
ISIS-Inspired Attacks: 3 Hours, 3 Countries, 3 Continents

When ISIS official spokesman Mohamed al-Adnani gave his audio speech last week at the beginning of Ramadan, he ended it with a call for more attacks:

“O mujahedeen everywhere, rush and go to make Ramadan a month of disasters for the infidels.”

On June 25 and June 26, ISIS launched a surprise attack in Kobane, Syria, killing around 200 people.

On June 26, within a span of three hours, lone wolves struck alone or in a pair in 3 countries: France, Tunisia and Kuwait. ISIS has taken credit for the attacks in Kuwait and Tunisia. [More...]

The same day there was also an attack in Egypt on a train between Alexandria and Cairo. No casualties were reported. But that makes four attacks on the same day in four different countries on three continents. The timing could be a coincidence. Or, the attacks could be the result of ISIS orchestrating and activating individuals in sleeper cells. Which is it?

With respect to the attacks on Westerners, I tend to think the attacks were ISIS-inspired, rather than ISIS-orchestrated or directed, and the timing simply the product of al-Adnani's latest speech. In other words, I don't believe there are ISIS "sleeper cells" all over the world, ready to be "activated" as soon as they get a "go ahead" from ISIS. In a speech stirring the lone wolf pot last September, excerpts of which were reprinted in Issue 4 of IS' Dabiq Magazine (pages 8 and 9) al-Adnani said:

If you can kill a disbelieving American or European – especially