
Einhorn Murder Trial Update

Here's a wrap-up of Fridaymorning's testimony in the Ira Einhorn Murder trial:

"On Thursday, James Jafolla, who lived below Einhorn and Maddux during his years as a graduate student, testified about an encounter with Maddux in which she was crying in front of their building. He asked her if she needed help and she said no, then taped an open note under the doorbell to the apartment she and Einhorn shared and left.

''It said: 'To the woman that's coming to visit Ira, I want you to know that he's throwing me out of the apartment so he can spend the night with you,''' Jafolla testified.

Defense attorney William Cannon has been trying to establish that Einhorn and Maddux were involved in an ''open relationship'' by mutual agreement, but prosecution witnesses have said that it was generally one-sided.

Also testifying on Thursday was Cindy Grady, who met Einhorn through their common interest in the paranormal and said he once asked her to help him dispose of a trunk he said contained ''top-secret Russian documents on psychic warfare.''

''He said that the KGB was after him and it was very dangerous for him and for everyone,'' she said. She refused and soon after severed ties with Einhorn, saying their meetings to discuss parapsychology were nothing more than opportunities for Einhorn to talk about himself.

At their final meeting in Einhorn's apartment, sometime after Maddux's disappearance, Grady testified that she smelled a ''putrid'' odor that made her cut the visit short.

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