
McCain Calls for Independent Investigation of FoleyGate

As the House readies for hearings Thursday in Foleygate, Sen. John McCain has called for an independent investigation.

Chief witness at Thursday's hearing will be former Foley Chief of Staff, Kirk Fordham.

In other news from Foleyville, former Congressional page Jordan Edmund and his lawyer, Stephen Jones, met with members of the U.S. Attorneys' office in OKC for 2 1/2 hours. And Arizona Rep. Jim Kolbe says he warned of the House official in charge of the page program of Foley's e-mails to pages back in 2001.

Update: Arianna says Republicans are whistling past the Foley graveyard.

Indeed, during a panel discussion I was part of on Paula Zahn's show last night, author David "Rush's Brother" Limbaugh tried to make the case that the Foley story actually "could backfire" on Democrats by making them "too cocky" and by causing Christian voters "to realize just how poorly Democrats, secular Democrats, safeguard values issues. They are the party that promotes the radical homosexual agenda. They're the party connected with NAMBLA and the ACLU, which enables NAMBLA, the National Association of Man/Boy Love."

....Mark Foley -- and the GOP's see no buggery, hear no buggery, speak no buggery handling of him -- is one more "sign of how sick the system is." And, this time around, the only way you get change is to vote Democrat.

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