
Proseuction Rests in Charles Graner Abuse Trial

Following our morning update, the Government presented the videotaped testimony of Iraqi prisoner Hussein Muttar. More of the same, except that Muttar added that the torture by the Graner gang was worse than the torture administered by Saddam Hussein.

The prosecution has rested. The defense begins presenting its case tomorrow, presumably including Graner's testimony.

Graner, meanwhile, is still yukking it up outside of court. Here's a photo of Graner and his parents leaving Court during a recess today.

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  • Dylan Thomas, said, "Good men,the last wave by,crying how bright their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay.
    Well that is how I look on this madness, if our non government wanted to do more evil and make more enemies it could not have done more, maybe Bin Laden and Bush Rat got together and planed this outrage. and for the government rats, how about this we get together and put all of the so and so's into some u.s. prison system for one week, and let the prisoners have some fun with our non leaders, Yes we would hear some real good stories of real pain from our great men. And you, my father, there on the sad height, yell help me! hey bush take it like a ?

    I can't wait to hear Guy Womack's defense. Wonder if he'll call any cheerleaders in to testify.

    Re: Proseuction Rests in Charles Graner Abuse Tria (none / 0) (#3)
    by Darryl Pearce on Tue Jan 11, 2005 at 09:30:06 PM EST
    The "aw, craps" keep piling on and the "attaboys" are getting hard to find.

    Mr. Graner seems to be enjoying the memories almost as much as he seemed to be enjoying the candid-camera moments at Abu Ghraib. This is not the picture of a well man, and it does not reflect well on the uniform he wears.

    Mr Darby who is the one who turned over the photos that brought this scandal to light reflects well on the uniform and humanity in general and is still in hiding due to death threats.

    Perfect, Darby the traiterous scum in hiding, and Graner out in public laughing. Sounds like the world is starting to get some perspective.

    Dagma - only to brain-dead immoral pond scum such as yourself

    Thats it, hide in anonymity, while you speak, coward!

    Re: Proseuction Rests in Charles Graner Abuse Tria (none / 0) (#9)
    by soccerdad on Wed Jan 12, 2005 at 05:40:33 AM EST
    It was me, you crap-for-brains. Damn browser won't remember the info. At least you didn't deny the characterization. You are a perfect example of why this country is in so much trouble and will continue to decline as long as your ilk are still in charge.

    Dagma - Are you just yanking chains for fun or would you care to elaborate with an explanation of your opinion?
    Darby the traiterous scum in hiding, Graner out in public laughing. Sounds like the world is starting to get some perspective.
    Could you finish the sentence "The perspective the world is getting which I agree with is..." Call it a blog sobriety test to see if you can logically put two sentences together to reach a reasoned conclusion...

    Dagma is just being their usual trollish self. Dagma has no principle to stand on (other than GOP right or wrong), and like so many of the Hannity/Limbaugh/Savage type, has nothing to contribute but a sad invective, due to their inability to admit that someone on "their" side of an issue did something wrong. Only Dagma would feel that standing up for the RULE OF LAW as Darby did is a traitorous act against the "Dear Leader". Dagma, if you truly want to live in a society where it is illegal to question authority or hold your govt. accountable, there are any number of third world nations where I'm sure you would be welcome.

    Dagma, if you truly want to live in a society where it is illegal to question authority or hold your govt. accountable, there are any number of third world nations where I'm sure you would be welcome. Good point. Didn't we claim that we invaded Iraq to depose that kind of barbarity? (well, after the WMD was shown to be a ruse anyway).

    Ernesto, You mean the search for WMD's that ended just before the Holiday season w/out finding any wmd's? I'm sure I must have missed the Bushevik press conference annoucing the failure to find any WMD's. I can't imagine why I wouldn't have any memory of it. Wait, it looks like all the press missed it too.

    Re: Proseuction Rests in Charles Graner Abuse Tria (none / 0) (#14)
    by Sailor on Wed Jan 12, 2005 at 10:39:26 AM EST
    No he doesn't mean the AP story covering the White Houses "announcement" during a press conference. Good news, Ernesto, however. This particular press conference contains the WMD Announcement, which is short enough to be posted as follows:
    White House press secretary Scott McClellan said there no longer is an active search for weapons. ''There may be a couple, a few people, that are focused on that'' but that it has largely concluded, he said. ''If they have any reports of (weapons of mass destruction) obviously they'll continue to follow up on those reports,'' McClellan said. ''A lot of their mission is focused elsewhere now.''
    Quite expansive, don't you think??

    LoL (sarcastically) No wonder you missed the announcement, Ernesto. You probably blinked.

    To all traiterous scum, Abuse does not constitute torture, not being nice to someone doesn't constitute torture, shoving someones head in a toilet doesn't constitute torture, and neither does persuasive interrogation of the enemy constitute torture. Torture is torture, nothing else. What Graner did might make some liberals stomachs turn, but quite frankly, who cares. What Graner did was treat a bunch of terrorists like they were terrorists, for that, as far as I am concerned, he is and always will be a hero. (regardless of how long he has to spend in jail to satisfy you limp wristed traiterous scum.) What Darby did was betray his fellow soldiers and Americans, by giving you idiots the opportunity to keep calling it torture. But hey, I have a perfect solution to the problem.....Kill every single terrorist right on the battlefield. Close Abu Ghraib and Quantanamo Bay. Save all that money on tribunals and keeping these bastards alive long enough to make it to one. If you point a weapon at an American, you die. That's the simple, fair, and firm message that we need to send to terrorists everywhere. But hey if we did that, they might get the idea that we're serious about this war on terror. No way you libs are gonna stand for that, huh?

    i have to agree with dagma on this one, graner is indeed a sterling example of white anglo-saxon american pride, there are very few men secure in their masculinity who would be able to stomach piling up naked men and teenage boys in stacks with their asses pointed outwards and placing them in their proper positions with green rubber gloves. aside from mr. gramer i can think of only one man that would be macho enough to touch all that naked manflesh and have pretty pictures taken of him grinning like a loon while doing so and that would be george bush, a man's man, a man not afraid to say when other men are pretty or are just plain fabulous and a man ready to touch naked brown men and boys when necessary or send others out to do so, even if the touching should be touching with the doowahdiddy inside their yoodoohoodoos. george bush would do it, mr. graner would do it, and i bet dagma does it too, as is his patriotic duty, a patriotic duty he has long dreamt of doing. dagma, i salute you, you are a credit to your president and he is a credit to you.

    Careful, careful, your gonna offend all the fags, dykes and MBLA apologists around here. Once you do that then your nothin but a no-good conservative.

    Oh, the irony....

    To all traiterous scum...you limp wristed traiterous scum...you idiots...all the fags, dykes and MBLA apologists around here... are we supposed to argue with you? or even try to discuss the issues? what really scares me is that you seem to think that the terms 'islamic' and 'terrorist' are interchangeable. they are not! Not all terrorists are islamic, and not all isamics are terrorists. many of the people in jail had done nothing wrong - oh, other than living in iraq. and being the wrong color.

    And it was written never truer: To all traiterous scum! Ah, dagma melts the heart of the truly virtuous. We stand behind our steely eyed brother in his pursuit of all you libs against 'torture', 'abuse' and the baby jeesus' birthday. [continued]

    After we pledge him to our fraternity we will indeed stand very close behind our brother and bend over backwards to help him reach around the world and help other muslims come to christ. Which is more than we gave barney. Thumbs up to dagma! Death to all traiterous scum! (He sure does have a purty mouth!)

    mfox I've dealt with a lot of homophobes, who usually fear their own latent homosexuality more than passes from "fags", and let me tell you, your defense of Grainer coupled with your categorization of liberals as "limp-wristed" plants a big red flag up your ass. Well, let's see, you're a woman so you obviously can't relate to the number of young male children sexually abused by adult (gay, pedophilic) men. Wonder how many of them have grown up to be the homophobes you you so derisively label others. You think some guys wake up one morning and just decide to be homophobic? Shouldn't homophobes be given the same understanding and love you lefties preach for every other "hurt" segment of our society? Hypocrite.

    Ah, the gushers of hatred from Kill Them All racists. And, surprise surprise, a homophobe as well!! And someone worried about traiters. At least while he is typing with his knuckles the barnyard is getting a rest from his nightly rapes. --

    mfox, I do believe you have hurt the anonymous coward's feelings. We must give a helping hand to those who have been victimized in this manner, so please, give him a reach around and make it all better. After all, it is you libs objecting to torture and not homersexuals, that makes the baby jeesus weep.

    If you point a weapon at an American, you die. That's the simple, fair, and firm message that we need to send to terrorists everywhere. The torture victims were not necessarily being detained for fighting the invaders of their country. Wasn't one of Graner's victims that testified at the trial sent to Abu Ghraib because he stole a car? Thanks dagma for showing us the mentality of the people who voted Bush in. Now we can understand why we are where we are these days.

    Re: Proseuction Rests in Charles Graner Abuse Tria (none / 0) (#29)
    by Sailor on Wed Jan 12, 2005 at 05:19:52 PM EST
    PinLA and EDM, I respectfully submit that it is better to lure them back under the bridge than give them a leg up to the high road of reason.

    Re: Proseuction Rests in Charles Graner Abuse Tria (none / 0) (#30)
    by kdog on Thu Jan 13, 2005 at 07:38:17 AM EST
    Dagma, great sarcasm big guy, I couldn't have done better myself. Thanks!

    Dear insulted, unnamed one: The official meeting of Homophobes For Sympathy is now commenced: There are lots of reasons people are homophobic and lots of reasons why people are pedophiles. Being a woman, as you say certainly doesn't give me a free pass on sexual abuse of children (Trust me). The particular dilemna you face is called Reaction Formation in psychology, meaning that you project your self-hate and shame onto folks who remind you of your abuse. However, you're not sitting home crying in your milk. You're accusing anyone who doesn't agree with you of having a perverted sexual orientation. You brought up the sexual references, no one else did. I don't advocate victims of anykind of abuse or violence using that as an excuse to commit more. If so the Menendez brothers would not be incarcerated and I would be free to eliminate my adoptive parents who so kindly bequethed me a brand new shiny case of PTSD. Ex-Viet Nam POW's could gun down Vietnamese immigrants in the streets, etc., etc. If you are in fact a victim of sexual abuse who hates gays and pedophiles (are they the same in your opinion?) enough to develop rampant "gay-dar," I would say adjust your linear antenna and get some help.