
Life in the Bush Family Fishbowl

First it Jeb's daughter Nicole splashing the front pages with her recent drug probe. Now its brother Neil's turn: he's getting divorced after 22 years of marriage and 3 children, one of whom, 18 year old Lauren, is an international fashion model.

Brother Neil's claim to fame:

"Bush, 46, served until 1988 as director of Denver-based Silverado Banking, Savings & Loan, which cost taxpayers more than $1 billion when it collapsed. He was one of 12 defendants who agreed in 1991 to pay $49.5 million to settle a negligence lawsuit brought by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.

Bush denied wrongdoing and was not charged in the grand jury investigation that followed, but the federal government imposed sanctions on him should he ever become involved in any other federally insured savings and loan or bank. "

Update: Hesiod of Counterspin reminds us of this from Jake Tapper at Salon on Jan. 24 regarding Neil Bush's speech in Saudi Arabia:

"Presidential brother Neil Bush, while giving a speech Monday in Saudi Arabia, condemned the American media for stereotyping the Arab world and urged Arab leaders to hire lobbyists and public relations representatives to combat these negative images as well as to sway public opinion to a more sympathetic view of Arabs in the Arab-Israeli conflict, according to reports in foreign media outlets. Bush implied that Israel has done a better job of getting its message across in the American media."

"The U.S. media campaign against the interests of Arabs and Muslims, and the American public opinion on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, could be influenced through a sustained lobbying and P.R. effort," said the younger Bush, according to the Arab News, Saudi Arabia's first English-language daily."

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