
Debate, Part 2

7:53 pm. Bush on Immigration: We have 1,000 more border agents, unmanned vehicles, new equipment. He was a border governor, he knows this stuff he says. He wants a temporary worker card, so long as there is no american willing to do the job.

No amnesty, let's not reward illegal behavior.
Mistake by Kerry - going back to economic issues --and lapsing into statistics. He does that when he's angry.

Kerry on immigration: He'll toughen up our borders. we need to crack down on illegal hiring. An earned legalization program.

Next question: Kerry wants to raise minimum wage. He will fight tooth and nail to pass it.

Good for him.

DaveCullenCO: Karl obviously told Bush, "When you feel a frown coming on, smile." So he's not exactly frowing like the first night, but he's squeezing out the most comical string of goofy smiles, fake smiles, strained smiles, painful smiles . . . Half the time he looks like a kindergarten boy told to smile for the camera who can't figure out how to do it and pulls his cheeks apart while gritting his teeth.

DaveCullenCO: Bush is a clown.
DaveCullenCO: Minimum wage. Yea!
DaveCullenCO: Let's see Bush handles this.
DaveCullenCO: How a candidate handles the tough ones where they know they are on the opposite side from the majority is where they really show their stuff.

DaveCullenCO: HOME RUN for Kerry on guns!
DaveCullenCO: He just beat the sh** out of Bush on his own turf!

DaveCullenCO: He won the liberals who want gun control, and he made big points with the law-and-order crowd and even got his hunter/gatherer cred in for the NRA folks.

DaveCullenCO: And then he took it one step further, and yanked in The War on Terror, made Bush look weak on homeland defense by playing right into the hands of the Al Queada (sp?) playbook. (AND made the sports metaphor work. The Rs love that.)
DaveCullenCO: Man. Those two minutes are going to do more for him . . .

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