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Kobe Bryant: Evidence Being Tested At Colorado Crime Lab

A spokesman for the Colorado Bureau of Investigation has confirmed receiving tangible items for testing in the alleged sexual assault charge levied by a 19 year old hotel employee against Kobe Bryant.

"Anytime we deal with (an alleged) crime of violence we look at exchange of hairs and fibers, exchange of body fluids -- that's blood, semen, saliva," Mang said, as well as "anomalies like torn clothing buttons or the sort of things that we may not expect to find in normal wear and tear. Any evidence of any degree of force used."

The spokesman said the agency is in hourly contact with the Sheriff's department. Bottom line on the testing:

"If there isn't any evidence it won't take very long. If we find any evidence it will take more time."

The latest news is that a Vail, CO cabdriver says he picked Kobe and two bodyguards up at a Glenwood Springs, CO hospital the day after the alleged incident.

A cab driver says he picked up Kobe Bryant and three bodyguards at a Glenwood Springs hospital less than a day after the NBA superstar was accused of sexually assaulting a woman at a mountain resort.

Vail Taxi driver Terry O'Brien, 38, also told The Orange County Register that Bryant was flanked by sheriff's deputies at the emergency room of Valley View Hospital in Glenwood Springs early July 2.

...According to the cabbie's account, Bryant was accompanied by three members of his entourage and was in the presence of sheriff's deputies when he arrived at the hospital about 2:30 a.m. on July 2.

Bryant pulled a towel over his head before ducking down into the back seat of the cab, O'Brien said. He said he dropped the Los Angeles Lakers' guard and two members of the entourage at the Hotel Colorado in Glenwood, then gave the third bodyguard a ride to the spa, 40 miles away. The man "cleared out" Bryant's belongings, O'Brien said. When the trip ended at 5 a.m. the fare of $372 was paid by bodyguard Michael Ortiz, the cabbie said.

The Sheriff has said Kobe was cooperative, so it may be that he agreed to go to the hospital to submit DNA samples.

And not surprsingly, Kobe's image is taking a hit.

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Defense Attacks Kobe Bryant Arrest Warrant

Kobe Bryant's defense attorney, Pamela Mackey, came out swinging at the Eagle County, Colorado Sheriff's office for bypassing the district attorney's office to get an arrest warrant for Bryant:

"Mr. Bryant is innocent and expects to be completely exonerated," Denver attorney Pamela Mackey said in a statement. Mackey accused the sheriff's office of "complete bias," saying it ignored the wishes of the district attorney in obtaining the arrest warrant.

Officials from the Sheriff's office and the District Attorneys' office met Monday to decide if charges will be filed. Bryant has been accused by a woman of sexually assaulting her at a hotel near Vail on June 30, when he was in Vail for knee surgery. He turned himself in over the weekend upon learning of the warrant.

Law enforcement officials plan to hold a news conference later this afternoon.

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