Politics and Legislation
BuzzFlash: Headline Political News
Talkleft: Crime-Related Political and Injustice News
Common Dreams: Breaking News and Views for Progressives
Fast Politics
Media Awareness Project: Drug News Index
Political Wire
U.S. Senate Calendar
House of Representatives Calendar
Thomas: Federal Legislation Server
House of Representatives 2003 Roll Call Votes - 107th Congress
U.S. Senate 2002 Roll Call Votes - 107th Congress
FBI Guidelines for Undercover Operations
DOJ Guidelines for Use of Confidential Informants
DOJ Guidelines for RICO and Terror Investigations
ACLU Analysis of New DOJ Guidelines
All Post-Attack Proposed Legislation
Proposed Money Laundering Regulations
2002 Proposed Sentencing Guideline Amendments
U.S.S.C. Report on Crack and Powder Cocaine Sentences
Text of S. 486, Innocence Protection Act of 2001
Text of S. 191 Federal Death Penalty Abolition Act of 2001
USA Patriot Act: H.R. 3162
All Post-Attack Proposed Legislation
A federal law passed in 1998 banned giving federal aid to students who have been convicted of drug offenses. For low or middle-income students, this misguided provision could mean the end of a college education and all of the advantages it offers. Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) has introduced legislation, H.R. 786, that would fix this glaring inequity. Please urge your representative to support the Frank legislation to restore fairness in student loans.
10 Reasons to Oppose "3 Strikes, You're Out" ..ACLU.Org...
The "3 Strikes" proposals are based on the mistaken belief that focusing on an offender after the crime has been committed, which harsh sentencing schemes do, will lead to a reduction in the crime rate. But if 34 million serious crimes are committed each year in the U.S., and only 3 million result in arrest, something must be done to prevent those crimes from happening in the first place.
National ID Cards: 5 Reasons Why They Should Be Rejected..ACLU.Org...
The creation of a national I.D. card remains a misplaced, superficial "quick fix." It offers only a false sense of security and will not enhance our security – but will pose serious threats to our civil liberties and civil rights. A National ID will not keep us safe or free.
Informational Package on the Innocence Protection Act of 2001
Everything you need to effectively educate and lobby your elected officials about the Innocence Protection Act of 2001...from the Justice Project
Action Alert, Stop Wrongful Executions, Support a National Moratorium!
Before one more execution is carried out, the federal government and each state that imposes capital punishment have an obligation to ensure that the sentence of death will be imposed with justice, fairness and due process. To address this concern, Senator Russ Feingold (D-WI) has introduced the "National Death Penalty Moratorium Act of 2001" (S. 233). This legislation would impose a morotirum on federal executions while creating a National Commission on the Death Penalty to review fairness in the administration of capital punishment.
Federal Moratorium on the Death Penalty Home of Citizens for a Moratorium on the Federal Death Penalty
Federal Grand Jury Reform Report
Read the proposed Grand Juror's Bill of Rights--then contact your elected officials and urge passage!
Civil Liberties in the 107th Congress
ACLU's page of criminal justice and civil liberties bills and action alerts
Stateline - State Crime and Courts News Source
360 Degrees: Perspectives on the U.S. Criminal Justice System
Civil Rights.Org
Terrorism/Counter-Terrorism Resources
Terrorism Research Center
Safe and Free in Times of Crisis: ACLU
Fighting Terrorism, Protecting Liberty....NACDL
Jurist's Page on Terrorism Law and Policy
Candidates on Crime
Ballotwatch - What's on the Ballot?
Track Current Crime Polls
Directory of Political Parties
Democracy Net - Public Interest Election Site From the League of Women Voters
John Edwards
John Kerry
Dennis Kucinich
Wesley Clark
Speakout.Com - Weigh in on Issues
Tips from the A.C.L.U. for Meeting with Your Elected Officials
True Majority
Write Your Representative
Write Your Senator
Mr. Smith E-mails Washington
Political News and Opinion
AlternetBuzzFlash: Headline Political News
Talkleft: Crime-Related Political and Injustice News
Common Dreams: Breaking News and Views for Progressives
Fast Politics
Media Awareness Project: Drug News Index
Political Wire
Federal Legislation
Thomas- Federal Legislation ServerU.S. Senate Calendar
House of Representatives Calendar
Thomas: Federal Legislation Server
House of Representatives 2003 Roll Call Votes - 107th Congress
U.S. Senate 2002 Roll Call Votes - 107th Congress
Legislative Updates
DOJ Procedures for Warrantless Monitoring of ConversationsFBI Guidelines for Undercover Operations
DOJ Guidelines for Use of Confidential Informants
DOJ Guidelines for RICO and Terror Investigations
ACLU Analysis of New DOJ Guidelines
All Post-Attack Proposed Legislation
Proposed Money Laundering Regulations
2002 Proposed Sentencing Guideline Amendments
U.S.S.C. Report on Crack and Powder Cocaine Sentences
Text of S. 486, Innocence Protection Act of 2001
Text of S. 191 Federal Death Penalty Abolition Act of 2001
USA Patriot Act: H.R. 3162
All Post-Attack Proposed Legislation
Action Alerts
Repeal Ban on Federal Financial Aid to Students With Drug Convictions.....ACLU.Org... A federal law passed in 1998 banned giving federal aid to students who have been convicted of drug offenses. For low or middle-income students, this misguided provision could mean the end of a college education and all of the advantages it offers. Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) has introduced legislation, H.R. 786, that would fix this glaring inequity. Please urge your representative to support the Frank legislation to restore fairness in student loans.
10 Reasons to Oppose "3 Strikes, You're Out" ..ACLU.Org...
The "3 Strikes" proposals are based on the mistaken belief that focusing on an offender after the crime has been committed, which harsh sentencing schemes do, will lead to a reduction in the crime rate. But if 34 million serious crimes are committed each year in the U.S., and only 3 million result in arrest, something must be done to prevent those crimes from happening in the first place.
National ID Cards: 5 Reasons Why They Should Be Rejected..ACLU.Org...
The creation of a national I.D. card remains a misplaced, superficial "quick fix." It offers only a false sense of security and will not enhance our security – but will pose serious threats to our civil liberties and civil rights. A National ID will not keep us safe or free.
Informational Package on the Innocence Protection Act of 2001
Everything you need to effectively educate and lobby your elected officials about the Innocence Protection Act of 2001...from the Justice Project
Action Alert, Stop Wrongful Executions, Support a National Moratorium!
Before one more execution is carried out, the federal government and each state that imposes capital punishment have an obligation to ensure that the sentence of death will be imposed with justice, fairness and due process. To address this concern, Senator Russ Feingold (D-WI) has introduced the "National Death Penalty Moratorium Act of 2001" (S. 233). This legislation would impose a morotirum on federal executions while creating a National Commission on the Death Penalty to review fairness in the administration of capital punishment.
Federal Moratorium on the Death Penalty Home of Citizens for a Moratorium on the Federal Death Penalty
Federal Grand Jury Reform Report
Read the proposed Grand Juror's Bill of Rights--then contact your elected officials and urge passage!
Civil Liberties in the 107th Congress
ACLU's page of criminal justice and civil liberties bills and action alerts
State Legislation
Guide to State LegislaturesStateline - State Crime and Courts News Source
Political Sites: Non-Partisan
Political Think TanksPolitical Sites: Progressive
People for the American Way360 Degrees: Perspectives on the U.S. Criminal Justice System
Civil Rights.Org
War on Terrorism Resources
National Security Institute's Counter-Terrorism LinksTerrorism/Counter-Terrorism Resources
Terrorism Research Center
Safe and Free in Times of Crisis: ACLU
Fighting Terrorism, Protecting Liberty....NACDL
Jurist's Page on Terrorism Law and Policy
2004 Dem. Primaries and CaucusesCandidates on Crime
Ballotwatch - What's on the Ballot?
Track Current Crime Polls
Directory of Political Parties
Democracy Net - Public Interest Election Site From the League of Women Voters
Howard DeanJohn Edwards
John Kerry
Dennis Kucinich
Wesley Clark
Weigh In
Act for Change! Working AssetsMoveOn.Org
Speakout.Com - Weigh in on Issues
Tips from the A.C.L.U. for Meeting with Your Elected Officials
True Majority
Write Your Representative
Write Your Senator
Mr. Smith E-mails Washington