
British Soldier Quits Iraq, Disgusted at American Tactics

SAS soldier Ben Griffin spent three months in Baghdad fighting along with Americans and then told his commander he wanted out:

He said he had witnessed "dozens of illegal acts" by US troops, claiming they viewed all Iraqis as "untermenschen" - the Nazi term for races regarded as sub-human.

It immediately brought to an end Mr Griffin's exemplary, eight-year career in which he also served with the Parachute Regiment, taking part in operations in Northern Ireland, Macedonia and Afghanistan

More comments from Mr. Griffin:

[He] said the American military's "gung-ho and trigger happy mentality" and tactics had completely undermined any chance of winning the hearts and minds of the Iraqi population. He added that many innocent civilians were arrested in night-time raids and interrogated by American soldiers, imprisoned in the notorious Abu Ghraib prison, or handed over to the Iraqi authorities and "most probably" tortured.

Griffin expected to be court-martialed for his actions. He wasn't:

Instead, he was discharged with a testimonial describing him as a "balanced, honest, loyal and determined individual who possesses the strength of character to have the courage of his convictions".

Last night Patrick Mercer, the shadow minister for homeland security, said: "Trooper Griffin is a highly experienced soldier. This makes his decision particularly disturbing and his views and opinions must be listened to by the Government."

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  • What wpi;d happen to an American soldier who said exactly the same thing?

    The US troops don't exactly hide their racist attitude towards the Iraqis. It can be seen at any TV news footage from Iraq. The American TV public doesn't seem to mind, though.

    Re: British Soldier Quits Iraq, Disgusted at Ameri (none / 0) (#3)
    by Edger on Sun Mar 12, 2006 at 11:04:55 AM EST
    The MoD declined to comment.
    Mercer, the shadow minister for homeland security, said: "Trooper Griffin is a highly experienced soldier...his views and opinions must be listened to by the Government."
    Tacit approval from the UK Government, and from the British Ministry of Defence? Something is finally getting through the fog to people in power?

    Siegfied Sassoon, A soldier poet of the Great War. After his stay at Craiglockhart Hospital, Siegfried threw his Military Cross into the Mersey river while waiting in Liverpool to find out what his commander's were going to do about his open letter titled "A Soldiers Declaration" he denounced the war. His commanders later responded by having him declared temporarily insane. This effectively prevented him from getting a fair hearing and also cut him off from his men. Eventually Sassoon relented and was allowed to return to the front where he was later wounded. "I AM making this statement as an act of wilful defiance of military authority, because I believe that the war is being deliberately prolonged by those who have the power to end it. I am a soldier, convinced that I am acting on behalf of soldiers. I believe that this war, upon which I entered as a war of defence and liberation, has now become a war of aggression and conquest. I believe that the purposes for which I and my fellow-soldiers entered upon this war should have been so clearly stated as to have made it impossible to change them, and that, had this been done, the objects which actuated us would now be attainable by negotiation., I have seen and endured the sufferings of the troops, and I can no longer be a party to prolong these sufferings for ends which I believe to be evil and unjust. I am not protesting against the conduct of the war, but against the political errors and insincerities for which the fighting men are being sacrificed. On behalf of those who are suffering now I make this protest against the deception which is being practiced on them; also I believe that I may help to destroy the callous complacence with which the majority of those at home regard the continuance of agonies which they do not share, and which they have not sufficient imagination to realize." Siegfried L. Sassoon...July 1917

    Iraqis are referred to as Untermenschen and the al bushira nitwits wonder why shrub is compared to hitler. Go figure. Gestapo Tactics at Abu Ghraib. Extreme Rendition and signing statements. "Oh, Hassan. You won't see Hassan no more."

    Re: British Soldier Quits Iraq, Disgusted at Ameri (none / 0) (#6)
    by HK on Sun Mar 12, 2006 at 12:58:59 PM EST
    Mr. Griffin's actions and words are admirable. Evil does prevail when good men do nothing. But sadly, and I write as a UK citizen, I doubt whether his integrity is shared by many of his fellow countrymen in Iraq. No other Brit has chosen to say their piece, so it's hardly fair to just blame the Yanks. It is shocking to see how little things have changed since Sassoon wrote of his concerns almost a century ago. No one listened then. I wonder whether anyone will now. After all, the comment from Mercer is typical of someone in opposition to the government. Will any of Tony's Cronies dare to speak out? In the circumstances, Sassoon was right to throw his Military Cross in the Mersey. I can see the River Murkey (as it is known locally) from the end of my street. For what his medal was shown to be worth, it should be right at home floating with the crap and the corpses.

    Re: British Soldier Quits Iraq, Disgusted at Ameri (none / 0) (#7)
    by scarshapedstar on Sun Mar 12, 2006 at 05:43:48 PM EST
    Rev up the swiftboats.

    Re: British Soldier Quits Iraq, Disgusted at Ameri (none / 0) (#8)
    by Edger on Sun Mar 12, 2006 at 08:52:50 PM EST
    Mr. Griffin's actions and words are admirable.
    So were the SAS's in discharging him. HK, did SAS command take this opportunity to make their views clear to the UK Government, without 'directly' criticizing their civilian leadership? If so, this can only be understood as a slap in the face by the government. discharged with a testimonial describing him as a "balanced, honest, loyal and determined individual who possesses the strength of character to have the courage of his convictions

    Re: British Soldier Quits Iraq, Disgusted at Ameri (none / 0) (#9)
    by Edger on Sun Mar 12, 2006 at 08:54:52 PM EST
    correction "to the government"

    Re: British Soldier Quits Iraq, Disgusted at Ameri (none / 0) (#10)
    by HK on Mon Mar 13, 2006 at 01:14:40 AM EST
    edger, yes, I agree with you. I do think that SAS command took this opportunity to make their views known and very cleverly too. However, it has also been reported that the MOD declined to comment. I think that the instigators and supporters of this war are hoping that this will all be swept under the carpet, but the reaction of the SAS to the comments of their man has meant wider implications. The court martial of Flt Lt Malcolm Kendall-Smith, a RAF doctor who has refused to return to Iraq for much the same reasons cited by Griffin, is scheduled for this Wednesday. This turn of events gives him somthing to fight his corner with. Some light at the end of the tunnel: Kim Howells, the Foreign Office minister, admitted that Iraq was "a mess" following his visit to Basra. Maybe the truth of this war is finally dawning on the government...

    Re: British Soldier Quits Iraq, Disgusted at Ameri (none / 0) (#11)
    by Edger on Mon Mar 13, 2006 at 03:37:16 AM EST
    Reality does have a nasty habit of biting you on the a** if denied.

    The very stupid and the very powerful have one thing in common. They do not alter their views to fit the facts. They alter the facts to fit their views.