
Coming to You Live From Blogger Alley

We're in! Blogger Alley is for real. We're high up on the 7th floor directly above the stage. The floor is still pretty empty. We have scored a desktop and we're sitting next to David who is the CEO of Technorati who is blogging for CNN--and Steve Olson who is blogging on Stakeholder for the DCCC.

There's McDonalds and Dunkin Donuts stations downstairs if we get hungry. We've got our camera hooked up and our cell phone seems to be working.

Jesse and Ezra from Pandagon are here. They are just the cutest and most personable, we'd like to adopt them. Markos of Daily Kos just arrived. Jerome of My DD is here too. Howard Dean this morning said he came to our breakfast because of Jerome.

We run into Tom Burka of Opinions You Should Have every place we go--here is no exception. He's trying to find someone else using a Mac with Jaguar.

And the no longer anonymous Atrios is here! He is so handsome! And he's out --his real name is Duncan. We just exchanged a big hug. We haven't met Mrs. Atrios yet and hope we get to later.

More in a bit. The hall is about 20% full, it's going to be a long fun night.

Update: Jenny 8. Lee from the New York Times is here--she's great, so spirited. She's wearing orange fishnet stockings to match her escape hood. You can read her article about the bloggers in today's New York Times here.

The Washington Post covers the bloggers here--with a pretty nice picture of us.

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