
Nevada Marijuana Ads Hit TV

Received today from the Marijuana Policy Project, which is working hard to see that legalization passes in Nevada in November. They're asking for $10 contributions to keep their tv ads running up to the election:

"We took our opponents by surprise by launching the first wave of TV ads in Nevada. Please visit this site to view the two ads and to make a donation so that we can afford to continue
running them."

"The first ad features the state government's official explanation of what our initiative would do. It then concludes with the tag line: "In the privacy of a home, or under the care of a doctor, vote YES on Question 9."

"The second TV ad features people openly smoking marijuana in public, then explains that this kind of activity would remain banned under our initiative. We felt the need to demonstrate this because our opponents have been lying by saying that our initiative would let people smoke pot anytime, anywhere, all the time and everywhere. The ad goes on to explain that our initiative removes penalties for people who use marijuana in private, as well as giving patients greater access to medical marijuana. It shows images of a private home and a physician talking to a patient. The ad concludes with the same tag line as the
first commercial."

"Why have we produced the first two ads in this way? Our campaign team has found that when Nevada voters understand what the initiative would actually do, they by and large support it. As a result, the purpose of the first round of ads is to provide solid information to the voters."

Again, they need money to keep the ads up, so if you can spare some and support the legislation, go visit NRLE.org

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