
Live Debate Blogging

Ok, you go. I'll blog up here, readers take the comment section. 3 minutes to start time.

Theresa and Laura just had a nice greet on the way to their seats. Michael J. Fox is in the audience. Stem cell research is bound to come up.

Cspan has the split screen up.

They are out. Dressed remarkably the same.

Will we ever be safe and secure again. Kerry and Bush both say yes. Bush is very eager tonight.

Compare his statement on Osama tonight with this one from 3/13/02:

BUSH: "And [Osama Bin Laden is] just – he’s a person who has now been marginalized. His network is -- his host government has been destroyed. He’s the ultimate parasite who found weakness, exploited it, and met his match…So I don’t know where he is. Nor -- you know, I just don’t spend that much time on him really, to be honest with you. I...I truly am not that concerned about him."

Next: how did the shortage of flu vaccine come about?

I'm instamessaging with Dave Cullen of Conclusive Evidence. He says, on the flu question:

DaveCullenCO: Bush was totally inane on the flu. No awareness of a systemic problem--all he can say is, If you're healthy, don't get a shot. Brilliant. Will Kerry pound him?

Others point out:

Bush Administration Knew of Shortage for Weeks – But Took No Action. The Bush administration claimed it was “caught by surprise” by reports of contamination at flu vaccine manufacturer Chiron Corp. But British health officials said Chiron warned the FDA on September 13th that potential problems at the plant remained unresolved. But while the British acted quickly to locate an additional 1.2 million doses from its other suppliers, American officials took no action but to urge doctors to give the vaccine only to those at the highest risk. [Washington Post, 10/9/04]

More Cullen:

"They gave Kerry green lighting and Bush warm lighting. It makes Bush looks vibrant and healthy. The green light makes Kerry look more sickly." Huh. Whose choice was that? Thank God. Kerry has come out swinging on B's litany of domestic failures. George's strained smile is looking more and more painful.

My turn:

Not too many statistics, good. Kerry is talking ideas. He's getting good digs in on Bush, on jobs and fiscal security. Kerry sounds earnest and like he has thought things through.

Homosexuality question: Is it a choice? Both Kerry and Bush talk about marriage. Kerry comes out fairly strong for partner rights. No new ground here.

Kerry says he is pro choice, he will support Roe v. Wade.

Bush: Partial birth abortion is a "brutal practice." As we promote life, let's work together to promote adoption and alternatives. Maternity group homes and abstinence. What planet is he on?

Cullen: I think Kerry's doing well. Not a lot of home runs, but strong. Bush seems to be faltering again.
Unsure of himself.

DaveCullenCO: When Kerry talks about religion, he keeps stressing "Works" as being key. I'm not sure that's wise. That's anathema to Fundamentalists, who bristle at that concept. He's firing them up unnecessarily. Can't imagine why.

TalkLeft: Bush seems a little goofy tonight. Kerry comes up with some concrete health plans. Bush begins a sentence34 and then says never mind. He's bouncy. Strike that. He's wired. As in hyper. I read today he is dyslexic. Maybe he also has ADD?

DaveCullenCO: I KNEW Bush was going to attack the networks--cause his people don't trust them. But he did so SO PITIFULLY. He couldn't even get the words out. AND he thinks he did. He gives the big "I made a funny" smirk, like he just hit a homerun. What a dufus.

Social Security is next topic. Bush: We need a different strategy.

TalkLeft: Where's Al Gore and my lockbox? I want my lockbox.

Kerry: Bush provides an invitation to disaster. I will not cut it. I will not privatize it.

TalkLeft: There's my lock box!

< Report: U.S. Holding al Qaida Detainnees in Jordan | Debate, Part 2 >
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