
DEA Imports Heroin - Safety Concerns

According to the July 19 San Antonio Business Journal, the DEA is importing heroin and other controlled substances from overseas to use in reverse stings and other undercover operations here. They are actually transporting the stuff on commercial airliners.

The practice has been brought to light by Yale Law School professor, Steven B. Duke, who is attempting to prove the innocence of a client convicted of conspiracy to distribute heroin.

Duke alleges that the DEA engages in the practice to ensnare distributors for major drug syndicates and also as a cover for their own illegal drug operations.

The DEA doesn't necessarily tell the commerical airliners of the drug shipment on board. This raises security concerns, and according to Duke, a "controlled delivery" gone awry may have played a role in the destruction of at least one commercial airliner (Pan Am 103) which was blown up in mid-air, resulting in the loss of hundreds of lives.

The article says that the DEA confirms that such a practice, called "controlled delivery," is not uncommon and that the commercial airlines being used to transport the drugs are not necessarily informed that the shipments are occurring.

Thanks to NORML for bringing this to our attention.

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