
The Next Step in Security?

I would hope this is a joke, but it doesn't seem so.

Two employees have been injected with RFID chips this week as part of a new requirement to access their company's datacenter.

Cincinnati based surveillance company CityWatcher.com created the policy with the hopes of increasing security in the datacenter where video surveillance tapes are stored. In the past, employees accessed the room with an RFID tag which hung from their keychains, however under the new regulations an implantable, glass encapsulated RFID tag from VeriChip must be injected into the bicep to gain access, a release from spychips.com said on Thursday.

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    Re: The Next Step in Security? (none / 0) (#1)
    by squeaky on Sat Feb 11, 2006 at 07:19:23 AM EST
    Can't wait for the next generation of injectable security serum. Nanotechnology will allow for a human workforce kept in line by microscopic robots running around inside their bodies.