
Ira Einhorn Trial Update

The Ira Einhorn trial gets more bizarre daily.

First we have the defense's unusual attempt to show bias and thereby impeach two prosecution witnesses who testified they had seen bruises on Holly's face while she was living with Ira.

Defense Lawyer William Cannon "implied during cross-examination, then confirmed to reporters later, that he believed the women were testifying about Einhorn's alleged beatings of Maddux because the women were jealous of the hippie's romantic relationship with the beautiful Texan."

"Although male witnesses yesterday testified about Maddux's beauty, Cannon never inquired about their marital status or implied that they had been lusting after Maddux."

"I think most of the women we have seen so far are the kind of ladies who were very much part of the pro-feminist movement, who could be termed as man-haters," Cannon told reporters. "I felt these women might have a bias based on antagonism against Mr. Einhorn."

One of the women is a lesbian and lives with the tv critic for the Philadelphia Inquirer, and the other woman said she was not openly gay.

The next day, Mr. Cannon moved to the "free love" lifestyle of Mr. Einhorn and Holly. Saul Lapidus, a prosecution witness, testified that he had been having an intense affair with Holly for a month and that he knew Ira had been having an affair with Hilda, who happens to be Lapidus's ex-wife. Lapidus said, "I was told by Holly that she was physically put out of her apartment when my ex-wife was there...He bodily picked her up and put her out of the house."

Lapidus also testified Holly was staying with Lapidus when she received a phone call from Ira during which Ira said he was going to throw her things out in the street. Holly flew home and that's the last Lapidus saw of her. Prosecutors allege Holly was beaten to death a few days later.

On cross, Mr. Cannon tried to show that Lapidus had made up the story about Ira throwing Holly's things in the street because he was jealous of Ira's affair with his ex-wife.

"By establishing through other witnesses yesterday that Einhorn encouraged Maddux to have sex outside their relationship - just like he did - Cannon said he threw doubt into the prosecution's theory that Einhorn was so enraged about Maddux's new boyfriend that he killed her."

We can't wait to see what tomorrow brings. Stay tuned....

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