
More Indignities for Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson's trial is set for January 31 and the Judge does not want a continuance. As TChris reported yesterday, new search warrants were executed at his Neverland ranch in Santa Barbara Friday and Saturday. Now we learn Jackson also submitted to a demand yesterday for a mouth swab test for DNA. All the dozens of hours spent in Jackson's home during the execution of untold number of search warrants, and they didn't have his DNA? Unlikely. They could have gotten it off a glass, a toothbrush, underwear, anything. They didn't swab him when he was arrested? Sneddon didn't save any DNA after the intrusive exam that was done on Jackson's private parts after the 1993 allegation?

It sure doesn't sound like this prosecution has its ducks lined up. We see an overzealous prosecutor, a man on a mission to make a case; a young accuser who has denied Jackson did anything improper; an accuser's mother with highly suspect credibility issues; an inprobable timeline; an official report concluding the charges were unfounded; and more.

Then there's the role of the 1993 accuser's lawyer, hired by the current accuser's mother, who sends the current accuser to the same psychologist, who lo and behold just happened to come up with a similar molestation opinion:

Dr. Stan Katz, a Beverly Hills psychologist ... interviewed the 13-year-old boy in this case. Dr. Katz also assisted in the 1993 case. He reported the allegations in the current one in June 2003 after a therapy session with the boy. In an odd twist, defense attorneys revealed that both the alleged victim and the private investigator who worked for Mr. Geragos, Bradley Miller, were patients of Dr. Katz.

Sounds to us like the prosecution is scrambling...for a continuance to avoid going to trial on a very shaky case.

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