Did Cheney Have Power to Declassify NIE?
Jane at Firedoglake asks whether Cheney had the authority to declassify the NIE report so it could be leaked to reporters in an attempt to shore up support for the Iraq War or discredit Joseph Wilson.
The Wall. St. Journal tries to answer the question today. Shorter version: He probably does, but it's very sleazy.
The implication from the disclosure that Mr. Libby had authority to discuss sensitive intelligence matters with the press "is that the White House -- the vice president -- has been using his declassification authority as a way to advance the administration's political agenda," said Mr. Aftergood. "In other words, information that supports the administration's position on Iraq or whatever is selectively declassified and other information is not. That's not a criminal offense, but it's kind of sleazy."
My view on why Libby is seeking classified information (it's not to blame Cheney) is here.
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