
Weeds: Clues to Shooter, On to Season 8

Straight from Jenji Kohan, creator of Weeds: Clues on the sniper in the bushes and story line for Season 8 (Looks like plans to retire the series have changed.): [More...]

By blending these families and sticking them in this house, we've opened up a lot of possibilities for a Season 8. There's just a lot of road, especially with those sisters. ...

In the end, someone's out to kill Nancy. And I think the question is, who is that in the bushes? We certainly know who it is and the audience may or may not figure it out. It's something from seasons past. You gotta do a little digging. Nancy has left a mess in her wake and the past always comes back to haunt you.

On Shane becoming a cop:

"Its sort of kind of our nod to The Departed. You have one son going one way and another son going the other way and it's gas in the tank for a new season. What to you do if you're a drug dealer and your son is a police officer?On Shane becoming a cop: "Its sort of kind of our nod to The Departed. You have one son going one way and another son going the other way and it's gas in the tank for a new season. What to you do if you're a drug dealer and your son is a police officer?

What's it mean?

1. "Something" not "someone" from seasons past: An event from the past will be the key. The person in the bushes may be the person who wants Nancy dead, or someone acting on that person's behalf. If it's a person who wants Nancy dead, it could be due to a past event, rather than personal relationship with Nancy.

2. Nancy won't be dead or comatose (for long) because the new season will focus on Nancy and her sister and on Nancy and Shane. Maybe the bang we heard was the sound of someone shooting the sniper as he was about to kill Nancy.

3. Forget the persons introduced in this season -- Shane's cop boss, Nancy's prison lover, Dimitri, his lackeys, or Silas' rival girlfriend. It's something from seasons past.

Possibility: Someone tied to Esteban and seeking revenge for him or his organization. Now that Stevie's going to be back in the show, it would be a good tie-in.

Alternate possibility: Someone whose life went downhill after Nancy came into it. Maybe it's related to her late second husband, the DEA agent, his ex-wife or son Tim. Or ousted DEA agent Fundis.

A new story line would be good for Season 8. This season wasn't the best.

Update: Is actor Ian Reed Kesler the shooter? He was cast for the finale as a "hoodlum with a military bent", with an eye towards a continued role in Season 8. Kesler's website posted on Aug. 10 he would be back for Season 8, as did his Twitter feed on Aug. 8

Start shooting #Weeds this week and then will be recurring next season. Can't wait to work on such a fun show.

Maybe he played another character tonight and I missed it? Update: I did miss it, he was the lead guy of the trio with glasses. Last week he was on wearing a mask during the robbery. So he's not the shooter.

Update: It looks to me like the shooter is Daryl Sabara, who played Tim Scottson, the son of Nancy's dead DEA agent husband Peter in Season 3. Tim never did like Nancy and Nancy got Peter's pension payments instead of his mother Valerie. Here's Daryl in 2011. I lightened the screen grab of the sniper and his ears and eyebrows are a dead ringer for Daryl (the curly bangs and nose are very similar too.) Here's a comparison I made:

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  • When your father is a drug dealer... (none / 0) (#3)
    by Dadler on Tue Sep 27, 2011 at 09:39:24 AM EST
    ...the chances of your kid becoming a cop are zero to nil UNLESS you are such a scumbag in front of your kid you drive him to it.  More likely, they will emulate you, especially if you are a decent and caring person to that kid.  Only watchedthe show here and there, as I have all the experience with real drug dealers anyone needs in a lifetime (my favorite pot dealer was the product of a rape, and his mother TOLD him so -- think there was a little complex psychology at work in this guy?), but I would hope they get the psychology right.  

    Have you met Nancy? (5.00 / 1) (#4)
    by ruffian on Tue Sep 27, 2011 at 09:42:22 AM EST
    UNLESS you are such a scumbag in front of your kid you drive him to it

    I did not see the episode yet - are we sure it is not Silas or Shane in the bushes with a gun?


    Love!! (none / 0) (#5)
    by Rjhaocaodbss on Mon Dec 26, 2011 at 04:39:09 AM EST
    Love the show!! I love the story line, The characters, and the humor!! Def one of my favorite shows!! And I think the shooter could be Tim!! That would be a great twist. If they plan on ending the series  soon I hope they end it amazingly like weeds fashion. A cliff hanger but enough to where you are pleased with the ending.  Ps. I hate how they ended Celia's story with her being the "team leader" and selling weed. I would have  loved to see her crazy  antics combined with selling weed weather or not she succeeded. I hope they bring her back in a way before the series ends. She was an unforgettable character.