
Ashcroft's Detention Camps

Nat Hentoff calls for Attorney General John Ashcroft's resignation in General Ashcroft's Detention Camps

"Now more Americans are also going to be dispossessed of every fundamental legal right in our system of justice and put into camps. Jonathan Turley reports that Justice Department aides to General Ashcroft "have indicated that a 'high-level committee' will recommend which citizens are to be stripped of their constitutional rights and sent to Ashcroft's new camps."

We gave our views on this topic a few weeks ago when Instapundit questioned Professor Turley's column by writing:

"I'm opposed to the imprisonment of American citizens without trial. Unlike the imprisonment of foreign citizens, it is almost certain to have a deeply corrupting effect on American politics. But Turley's hype does a disservice."

"As I mentioned in my original post on Turley's piece, bogus rumors of government prison camps have been around for decades. If this stuff is hyped when it's not true, what will people say if it ever becomes true? I'll tell you what they'll say: 'There goes Turley, crying wolf again.'"

Maybe Turley and Hentoff aren't seeing Instapundit's wolf --but it seems to us Hentoff is not far off the mark and we should all be on the alert for a wolf in sheep's clothing.

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