
One Click You're Guilty

Law Professor Glenn Reynolds, aka Instapundit has written a really good column this week for Fox News called Stop in the Name Of 'Bots.

His premise is this: "Nowadays, it seems as if more and more law enforcement is being done by machines. Unfortunately, they don't seem to be up to the job. And the humans don't want to take responsibility, either."

Prof. Reynolds takes off on a variety of snooping methods, from traffic cameras that snap our pictures to catch us in moving violations to the record companies that have software robots crawling the internet to locate copyright infringers to FBI agents using their software robots to roam the internet searching for people who have opened internet files with kiddie porn in them.

We whole-heartedly agree with the Professor that "When the power to enforce the law is delegated to software employed by people who don't -- or can't be bothered to -- understand it, no one is safe."

Go read the whole article, and follow his links, particularly the one to the Wired article on Adam Vaughn, one click you're guilty.

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