
Primaries Helped the GOP

UPI reports that Tuesday's primaries beefed up the Senate's thin GOP line.

"Voters in North Carolina and New Hampshire selected Elizabeth Dole and John Sununu, well-known names in Republican politics, to defend the Senate seats now held by GOP conservatives. Voters in Minnesota chose St. Paul Mayor Ron Coleman to challenge Democratic incumbent Paul Wellstone."

"The Democrats now hold the Senate by a single seat, which has denied the Bush administration some high-profile victories and could complicate the White House's efforts to build a consensus on the Hill for possible U.S. actions against Iraq. Tuesday's three GOP winners, however, were favored by the administration and could add three welcome allies to the Senate."

Your Democratic candidates need you. We don't want to lose the edge in Congress. Call them and see how you can help. Obviously they all need money, but they can also use your time. So, give whichever you can.

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