
Expressing Opposition to a Rush to War

A new website, Stop the Rush to War in Iraq, offers easy to construct letters to be sent upon a click of your computer to your elected officials in Washington. The letter will reflect who you are and your specific concern about waging war in Iraq. Here are the site's options:

What's the rush?
There is no clear and present danger
We don't have the moral authority
We don't have the legal authority
War will destabilize the Middle East
War will jeopardize the War on Terror
We can't act alone on this one
We don't have the military capacity right now
We can't afford the cost right now
We're only in it for the money
It's just politics as usual
What is our government hiding?
We are being lied to
What happens if we win?
What happens if we lose?

(Via Counterspin)

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