
Bush in 1999: Lies Are Impeachable

Many news reports from 1999 have this quote of George Bush at a 1999 news conference. (E.g. AP, 6/8/99, USA Today, 6/11/99, Dallas Morning News, 6/9/99, available on Lexis.com)

Texas Gov. George W. Bush said Tuesday that he would have voted to impeach President Clinton over the Monica Lewinsky scandal.

"I would have voted for it. I thought the man lied," he said in response to a question posed during a news conference.

Memo to President Bush: If you're thinking of reacting to any false statement or perjury charges with a statement that your boys just got confused in their testimony, that dog won't hunt.

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    Re: Bush in 1999: Lies Are Impeachable (none / 0) (#1)
    by cpinva on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:05:22 PM EST
    i suppose it depends on the meaning of "lie". *****sarcasm alert!*****