
Senate Caves In on Border Fence Bill

The Democrats in the Senate fail us once again. After Thursday's approval of the torture - denial of habeas bill, Friday they voted to approve the House bill to build a 700 mile fence across the border.

House Republicans, fearing a voter backlash, had opposed any approach that smacked of amnesty and chose instead to focus on border security in advance of the elections, passing the fence bill earlier this month. With time running out, the Senate acquiesced despite its bipartisan passage of a broader bill in May.

Congress also passed a separate $34.8 billion homeland security spending bill that contained an estimated $21.3 billion for border security, including $1.2 billion for the fence and associated barriers and surveillance systems.

Politics suck. No one has a spine. Everything is about compromise. If the minority party wants any of their bills to advance to a hearing or a vote, they have to capitulate to the party in power on their issues. I learned this first-hand many times, the last time being on a visit to Congress in 2003 to advocate for the Innocence Protection bill. Congressman Sensenbrenner's aide made it clear that if Democrats didn't cave on a bill he wanted -- the Feeney Amendment which would increase federal sentences -- neither the IP bill, nor any bill the Democrats sought to advance, would ever make it to a vote. They controlled the calendar. Congressman Bill Delahunt and Sen. Patrick Leahy's staff confirmed this.

I wondered then and I wonder now, who has the stomach for this? I certainly don't. I'm trained as an advocate, fight to the finish, if you lose, at least you fought the good fight.

Sometimes it's important to stand on principle. The Senate failed to do this on the military commissions bill, and now, on the border fence bill. The Democrats got zilch in return. There was no advantage to their concession, except to appear to their constituents that they, too, are tough on crime and tough on immigration.

The left is simply not represented in Congress. We are still perceived as a liability. Centrism sucks. Values message or no values message, if being a Democrat means caving in on every issue that matters to me, from the death penalty to innocence issues to wiretapping to more mandatory minimum sentences to deporting those who have lived here for decades simply because they don't have proper papers, then what's the difference between the parties? Newsflash: There is none.

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    Re: Senate Caves In on Border Fence Bill (none / 0) (#1)
    by jimakaPPJ on Sat Sep 30, 2006 at 05:20:56 AM EST
    From the post:
    , then what's the difference between the parties? Newsflash: There is none.
    There are huge differences between the two parties. Probably more and better defined than at anytime in our history. What is similar is the tactics used by both sides, although I suspect a partisan can show me examples of why the other is worse. But the fact is that illegal immigration is a problem. A 10 to 12 million people problem. It is depressing the wages of our citizens by giving a ready source of cheap labor, and destroying our schools by placing large numbers of children in the schools whose parents contribute almost nothing in taxes. What we need now is triage. We can argue how to solve the problem after we have stopped the bleeding.

    Re: Senate Caves In on Border Fence Bill (none / 0) (#2)
    by roger on Sat Sep 30, 2006 at 06:53:34 AM EST
    These days, I only bother going to vote because of the local races. I cant wait to leave this country permanently

    Re: Senate Caves In on Border Fence Bill (none / 0) (#6)
    by Che's Lounge on Sat Sep 30, 2006 at 09:26:10 AM EST
    Who will build it? Let me guess. PORKPORKPORK. Useless pork. Inneffective pork. Here piggy, piggy, piggy. S*%& me you pigs.

    Re: Senate Caves In on Border Fence Bill (none / 0) (#3)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Sep 30, 2006 at 09:47:44 AM EST
    Sorry...tree-hugging liberal here, who believes we NEED a border fence...or some kind of electronic surveillance along our borders...ALL of them... If someone who doesn't like us gets a nuke, it's NOT that hard to transport and sneak into t his country, and the results of that are devestating... Besides, don't we already HAVE enough Mexicans in this country? Especially with them not paying taxes, and freely using our roadways and hospitals... I don't begrudge them trying to find a better life, and I think that our country NEEDS them at this point...many of the harsher jobs that our citizens feel themselves to be above doing, are performed (WELL) by these folks...but imagine how much their paying taxes would help the US! Think about 7-20 MILLION people's taxes suddenly being collected... We CAN'T just REMOVE them....I don't think it's either realistic, nor feasible, what other choices are there? Welcome them? Shoot them? Welcome them sounds like the American thing to do! And I agree, the tactics the Dems are using suck almost as bad as the Reps..

    Re: Senate Caves In on Border Fence Bill (none / 0) (#4)
    by kdog on Sat Sep 30, 2006 at 09:47:44 AM EST
    If Senseless-brenner is the one deciding which bills get to the floor...congrees is more fubar than I thought. Some compromise is necessary to have a society we can all live in...but it's just too one sided right now. The right got their fence, got their torture, and got habeus weakened. What the left get?

    Re: Senate Caves In on Border Fence Bill (none / 0) (#5)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Sep 30, 2006 at 09:47:44 AM EST
    Get out now Roger! What are you waiting for? Go to Venezuela, that great bastion of human rights.

    Re: Senate Caves In on Border Fence Bill (none / 0) (#7)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Sep 30, 2006 at 09:47:44 AM EST
    Sad that we sink into a Berlin Wall paradigm. And before I get the "Well, the Berlin wall was built by tyrants to keep people in", remember that keeping people in and keeping them out serves the exactly the same purpose here -- to prevent human beings from seeking freedom and a better life. Let them seek it in their own country? Most do. The overwhelming majority do. But try to think back a few decades, to what it must have been like in Mexico during the cold war, when we felt Mexico was all that kept those Central American commies from domino-theorizing our asses. Imagine living in a country, right next to America, that America helped keep a wretched one-party state for so many years. It was in our interest for SO long to keep Mexico that one-party state, that oppressive state, that anti-democratic state (out of paranoid fear of communism) -- and now we're grumbling because of the aftereffects of our interests being served, and grumbling as if, like the Soviets, we think a wall mentality