem with Bush's policy is that countries now understand that you NEED nuclear or wmd to defend yourself against the US. We spend more than the entire world combined on defense and a nuke or three in your basement forces the US to go through the UN vis a vis sanctions as opposed to bombing the crap out of you. Iran today, Syria tomorrow, Africa next week and the former soviet union later. Pick a bad guy any bad guy and let the media build your case. I long for a foreign policy that is not based on how to quell a fight in the playground at a middle school....

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#34)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Fri Aug 25, 2006 at 06:55:59 AM EST
    When Clinton was in office we bombed Iraq on a regular basis to thwart any attempt at reconstituting or rebuilding wmd.
    I have real trouble deciding if Bill Clinton or Dubya are the more evil of the two. Clinton committed conscious, cold-blooded genocide with his embargo. Dubya's war, as shocking as it sounds, just brought things to a crises point obvious for all to see. In any event, he's a reflexive, uninteresting personality who's largely unconscious. Clinton, though... That's some real evil for ya. (Well. I guess I already have made my decision.)

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#35)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Fri Aug 25, 2006 at 07:21:39 AM EST
    Clinton committed conscious, cold-blooded genocide with his embargo. ...and conscious, warm-blooded adultry with his mistresses. a fine statesmen if there ever was one - So your case is nukes, conflagration and nuclear winter!? better them then us!

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#36)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Fri Aug 25, 2006 at 07:25:48 AM EST
    ...and conscious, warm-blooded adultry with his mistresses. a fine statesmen if there ever was one -
    Oh, cold blooded genocide is very statesmanlike. I reminded of an old quote from WWI about "old men with beautiful manners..." I can't believe you've compared that and war crimes with having a mistress. You right-wingers really are effed up.

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#37)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Fri Aug 25, 2006 at 07:42:13 AM EST
    I can't believe you've compared that and war crimes with having a mistress. who was comparing - I was just adding to his accomplishements!

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#38)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Fri Aug 25, 2006 at 07:53:49 AM EST
    who was comparing - I was just adding to his accomplishements!

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#39)
    by jondee on Fri Aug 25, 2006 at 07:55:31 AM EST
    Jl - Specifically, what sort of "targetted bombing" of Iran are you thinking of? What ppj described in his, again, antiseptic and marvelous-on-paper "one or two days of air ops on infrastructure"? And, what do you suppose the Iranian and, more specifically, Shia (in Iraq and Iran), responce to this might be? Or, considering the fact that so many in the M.E already believe Israel to be a big prime-mover behind this policy, Hezbollah, Lebanon, and Syria's responce?

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#40)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Fri Aug 25, 2006 at 08:07:09 AM EST
    "targetted bombing" after removing US troops from Iraq, let Iran's winter games begin. I doubt very much that you would see Hezbollah, Shias, Hamas, or the Syrian's, send in their ski teams to slalom down the ash mountains.

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#41)
    by jondee on Fri Aug 25, 2006 at 08:15:24 AM EST
    Btw, Jl do you really consider "Israel should be wiped off the map" (tough to do when they have hundreds of nukes), any "whackier" than Krushev's "we will bury you", or, Bush's Axis-of-Evil, regime-change-in-the M.E sabre-rattling and fear mongering?

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#42)
    by jondee on Fri Aug 25, 2006 at 08:20:48 AM EST
    luf - Kahane calls to you from the grave. Why dont you go join him. Dont let the world hit you in the as* on the way out.

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#43)
    by Sailor on Fri Aug 25, 2006 at 08:26:59 AM EST
    One would infer from this that she supports the idea of a preemptive war against Iran.
    No one I know would infer that.
    When Clinton was in office we bombed Iraq on a regular basis
    please provide links that clinton bombed iraq on a 'regular basis.'

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#44)
    by Sailor on Fri Aug 25, 2006 at 08:27:39 AM EST
    One would infer from this that she supports the idea of a preemptive war against Iran.
    No one I know would infer that.
    When Clinton was in office we bombed Iraq on a regular basis
    please provide links that clinton bombed iraq on a 'regular basis.'
    So your case is nukes, conflagration and nuclear winter!? better them then us!
    nuclear winter is then AND us.

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#45)
    by Edger on Fri Aug 25, 2006 at 09:29:37 AM EST
    Jlvngstn: Ahmadinejad is a whack job and if President Bush was saying that Iran does not have a right to exist there would be outcry so loud distant life would hear us. But since it is just Ahmadinejad in the middle east, we are supposed to ignore it? Ahmadinejad is not the real power in Iran and has the support of only about 35% of the population. Real power in Iran resides with the Mullahs, under Ayatollah Khamenei, Supreme Leader, who did not hesitate to use that power to ensure that whoever is the next president of Iran, it will not be someone who attempts to challenge them. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is Iran's spiritual leader and highest authority. His voice overrides all others in the hierarchy. Ahmadinejad will be very visible but not very powerful in the presidency, which has grown considerably weaker as an institution in the past eight years. With Khamenei rather than Ahmadinejad firmly in control, Iran's domestic and foreign policies are likely to be less extreme than many have predicted. Khamenei will want to avoid triggering US interference in Iran's domestic affairs. He also will want to maintain or expand Iran's economic relations with EU countries and avoid a US-EU united front against Iran. --Mark Gasiorowski, Professor of political science and director of international studies at Louisiana State University
    The country's highest-ranking religious leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, has already warned his protégé that he was "elected to solve the country's social problems, not to go to war with Israel." At the same time, Khamenei upgraded the powers of the Expediency Council, which is charged with oversight over the government. Even the conservative majority in the parliament is making life difficult for Ahmadinejad, forcing him to submit four candidates for the post of oil minister before providing their stamp of approval -- clearly in a reflection of their aversion to turning over control of the country's oil revenues to a loyal follower of Ahmadinejad. There are even rumors floating around in Tehran that Ahmadinejad's days could be numbered, and that pragmatic forces within the regime are preparing for a coup. Apparently, Iran's political elite wants to prevent this president from turning the country into even more of a pariah on the international stage. DER SPIEGEL, December 19/05 The problem with Bush's policy is that countries now understand that you NEED nuclear or wmd to defend yourself against the US. We spend more than the entire world combined on defense and a nuke or three in your basement forces the US to go through the UN vis a vis sanctions as opposed to bombing the crap out of you. Exactly. I long for a foreign policy that is not based on how to quell a fight in the playground at a middle school... Me too. But this kind of Foreign Policy has been practiced by the US and Britain for nealy 100 years, and is the cause of most of the problems in the ME now. The people running bush and bushco are also whack jobs. As much if not more so than Ahmadinejad. Every "problem" these guys creat and go to "war" against just gets bigger and bigger and bigger. Which is exactly what they want to happen, unfortunately...

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#46)
    by Jlvngstn on Fri Aug 25, 2006 at 10:05:46 AM EST
    All Things Considered, August 21, 2006 · Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, says that Iran has no intention of stopping its uranium enrichment program, despite a U.N. incentives package to end its nuclear program. Iran's self-imposed deadline to respond to the U.N. offer arrives Tuesday.
    Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, stated on Tuesday that Israel was behind the recent publication of disparaging cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad. Khamenei explained that Israel conspired against the world's Muslim through the cartoons as a result of their frustration over the victory of Hamas. The cartoons are a ''conspiracy by Zionists who were angry because of the victory of Hamas,'' he said, according to the AP.
    Without getting into a long protracted argument over whether or not Ahmadinejad has the blessing of the Ayatollah, suffice it to say he ain't right either.

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#47)
    by Jlvngstn on Fri Aug 25, 2006 at 10:11:51 AM EST
    Sailor, please do your own research. Start here. Between 1999 and 2001, the U.S. and British-led air forces in Iraq dropped 1.3 million pounds of bombs in response to purported violations of the no-fly zones and anti-aircraft fire from Saddam Hussein.

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#48)
    by Jlvngstn on Fri Aug 25, 2006 at 10:12:40 AM EST
    Clinton and British Prime Minister Tony Blair authorized air strikes on more than 100 days in 1999, sometimes several times per day. The bombings were ostensibly in response to Hussein's refusal to allow UN weapons inspectors into the country, though critics alleged the move was aimed at deflecting attention from impeachment. 1999 saw heaviest pre-war bombings In the first three months of 1999, U.S. led-forces bombarded Iraq with 241,000 pounds of bombs--just shy of the 253,000 pounds dropped under President Bush in the eight months leading up to the final UN resolution before the war. By August of 1999, American and British pilots had fired more than 1,100 missiles against 359 targets--that year alone.

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#49)
    by Edger on Fri Aug 25, 2006 at 10:13:16 AM EST
    Jlvngstn, I agree with you on that. We have two complete wackos in two countries, the US and Iran, who both have the support of about 35% of their respective populations (the dumbest and least educated) pushing us towards cataclysm.

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#50)
    by Jlvngstn on Fri Aug 25, 2006 at 10:15:34 AM EST
    No disagreement from me on that Edger...I just do not want Iran to have a nuclear weapon. they fire one at Israel, we fire one at them, and then China and Russia are in a real quandry as to how hard to hit US.

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#51)
    by Edger on Fri Aug 25, 2006 at 10:20:52 AM EST
    I don't really care if Iran has nuclear weapons any more than I care if the US has nuclear weapons. I would rather not see either Ahmadinejad or bush with their wacko fingers on the buttons, however.

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#52)
    by jondee on Fri Aug 25, 2006 at 10:31:05 AM EST
    Jl - The editor of the Danish paper is known to be on very friendly terms with Perle. Do really think, considering the timing and context, that it was serendipitous that they decided to run those cartoons? Or, that they had no idea what the reaction might be?

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#53)
    by Sailor on Fri Aug 25, 2006 at 10:32:33 AM EST
    he was in office 8 years, bombing in the last 2 does not constitute 'regularly bombed.' And once again, please provide links, not quotes.

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#54)
    by Sailor on Fri Aug 25, 2006 at 10:43:14 AM EST
    and it's not me not doing my homework, I merely asked you for proof of an allegation, and you couldn't provide it.

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#55)
    by Edger on Fri Aug 25, 2006 at 10:44:52 AM EST
    As far as Iran developing nuclear weapons is concerned - Uranium enrichment centrifuges and nuclear reactors can be used to produce slow reactions to generate electricity, and fast reactions to generate explosions. We all know this. Fire can be used to cook and keep warm with, and it can be used to burn, kill, and destroy. Shall we go after everyone who wants to use fire, because they may attack you back if you attack them? This is turning into the stupidest argument in the history of man. Anyone attacked will use any methods available to fight back. Every country on this planet will eventually acquire nuclear technology just as all of them at one time or another in the past acquired fire. There is no way to stop this eventual development, short of stifling and blocking scientific and technological progress, nor would anyone who isn't living their life quivering in fear of life want to. That has been tried in the past. One of the results was the dark ages. Every country on the planet will eventually acquire nuclear technology: perhaps at that point no country will risk attacking another, though there will always be psychotic nutjobs who want war no matter the cost, and want to retain enough power to lurch around the world like a nazi monster with hate and fear in their hearts, taking, at gunpoint, with no regard for anyone else - which has been the basis of US foreign policy in the Middle East, and everwhere else except where countries have grown strong enough to deter them. Russia and China for example. This is the real reason for wanting to attack Iran - to keep them weak enough to be able to continue the foreign policy of greed that has been pursued by successive US administrations for nearly a century. Every other reason advanced by those who want to attack Iran now is smokescreen. The cowards are too insecure and full of hatred to be able to work with the rest of the world. They think that for them to gain, someone else must lose. They have such limited imagination and confidence that they can see no other way. Did they really think the bill would never show up in the mailbox? Apparently so... The people who want to attack Iran want to do so because they are terrified that unless they do so now Iran will grow strong enough to fight back.

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#56)
    by jondee on Fri Aug 25, 2006 at 10:49:34 AM EST
    Correction: Daniel Pipes, not Richard Perle.

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#57)
    by Jlvngstn on Fri Aug 25, 2006 at 10:51:35 AM EST
    3 years of bombing and that is your response? Tell me, where did you stand on those bombings? 3 years of bombing does classify as "Regular" unless you can give me another definition. Cannot prove what? Define regular? If you do not know what Clinton and his admin did, how can you argue against this administration? No offense, but that is the kind of ignorance/hypocrisy that the right successfully uses against the left. Jondee, Khamenei is a whack job also. No different than Pat Robertson in my book. Strategic bombing of suspected facilities, I supported under Clinton. I have no issue with supporting a similar program under Bush. We never had to go to war with Iraq because they were contained, i would argue that we should take the same tact with Iran. The greatest thing about Clinton is that he did not brag or take joy in the bombings which cannot be said for this admin. which of course results in more negative exposure which translates into more hatred against us.

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#58)
    by Jlvngstn on Fri Aug 25, 2006 at 10:54:26 AM EST
    Tis okay, I figured Perle was a mistype. The question is not who it would piss off, but whether or not in a free country you can publish it. We cannot be against decency laws for fear of a sliding bar and at the same time question the motives under publishing that extremists would consider indecent.

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#59)
    by Jlvngstn on Fri Aug 25, 2006 at 10:57:12 AM EST
    If the Iranians can figure out a way to build a weapon of fire that can exact the effects of a nuclear weapon, than I think we should prevent them from getting those weapons. Where were you when Clinton was bombing Iraq on a regular basis for containment purposes?

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#60)
    by jondee on Fri Aug 25, 2006 at 11:04:40 AM EST
    Jl - "The question" also is, was it calculated and to what purpose? Or, do you consider that angle completely irrelevant? I dont consider deliberatly throwing gasoline on the fire of an already close-to-out-of-control situation any less "whacked" than the Iranians rhetoric.

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#61)
    by Edger on Fri Aug 25, 2006 at 11:06:13 AM EST
    I think we need to avoid terms like "the Iranians". Doing so demonizes an entire country for the craziness of a president who has the support of the least educated and dumbest portion of their society, and makes no more sense than trying to claim that bushcos wacko policies and actions are representative of the thinkling and desires of all Americans. The vast majority of the Iranian people, like the vast majority of the American people, are ordinary, reasonable, thinking, and peaceful people, who do not support and want no part of the idiocy of religious fanatic nutjob leaders - like the vast majority of Americans. But also like the vast majority of Americans, they will defend their country to the death if attacked...

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#62)
    by Jlvngstn on Fri Aug 25, 2006 at 11:08:59 AM EST
    I guess i would consider it irrelevant. In a free society, almost every provocative act be it cartoon or advertisement or whatever comes with some known drawbacks. I would not disagree that it was provocative but who cares? I don't want muslim extremists controlling the press any more than the religious right and Muhammad can kiss my arse. Is that provocative? Should i be scared that some extremist is going to kill me? David Koresh could have been Jesus had he been born 2000 years ago, after all he had hundreds of believers, christ had 12. Provocative to some, fact to others.

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#63)
    by Jlvngstn on Fri Aug 25, 2006 at 11:09:48 AM EST
    this is 1998, could this be considered regular? US & British Planes have been striking Iraq almost daily since December 1998 Since January, the US and UK have conducted more than 200 air strikes against Iraq. At least 55 people have been killed, and more than 160 people wounded. On February 25, 17 people were killed and 100 wounded when a missile exploded in a residential complex. On May 12, 12 people were killed by US and British warplanes in northern Iraq. What's going on? According to the UN Secretary General's report of February 1999, $500 million in humanitarian aid couldn't be funded because of lack of oil revenues ... 1/4 of the infants and children remain malnourished.... And, on Feb. 28, the US bombed two communication centers for a major oil pipeline, thus jeopardizing half of Iraq's oil revenues! On March 17, The Arab League asked "for an immediate halt to all military activities against Iraq which are only worsening the situation and threatening the security and stability of the region." News on attacks, and relevant information May 25 -- US warplanes acting in bombed a communication site and destroyed several civil installations in the "no-fly" zone over northern Iraq (Source: AFP) May 23 -- Two Iraqis were injured in attacks by US and British warplanes on civilian installations and anti-aircraft defenses in northern Iraq (Source: AFP) May 15 -- US warplanes bombed sites in nothern Iraq (Source: Reuters) (May 12 - 18: 15,000 Turkish troops invaded 20 km (12 miles) into northern Iraq "to prevent Kurdish rebel forces assembling in the region." Source: Reuters, May 18) May 12 -- U.S. and British warplanes killed 12 civilians and destroyed livestock in a raid on northern Iraq (in the province of Ninevah). A number of others were injured. The attack also killed 200 sheep. The Nineveh governor Mohammed Abdel-Qader said that US and British planes attacked the shepherds twice, the second time striking farmers who were trying to help the injured. (Source: AP & AFP). On May 14, Russia accused the US and Britain of intentionally targeting warehouses used to distribute humanitarian aid and killed 12 people. "The list of victims among peaceful citizens is growing, and we witness the systematic destruction of Iraq's economic potential and infrastructure," the statement said. (Source: AP) May 11 -- US fighter jets bombed 'Iraqi radar sites' in northern Iraq. (Source: AFP) May 10 -- US warplanes bombed 'Iraqi air defences' in northern Iraq (Source: AFP) May 9 -- US bombing in southern Iraq -- 4 people killed, 5 wounded . US & British war planes bombarded a private house near in the southern province of Basra, killing three people and wounding three others. A fourth Iraqi was killed and two others wounded when US and British planes carried out a separate raid on a civilian site in Basra. (Source: AFP) May 8 -- U.S. warplanes based in southern Turkey fired 18 times on civilian and military positions in northern Iraq. Three Iraqis were killed and two others were wounded (Source: Reuters & AFP) May 3 -- Iraq said two people were killed and 12 injured in U.S.-British airstrikes against northern Iraq. (Source: CNN) ( May 3rd is the 52nd day of US/British bombing against Iraq, since the December bombing ) May 3 -- US and British warplanes drop Cluster Bombs in southern Iraq. Two shepherds (Abd Nader and Hanan Btair) were critically injured. (Source: Reuters) May 2 -- U.S. warplanes bombed 'Iraqi air defense sites' in northern Iraq (near Mosul). (Source: AP) April 29 -- US aircraft attacked a residential quarter in the northern city of Mosul, injuring 20 people and devastating four houses. U.S. bombs or missiles also hit a television relay station about two km (just over a mile) from the poor al-Wahda residential area bombed on the outskirts of Mosul, 450 km (280 miles) north of Baghdad Nadhim Mahmoud Mansour, a 53-year-old father of seven whose house was one of the four hit in Mosul, said all members of his family had been wounded. ``Why did they bomb the poor? This is a civilian area not a military site,'' Mansour said as he sat in front of his ruined house amidst what remained of his belongings. Shaha Abdullah Fathi, the mother of several children, was operated on for chest and leg wounds after the attack. Another mother, Wasimah Kamal, said her 12-year-old son Ashraf suffered serious face wounds. Another son and two young daughters had gone deaf from the explosion, she said. ``We did three urgent operations on the injured. One of them was a nine-month-old baby,'' said Dr Ahmed Ibrahim Dhanon at the Saddam General Hospital in Mosul. (Source: Reuters) April 21 -- US bombing in northern Iraq April 17 -- US bombing in northern Iraq (near Mosul)-- 4 people killed, 1 wounded April 16 -- U.S. F-16s and British GR-1 fighter-bombers struck two Iraqi air defense sites in southern Iraq (Source: AP) April 12 -- US Navy jets attacked sites in southern Iraq April 10 -- US bombing in southern Iraq -- 2 people killed, 9 wounded (Source: Reuters) ( more than 160 attacks by April 10 in southern Iraq ) April 7 -- Russia renewed its criticism of recent U.S. and British air strikes against Iraq, particularly the bombings of Iraq's main oil exports pipeline. (Source: Reuters) April 5 -- US and British warplanes destroyed an Iraqi oil pipeline control station in the south of the country in the second such attack in three days April 4 -- An Iraqi was wounded and a house destroyed in US and British air raids on military and civilian sites in southern Iraq. April 3 -- US air strikes hit Iraq's main crude oil pumping stations. Iraq said the attack on the station, similar to a February strike on a terminal in northern Iraq, is aimed at crippling already limited oil sales -- Iraq's sole source of income under U.N. economic sanctions. After a lull, oil exports resumed through the terminal. April 2 -- US planes destroyed two homes in southern Iraq in the first US-led airstrikes reported in more than two weeks. Two people were wounded in the attacks. Note: There was a 'lull' in bombing attacks against Iraq from March 16 to April 2. Previously, the US had been bombing Iraq almost daily March 1 -- US-British bombing in northern Iraq on Monday killed one person and injured nine among the local population.Two raids were carried out against a residential complex belonging to the northern (Iraqi) oil company. In one of the heaviest raids on Iraq in two months, U.S. jets Monday dropped more than 30 2,000-pound and 500-pound laser-guided bombs (over a 60 minute period) on radio relay sites, communications targets and air defense guns in northern Iraq (source: the Pentagon). Feb. 28 --Three Iraqis were killed, including a child, and several others were injured Sunday in US air raids on farming villages in the northern no-fly zone in the Ninevah province. U.S. strikes also hit the power station and communications center for a major pipeline about 25 miles from Mosul, cutting off the flow of Iraqi oil to Turkey. Officials have said 56 percent of Iraq's oil exports flow through the pipeline. The oil export is used by Iraq to pay for food and medicine for civilians under an agreement with the United Nations. The export pipeline from northern Iraq to Turkey has been shut down since Sunday afternoon, costing Baghdad $16 million a day, based on a price of $12.99 million a barrel. (source: Australian Broadcasting Corporation, March 3). Iraq Says U.S. Bombs Disrupted Oil Flow 1 March 1999, the Washington Post "Given the depressed price of oil and the state of Iraq's oil industry, there's currently a $900 million gap between the revenue expected and what's needed to fund the humanitarian program," said Benon Sevan, the executive director of the U.N. oil-for-food program. Benon Sevan, executive director of the Office of the Iraq Program, briefs the Security Council on the impact of the consequent interruption of the oil flow. 3 March 1999 Feb. 27 - American F-14, F-15, F-18 planes implemented 28 sorties against civilian and military targets. It was the first time, since mid-December, that American planes attacked civilian targets on the outskirts of Baghdad. 23 people were injured. Feb. 25 - The bloodiest incident thus far occurred on January 25, when an American AGM-130 missile exploded in a Basra housing complex. A total of 17 people died that day and almost 100 were wounded. Most of the victims were children. Did the U.S. Intentionally Bomb Civilians in Basra, Iraq? Feb. 26, 1999 article by the International Action Center NPR: Targetting Civilians January 25, 1999 letter to NPR, by Ali Abunimah. (link to ali abunimah's bitter pill -- uncovering media myths about the middle east) Stray Missiles and Words March 8, 1999 letter to NPR, by Ali Abunimah.

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#64)
    by jondee on Fri Aug 25, 2006 at 11:13:20 AM EST
    One statement strongly implies that followers of Muhammed are only interested in killing and destruction (and what is the only solution to people like that ?), and the other statement says Israel should be wiped off the map. But the first is simply a freedom of speech issue.

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#65)
    by Jlvngstn on Fri Aug 25, 2006 at 11:15:54 AM EST
    One is in a cartoon, the other from the nations leader.

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#66)
    by Sailor on Fri Aug 25, 2006 at 11:22:36 AM EST
    links please. You don't have to provide all the text, I'm perfectly capable of following a link. And those bombings don't seem to be aimed at WMDs. And yes, even the last 3 years is not regularly out of 8. BTW, I've never thought that the bombing was right. It wasn't UN sanctioned and neither was the no fly zone. p.s. I'm not a big fan of clinton. He's Ghandi compared to bush, but that's not saying much.

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#67)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Fri Aug 25, 2006 at 11:27:25 AM EST
    jondee - please, the personal attacks are not necesary - like you I am entitled to my views and I like som of yours - not all, but some. Let's keep our attacks focused on our enemies. Isn't it more prefarble to negotiate from strength rather tha weakness or parity. As Kahane said, "Above all, it is not decency or goodness of gentleness that impresses the Middle East, but strength."

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#68)
    by Jlvngstn on Fri Aug 25, 2006 at 11:33:07 AM EST
    3 years of bombing does not constitute as regular? I would rather argue with a retard, at least i understand the lack of cogent statements.

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#69)
    by jondee on Fri Aug 25, 2006 at 11:34:01 AM EST
    Jl - The Iranians made the mistake of not propagandizing for war in cartoon form.

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#70)
    by jondee on Fri Aug 25, 2006 at 11:40:25 AM EST
    luf - All Kahane knew was Kahane. And those he wanted to intimidate into being like him. Sorry, something about flppantly discussing the incineration of tens-of-thousands and rendering a fairly sizable region in the world uninhabitable, just somehow rubs me the wrong way.

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#71)
    by jondee on Fri Aug 25, 2006 at 11:53:05 AM EST
    Jl - Somehow I doubt that you would consider the Nazi cartoons of the thirties a free speech issue. Is it alright to consciously demonize some but not others?

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#72)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Fri Aug 25, 2006 at 12:00:14 PM EST
    "something about flppantly discussing the incineration of tens-of-thousands and rendering a fairly sizable region in the world uninhabitable, just somehow rubs me the wrong way" couldn't agree with you more Jondee, especially if the "sizable region" stretches from NY to LA. I'm sorry if you were ofended - that was not my intention but I do think we need to negotiate from strenth rather then weakness - and as they say, when (not if) war breaks out in the M.E. you can bet that there WILL BE losers and winners - The prospect of being the loser, rubs me the wrong way - which we will hopefully be in agreemnet.

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#73)
    by Jlvngstn on Fri Aug 25, 2006 at 12:04:23 PM EST
    What are the bounds of decency Jondee? Ahmadenjad would have made a fine cartoonist I am sure. I find blonde jokes offensive, but they are everywhere. Lots of Jesus jokes too. Let it be known that classifying counries as the axis of evil by a government figure is also very irresponsible.

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#74)
    by Edger on Fri Aug 25, 2006 at 12:25:56 PM EST
    If war breaks out across the Middle East, particularly between Iran and Israel or the U.S., you can bet that all of us WILL BE losers and THERE WILL BE NO winners. Just as the attack on Iraq has produced.

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#75)
    by Jlvngstn on Fri Aug 25, 2006 at 12:59:51 PM EST
    Sure, but again, for nearly half of Bill's presidency we bombed iraq strategically. It was Bush that took us to war with an incapacitated leader. I am just curious as to the double standard. I guess an argument can be made that Bill didn't take us into a land war and since there was no bravado texas crap when he was doing it that we trusted him more with strategic strikes....

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#76)
    by Al on Fri Aug 25, 2006 at 01:07:51 PM EST
    couldn't agree with you more Jondee, especially if the "sizable region" stretches from NY to LA. (luf10ent)
    What a silly statement. Perhaps you could tell us how Iran is going to deliver a nuclear weapon that destroys a region stretching from NY to LA. Probably the same way that Iraq was going to do it.

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#77)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Fri Aug 25, 2006 at 01:46:26 PM EST
    What I find missing from this discussion, this being a law-oriented site, is any mention of the legal basis for attacking Iran. Doesn't anyone remember that aggressive war is supposed to be the ultimate war crime? That Clinton and Bush have already committed that crime is beside the point.

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#78)
    by jondee on Fri Aug 25, 2006 at 01:49:45 PM EST
    Jl - Apparently knowledge of the history of wartime propagandizing with the intent of dehumanizing the enemy in the eyes of the public, is something that you missed. Of no more moral consequence than a blonde joke that ruffles some peoples feathers. Innocent bystander, that irreverent barrel of laughs Pipes, has made no secret about his belief that nothing short of all-out-war (i.e., "regime change"), with it's inevitable consequence of tens-of-thousands more dead and maimed, is the only way to "secure the realm" in the M.E. Yet rather than condemning him and his friend the Danish cultural editer for being Goebbels in-potentia, you sound like you're ready to bestow on them the daringly-irreverent-journalist-of-the year-award. Of course there was no intent to portray a billion Muslims as bloodthirsty, (and eminantly expendable) savages. And even if there was, freedom of expression has a much higher moral value. Just as it did in thirtes Germany.

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#79)
    by jondee on Fri Aug 25, 2006 at 01:52:15 PM EST
    Blonde jokes.

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#80)
    by Edger on Fri Aug 25, 2006 at 02:13:38 PM EST
    Speaking of jokes: Did you hear about the tap dancer who broke his ankle when he fell in the sink? :-(

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#81)
    by Edger on Fri Aug 25, 2006 at 02:48:15 PM EST
    From The Young Turks via HuffPo: The NeoClowns Are at it Again:
    Anyone who backs this war drive will look back and regret it forever. Anyone who still wants to get in the car these neoclowns are driving is going to be eternally embarrassed. You're going to think - what was I thinking? Consider this a preemptive intervention. Get out of the clown car and slowly back away. There is still time for you to pretend you were on to them the whole time.*
    *italics mine

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#82)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Fri Aug 25, 2006 at 03:41:38 PM EST
    AL: What a silly statement. Perhaps you could tell us how Iran is going to deliver a nuclear weapon that destroys a region stretching from NY to LA. Same as Israel would deliver theirs (actaully ours, we paid and provided them) on Teheran. Let's see Iran's through perhap's China, Russia, No. Korea, etc etc etc. Another silly statement: "Peace in our time," mutterd Neville as he deplaned to the tarmac. Let's close our eyes and imagine the possibilities instead of sticking that which contains our eyes into the sand.

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#83)
    by Edger on Fri Aug 25, 2006 at 03:52:29 PM EST
    Let's close our eyes and imagine the possibilities instead of sticking that which contains our eyes into the sand. Good idea... after all:
    You can't negotiate with these people, you can't try to talk sense to these people. The only way to deal with them is to find them and bring them to justice.
    --George W. Bush

    um, edger, unless I'm mistaken, in this quote, Gdub was speaking of those directly responsible for 9/11. No?

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#85)
    by Edger on Fri Aug 25, 2006 at 04:26:12 PM EST
    ;-) Sarcasm, Sarc... sort of... You're right though. He was speaking of some of those responsible for events leading to 9/11.

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#86)
    by Edger on Fri Aug 25, 2006 at 04:27:39 PM EST
    The only way to deal with them is to find them and bring them to justice.

    Re: CNN Reports Israel Could Fight Iran Alone (none / 0) (#87)
    by jimakaPPJ on Fri Aug 25, 2006 at 06:52:01 PM EST
    SD writes:
    Inherent in the approach is the misguided thinking that shock and awe will convince the people to abandon their leaders
    Uh, we aren't looking for regime change. Just the stoppage of their nuclear program. JL - You ole hawk you.