
Saturday Night Magazine Gift Guide Features TL Subway Tote

Check out the holiday gift guide from Saturday Night Magazine. If you scroll down, you will see they feature the TalkLeft 4th Amendment Subway Tote and Wonkette's tee-shirt.

You can get your tote here. (Click here for larger version). Let the 4th Amendment speak for you as you hand your bag over for a search by a subway or airline security guard. It's a silent protest and reminder to authorities that you consider searches without reasonable suspicion or probable cause to be an infringement of your privacy rights. They make great gifts.

Also check out the "no snitching" tee-shirts. The front has the "no snitch" logo and the back has "Nobody Talks, Everybody Walks." There's also a "no snitching" cap. (For those who don't get it, it is a protest of the Government's policy of offering sentence reductions to those that rat out their confederates in crime. It does not advocate that innocent bystanders refuse to report crime.)

And, graphically challenged as I am, I designed them myself, so you can't get them anywhere else.

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  • Re: Saturday Night Magazine Gift Guide Features TL (none / 0) (#1)
    by roy on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:06:47 PM EST
    I have a hard time seeing the "No Snitching" shirts as anything lofty. If you wanted to complain about reduced sentences for snitches, shouldn't you wear a "No Reduced Sentences for Snitching" shirt? [remainder a complete mischaracterization and deleted]

    "but the shirt as written simply tells people not to report crimes." TL, not to belabor the point but to you and other criminal attorneys a "snitch" is something very specific, however, I think it's very "inside." To the general public, a snitch is someone who "tells" on somebody else for doing something wrong. I don't think "No Snitching" gets your desired message out to the general public, if getting the message out to the general public is your goal...

    Oops, I see you've deleted roy's comment...

    Re: Saturday Night Magazine Gift Guide Features TL (none / 0) (#4)
    by roy on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:06:47 PM EST
    It is no great loss. Excised portions were, at various times, A) redundant with what remains visible, B) a misinterpretation of TL, and C) absent-mindedly referring to an entirely different shirt. Sorry about my sloppy thinking and lack of fact-checking.

    Oh, so Talk Left's shirt is a completely different shirt from the one making news in Boston? OK. I read TL's text and thought, "TL designed the shirt that's causing problems with witness intimidation? That doesn't sound right." And it wasn't. But it's worth mentioning that some people are using a different shirt that says "no snitching" to try to intimidate witnesses, something TL would never countenance. Odd coincidence, though.

    Sarcastic, it's not "outside" to any defendant in any conspiracy case -- including the white collar and political criminals who are falling like flies these days. Maybe if they just stood firm and took their cases to trial instead of turning on their confederates, the Government would be forced to prove its case with untainted evidence, like it's supposed to. Snitch testimony is purchased with promises of freedom, which is a far more precious commodity than money. Too often it is not reliable. The cooperator promises to tell the truth but it has to be the truth the government wants to hear or they don't get a reduction.

    You don't have to sell me, TL, I get it. It's the general public that won't, imo.