
'Round the Bloggerhood

  • Happy Birthday to Jesse at Pandagon. He's jones'ing on birthdays (at 23, he talks about aging no less) so go cheer him up with a comment.
  • Billmon on Judge Roberts' participation in a gay-rights case. [My take on it is over at 5280 today.]
  • Mark Kleiman says the AIPAC Indictments are bad news for Karl Rove
  • Digby's on another roll, just read them all.
  • Arianna's latest Judith Miller post is up - connecting dots between her and David Kelly, the British WMD expert who committed suicide.

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  • Re: 'Round the Bloggerhood (none / 0) (#1)
    by jackl2400 on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:01:58 PM EST
    Will James Dobson and company go for this guy now? He was looking pretty good to the wingers (aside from being too much the steath Ivy League conservative rather than the Scalia type ranter) up to this gay rights thing...I gotta imagine Dr. Dobson's gotta drop his support like a hot potato...especially after the wingers made such an issue of anti "gay marriage" family values against the Dems in 2004.

    Re: 'Round the Bloggerhood (none / 0) (#2)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:01:58 PM EST
    About Roberts, I don't think this gay rights case will be a problem. There is genuine bias against gays in some quarters, and it needs to be addressed. On the other hand, that doesn't mean we need to redefine marriage to include gay unions. Gays deserve to be treated like everyone else. And that includes being restricted in whom one can legally marry. On a side note, I find the "Jesus' General" blog to be disrespectful toward Jesus Christ. One anticipates a lack of respect and tolerance from the left; that is typical. But I should point out that a blog making references to Mohammed's genitalia would probably not be viewed so lightly (in fact, the blog author would probably have a price on his head). Any interest in treating peoples' religious beliefs with respect? If so, apologize for linking to that site.

    Re: 'Round the Bloggerhood (none / 0) (#3)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:01:58 PM EST
    As a defense attorney, Jeralyn, I'd think you'd be a little uncomfortable with TBogg's take on the Roberts adoption thing. But be that as it may: what do you make of this?

    Re: 'Round the Bloggerhood (none / 0) (#4)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:01:58 PM EST
    Cheer up a kid who just turned 23? I just turned 35 yesterday. I sincerely doubt Jesse needs any cheering up.

    Re: 'Round the Bloggerhood (none / 0) (#5)
    by Dick Durata on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:01:58 PM EST
    Jeralyn, regarding the AIPAC indictments, Franklin has now been charged with conspiricy, I believe. How much does that increase his risk, not just of conviction, but doing more time? If so, he would be under increased pressure to cooperate, and name others.

    Re: 'Round the Bloggerhood (none / 0) (#6)
    by squeaky on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:01:59 PM EST
    The “many dark actors playing games” quote always creeped me out, as did Kelley's 'suicide' during the time. Now, that I have become a judymillerophiliac, love-hate mostly the latter, I suspect that after receiving the e-mail with the said quote, she may have called her source...Bolton?

    Re: 'Round the Bloggerhood (none / 0) (#8)
    by Sailor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:01:59 PM EST
    I find the "Jesus' General" blog to be disrespectful toward Jesus Christ.
    Wooo, someone disprespected the lord almighty!? The king of kings!? The alpha and the omega!? Well, a vengeful god (which Jesus and god (you do know that jesus and god ARE separate entities don't you?) aren't vengeful according to the new testament) would surely smite this blasphemer down! Perhaps you should read jesus of Nazereth's sayings as remembered and relayed by folks who weren't there but somehow were still divinely inspired. Or perhaps you think the pope or your local clergy are better able to judge these matter and tell you what to think? ( ya know, the pope who was hitler youth or your local minister who somehow knows more than you about what god wants?) And for all your insight and godliness, you think someone/everyone on this site should limit their freedom of speech and religion because YOU were offended at a site that was linked to. I find 1800+ Americans dead offensive. I find that a military that swears their god will defeat another's god offensive. I find a liar who starts an illegal war and declares a crusade on muslims offensive. I find a president who wants rich people of ease to have their burden decreased at the expense of poor people who are already working 4 weeks more a year than the president just to stay behind, offensive. Perhaps 'holier than thou' is the exact opposite of what Jesus taught.

    Re: 'Round the Bloggerhood (none / 0) (#9)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:01:59 PM EST
    I'll ignore the anti-religious bigotry displayed in the last two posts; they are uncharacteristic of the more noble participants on this site. This is a direct invitation to Ms. Merritt: withdraw the link to "Jesus' General". This is your site. You can link to what you please. However, if you believe that the religious beliefs of others should be respected rather than mocked then you should eschew that link. Do you advocate such respect? I look forward to your response.

    Re: 'Round the Bloggerhood (none / 0) (#10)
    by Sailor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:01:59 PM EST
    grad, I find you disrespectful to jesus of nazareth's teachings. You are the one displaying religious bigotry and hatred for freedom of speech. Please provide justification for being the arbiter of either and n ame one thing DA or I said that untrue. Do you really think a site poking fun of the bizarre beliefs of christofasists is worse than 1800+ American dying in an illegal and obscene war!? I'm reminded of an interview that I saw years ago on BBC. John Cleese was asked if he didn't think some people would be offended by Monty Python. He replied, 'yes, but I think some people should be offended.' In addition to all the things in the above post I mentioned, I'm most offended by people who question my beliefs and think they can tell others how/what to believe and/or say. I would never presume to speak for TL, but don't let the door hit you ...

    Re: 'Round the Bloggerhood (none / 0) (#11)
    by Ernesto Del Mundo on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:01:59 PM EST
    grad student...I just got off the phone with Jesus and he told me that he finds the Jesus General blog rather amusing. He also told me to tell you to, in his words, "Lighten up"

    Re: 'Round the Bloggerhood (none / 0) (#12)
    by roger on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:01:59 PM EST
    God forbid that we make fun of someone who believes in the invisible man. How many have died in the name of religion? How many continue to die? You demand respect? Believe whatever you want, just leave me out of it.

    Re: 'Round the Bloggerhood (none / 0) (#13)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:00 PM EST
    Grad student, no apologies. It's a funny, witty site. Get over it. Jesus General won the Koufax Award for Most Humerous Blog in 2004.

    Re: 'Round the Bloggerhood (none / 0) (#14)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:00 PM EST
    Funny and witty it may be, but it mocks the religious beliefs of all Christians in a particularly offensive way. Scroll up and read some of the comments here and you'll see that your own policy concerning offensive remarks is being violated as a result. I guess this shows me how serious you are(n't) about respecting people of other faiths. The irony is, this is partly why the left has lost the Christian fundamentalist vote and (more recently) the Catholic vote. Good luck ever getting those back. Your bigotry brings with it its own poetic justice. The sad part is, you are also injuring your country by destroying the Dems as a serious opposition party.

    Re: 'Round the Bloggerhood (none / 0) (#15)
    by Sailor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:01 PM EST
    Funny and witty it may be, but it mocks the religious beliefs of all Christians in a particularly offensive way.
    Wow! Even the pope doesn't think he speaks for ALL christians. You must surely be blessed amongst all men.
    The irony is, this is partly why the left has lost the Christian fundamentalist vote
    pray tell when 'the left' has ever wanted small minded hypocrites, religious extremists and anti-free speech advocates on 'their' side? Did I mention that I am ordained? That I am empowered by the state to sanctify marriages? BTW, please cite ONE of jesus' teachings that involved his endorsement of censorship and exclusion. I'll even spot you the apocrypha and the rest of the dead sea scrolls. You don't know science, you don't know the bible, and you surely don't know jesus as I know Him. Everytime a televangelist asks for a new suit, more makeup, another cadiallac, and MORE $$, baby jesus weeps. (Please, please ask me for links to each of the above) (Well, except for the baby jesus part, I would never to presume to know what a baby thinks;-) "What a friend we have in Jesus." I would suggest that you explore anal roberts back passages before you condemn others.

    Re: 'Round the Bloggerhood (none / 0) (#16)
    by roger on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:01 PM EST
    The Bible allows slavery and murder. It approves of incest. People live inside whales, commit genocide, destroy property, and generally commit mayhem. Gotta respect that! BTW- tell my catholic friends that they are not left, then you can tell my Unitarian friends the same thing. Do you respect other beliefs as much as you demand respect for your own? Thought not.