
Malyasian Inmates Contribute to Tsunami Relief Effort

It's not like these inmates have money to spare, nonetheless, they are doing their part to help the Tsunami victims.

Some 800 Malaysian prisoners, including those awaiting execution, have dipped into their savings to help victims of the tsunami disaster, officials said. The total of around RM3,000 may be paltry but it was a major sacrifice for the inmates at the Taiping Prison in Perak, said Prison Director Narander Singh.

"The money is what they have saved to help them start a new life after being released. But they decided to donate that money after reading about the plight of the victims," he told AFP.

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  • Re: Malyasian Inmates Contribute to Tsunami Relief (none / 0) (#1)
    by wishful on Thu Jan 06, 2005 at 11:49:39 AM EST
    It might be good for the soul to contemplate that these people are giving an extreme percentage of everything they have in the world for the benefit of others. In the case of those awaiting execution especially, they can expect no acknowledgement for their generosity. In the case of those who expect release some day, they have no good expectation of a secure future income to speak of. If the rest of us were even 1% as generous to those in need, we might be so close to God's plan that all wars might cease and all human suffering would be alleviated to the extent humanly possible. POP! OK, it was a nice dream. However, examples of compassion in the face of one's own hardship can be transforming. Let's hope the positive impact of these prisoners is broad.

    Wow. That's one the most selfless acts I've ever heard of. Yeah, if only everyone could think, or more importantly, act like that.

    They gave a "widows mite" Bush on the other hand gave $10,000.00

    I have a feeling that most of them were put in jail for trying to unionize the sneaker factories.

    The same happened in India (I think it was in Uttar Pradesh, but I may be wrong) a couple of days after the tsunami. Not only all the inmates, but the guards gave all they had. Those damnable brown heathens, don't they know how to tithe properly? They coulda gotten away with merely 10%.