
"Homeland Secrecy

'Homeland Secrecy', today's lead editorial in the San Francisco Chronicle rails at the secrecy involved in the proposed Department of Homeland Security. In particular,

"... its dreams may turn out to be our nightmares. The president, for example, wants to exempt the new agency from the Freedom of Information Act and to eliminate all whistle-blower protections for employees. "

"....Any employee who experiences retaliation must first go through an arduous administration process before seeking a trial in one specific Washington court that has, in 74 out of 75 cases, ruled against federal whistle-blowers. In contrast, Congress just gave corporate whistle-blowers a quick route to a speedy jury trial."

We particularly agree with the Chronicle's conclusion:

"We must preserve public accountability and civil liberties. Anything less will make us less free, but not more secure. "

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