
Relatives Say Buffalo Men Duped

The Buffalo News today reports that relatives and lawyers of those arrested on terror charges insist the men were duped.

"Relatives of the Lackawanna men accused of forming a terrorist sleeper cell say the young men never intended to train with al-Qaida forces and think they were strung along by those who recruited them for religious studies in Pakistan."

"Defense lawyers, who stop short of admitting their clients trained at the al-Farooq camp in Afghanistan, said the young men left friends and family in Lackawanna in the spring and summer of 2001 for religious studies, not military training. Or at least intended to. "

Bail hearings are scheduled for later today.

Two other men are being sought. One, Kamal Derwish, 29 is believed to be the leader of the alleged cell and is now the subject of a world-wide manhunt.

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