
NY's AG Spitzer: The Lone Wolf?

Is NY Attorney General Elliott Spitzer too much of a lone wolf to be elected to higher office in that state?

"A failure to schmooze is an odd problem for a Bronx native, or any gifted politician, but it's one that Spitzer has yet to solve. Only now it's haunting him in a much higher-profile dispute than one over legal fees. As everyone with a newspaper subscription or a cable connection knows, last spring Spitzer famously wrested a $100 million settlement from Merrill Lynch & Co. Inc., the brokerage house he had accused of defrauding the public. Wielding stacks of incriminating e-mail, Spitzer also won for himself the sort of publicity that not even the 43-year-old son of a rich man could buy. With one bold stroke, he became the most prominent state attorney general in the land.

But that settlement may be in jeopardy because it requires the unanimous consent of all 50 states plus the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. After three months, 20 had not signed. It turns out that once again Spitzer had neglected to schmooze the room. "

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