
First Monday: Film on Civil Liberties

Alliance for Justice will show First Monday, its film on civil liberties violations since September 11 on October 7 in Washington. Here's the information we received from them today.

"Please join the Alliance for Justice for the National Premiere and Congressional Screening of our 2002 FIRST MONDAY documentary film, OF RIGHTS & WRONGS: THE THREAT TO AMERICA'S FREEDOMS. The 25-minute film explores new challenges to civil liberties in a post-9/11 America with the stories of individuals who have been adversely affected by new laws and policies.

Introduced by Susan Sarandon and featuring the music of Bruce Springsteen with author and historian Howard Zinn, constitutional law professor David Cole, and Pulitzer Prize winning journalist and professor of history Roger Wilkins on FIRST MONDAY:

Monday, October 7, 2002
Dirksen Senate Office Building, Room 106
First and C Streets, NE
Washington, DC

Reception: 6:00 pm; Screening 6:45 pm. Please call 202-822-6070 to RSVP by Thursday, October 3 or email to jfreed@afj.org

Honored Guests:

Massachusetts Congressman Barney Frank
Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich
New York Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney
California Congressman Robert Matsui
Gregory Nojeim - Associate Director, ACLU, Washington National Office
Professor David Cole - Georgetown University Law Center

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