
AT&T Wiretap Lawyers to Subpoena White House

Raw Story reports there will be a press conference this afternoon at which Bruce Afran and Carl Mayer, lawyers for the class action plaintiffs in the wiretap lawsuit against AT&T and Verizon will announce they are subpoenaing the Bush Administration and Verizon.

Mayer explained that the subpoena seeks to learn "whether the Bush administration has unlawfully targeted journalists, peace activists, libertarians, members of congress or generated an 'enemies list.'"

...The subpoenas come on the heels of two federal court decisions that were seen as blows to the Bush Administration warrantless spying program. Earlier this month, federal judge Anna Diggs Taylor ruled the entire program unconstitutional and illegal; another federal judge in San Francisco rejected the Bush Administration's attempt to dismiss these lawsuits by claiming they breach national security.

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