Late Night Blog Fight
I usually stay out of these, but this one is too weird not to mention. Law Prof Eric Muller, a mostly progressive blogger went after Michelle Malkin today. He tracked the times of her postings throughout the day and evening (actually, for 36 hours) and concluded that she doesn't write all her material and has other people writing in her name. Michelle responds here.
Eric probably got more comments on his blog from this post than any he's written in his several years of blogging. Almost all are very critical of his attack. Sure, some readers came over from Michelle's site, which does not allow comments, but there are lots of his own readers telling him how off-base he was.
Add me to the list. In fact, it's creepy, almost like cyber-stalking. (Although Michelle goes a little overboard in calling him "insanely obsessed" and "deranged.")
[Insert and Addition: I just want to make clear that I think what Eric did is creepy and like cyber-stalking, I don't think he is creepy or a cyberstalker. I understand he was trying to prove something about her writing. My concern is that it will give others the same idea to track bloggers' whereabouts, and I think that is a very dangerous path to go down from a privacy and security standpoint. End of Insert]
Here's my comment, which does not yet appear on Eric's site because it has to be approved:
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