
On Attacking Iraq

Law Professor Anita Ramasastry argues for an alternative to unilateral war with Iraq. She says that U.N. sponsored coercive inspections rather than war are the solutions that President Bush should propose when he speaks to the U.N. tomorrow.

Online Journal Contributing Editor Carla Bin tells us that the Boston Globe is one of the first mainstream papers to tell the truth about the real Bush motives for war.

According to the article, the real agenda of the Bush administration is reshaping the Middle East. Iraq is "merely a first step." Once Hussein is gone, the U.S. will have "more leverage to act against Syria and Iran." Oil and domination of the region, not a threat from Suddam Hussein, are the Administration's primary concerns.

Also check out Carla's article, The Masters of War and the Human Factor, a historical perspective on how the United States wages war.

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