
Armey Accused of Disparaging Remarks About Jews

House Majority Leader Dick Armey (R-TX) was called on the carpet today by two House members for what they say are ignorant and disparaging remarks about Jews.

At a campaign stop, Armey was asked about the split between liberal and conservative Jews. Armey replied "I always see two Jewish communities in America: one of deep intellect and one of shallow, superficial intellect."

He was quoted in the Florida paper as also saying conservative Jews were drawn to "occupations of the brain," in the sciences, while liberal Jews gravitated toward "occupations of the heart," like the arts.

Two Jewish members of the House Democratic leadership Representatives, Martin Frost of Texas and Nita M. Lowey of New York, issued a joint statement calling Armey's remarks "breathtaking in their ignorance."

Armey, in our view, also isn't smart enough to know when to keep his mouth shut. When asked about the statements, which he doesn't deny making, he said they"reflected his long-held view that conservatives were smarter than liberals"...."Liberals are, in my estimation, just not bright people," he said. "I have not been impressed with the intellect of the left since I was a freshman in college."

The event at which he made the remarks was hosted by Katherine Harris. They were seeking to woo Jewish voters from the democratic sector to the Republican sector.

Sorry, Dick. We don't think this is the way.

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