
Foley Replacement Candidate Named

Mark Foley's name will remain on the ballot in his Florida District. Republicans have agreed on a replacement candidate, state representative Joe Negron, but his name won't be on the ballot. In order to vote for Negron, voters will have to vote for "Mark Foley."

One prominent Florida Republican said he doubts that any GOP candidate can capture the seat with Foley's name on the ballot. "The only way you win is they (voters) have got to vote for Mark Foley. That doesn't appear to me to be very attractive," said Tom Slade, former state Republican Party chairman.

The Democratic candidate, Tim Mahoney, plans no changes to his campaign:

"I've done a good job talking about Tim Mahoney," he said. "When people meet me and people know me, whether they're Democrats or Republicans, they get on board. They know that when I'm in Washington, D.C., I'll be no-nonsense and it's all going to be about results."

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    Re: Foley Replacement Candidate Named (none / 0) (#1)
    by Patrick on Tue Oct 03, 2006 at 11:41:17 AM EST
    So, you have to mark a ballot for disgraced foley to vote for Negron??? Wow, that baffles the mind. Is Florida too cheap to rep