
The Main Event: DNC

You are all probably watching at home on tv but in case you aren't, here we go. Music--finally. Some energy, it's been dead in here for the past hour. We just looked down and the hall is full--people are standing and dancing. The lights just dimmed so we are blogging by backlight. Lots of reporters up here in blogger alley still. We suspect by tomorrow we'll be old news. That's ok.

First speaker is from Florida. We can't hear him that weel, but we see him on the same big screen you do. We're so high up he looks like a action figure when we look down to the stage. Much easier to watch the big screen.

We can trade our press pass for a floor pass for an hour and go and mingle with the delegates. We're not ready for that yet, nothing's happened yet for them to react to.

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