
'Deep Throat' Identity: W. Mark Felt - Confirmed

Bump and Update: Woodward confirms.

Update: Cadillac Tight points to the 1981 statement of Ronald Regan who pardoned Mr. Felt. Slate reported in 1999 that Nixon suspected Mark Felt and has the tape transcripts between him and H.R. Haldeman. Today at Slate, Tim Noah says Told You So.

Original Post

Raw Story reports on the new Vanity Fair article, available free here (pdf), in which former FBI agent W. Mark Felt, now 91, finally admits to being "Deep Throat," the confidential source used by Woodward and Bernstein to unravel Watergate.

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    Re: 'Deep Throat' Identity: W. Mark Felt - Confi (none / 0) (#22)
    by Sailor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:59:29 PM EST
    Nice try Jim. So how do you feel about the actual topic? Personally, I always hoped I would know this patriot's name before I kicked. What are your thoughts?

    Great post, Sailor. Leave it to PPJ to play devil's advocate to Watergate, for God's sake. If that twisted BS is the best you can come up with.....LMFAO I highly recommend the book by Bob Woodward (don't recall the name)about his and Bernstein's investigation. It's chunky but fascinating how it all unravelled - a great summer read and a lesson in the power of the Executive Office as well as a time capsule (there were pics in my copy).

    "Powerline has a unusal take..."
    You don't say.

    I have a question...what were the burglars that broke into the Watergate that night looking for?

    It wasn't what they wanted to take, Ernesto, it was what they wanted to leave behind. The burglars bugged the Democratic party offices. In addition, I think G. Gordon Liddy has claimed they were looking for information about the Democratic party hiring prostitutes or something silly like that.

    Re: 'Deep Throat' Identity: W. Mark Felt - Confi (none / 0) (#27)
    by MikeDitto on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:59:29 PM EST
    The Rethugs are still not beneath breaking in and bugging their opponents. It's one of Karl Rove's most popular dirty tricks. In the most famous case, I believe he was bugging the campaign office of his guy's Republican primary opponent. Remember when the Bush administration bugged the offices of the UN? Wonder where that story went... The same place as the Do