
The Essential Emptiness of Broderism

Another vapid column from David Broder that does do one service, it highlights why he is essentially a man with empty thoughts:

The authors write . . . "why worry? Because a healthy civic culture ought to do more than bestir voters; it should build their trust in the nation's political institutions. It is in this respect that, alas, querulous partisanship can become corrosive." As we come to the end of another down-and-dirty campaign, that is the damage we must contemplate. It matters little which party controls Congress if the people think Congress is made up of knaves and rascals, or even of well-intentioned men and women corrupted by special interests and the constant pursuit of campaign cash.

It matter little which party controls Congress writes Broder. Because the problem is NOT Iraq, Katrina, and any Bush disaster you care to name, it is the lack of civility. Heck, his next column should cite Rodney King.

Form over substance is the very essence of Broderism. I am glad he admits it.

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    How surprising ... (none / 0) (#1)
    by Deconstructionist on Thu Nov 02, 2006 at 01:01:13 PM EST
     ...that you would essentially defend polarization and demeaning attack style political campaigning. Your only real problem with it seems to be that the Republicans are better at it and you don't think Democrats fight dirty enough to counter it despite your constant exhortations to do so.

      I couldn't agree more that the the damage done by selfish zealots interested only in their own agenda and convinced  "ends justify the means" is  opne of the major problems we face.

      People, like you, ARE  a huge problem and exist in alarming numbers in both Parties.


    That you are a Broder (none / 0) (#2)
    by Big Tent Democrat on Thu Nov 02, 2006 at 08:25:57 PM EST
    form over substance man is the least surprising thing I have encountered today.

    Huh? (none / 0) (#3)
    by Closerman on Fri Nov 03, 2006 at 03:30:12 PM EST
    David Broder is vapid?  His columns empty of ideas?  His essence is form over substance?  

    Are we talking about the same guy?  Perhaps you're upset because most everybody reads his column before we wander over here and read whatever you've got to say.  Be thankful; at least we got here.    

    Broder is not much of a fellow; just one of the more honorable, honest and insightful political columnists ever to slap together a few paragraphs.  Yeah, he's the essence of mainstream political thought, but that's where bills get passed the last I checked.  

    What Broder is specifically decrying is the disintegration of rational and calm inter-party discourse over the last 10-15 years.  He's old enough to remember when things where different.  For him (and I agree), the era of the permanent campaign holds peril in that it furthers the advance of dishonest, invective filled attack politics and so deepends the sense of utter futility and alienation that most Americans feel towards all politics regardless of label.
    That trendline has chaos, anarchy and revolution at its end.  While we may be miles away from that just yet, every day that we fill with things like the Kerry-troops-Bushg is stupid debate brings poltitcal Apocolypse more clearly into focus.

    Maybe we could start with some manners...