
Supreme Court Issues This Term

Among the issues the Supreme Court will consider this term are:

SEX OFFENDERS – A review of states' use of Internet sites to list information about sex offenders who have finished their sentences and comprehensive registries of those offenders, both involving so-called "Megan's laws." Smith v. Doe, 01-729, and Connecticut Department of Public Safety v. John Doe, 01-1231.

CRIME & PUNISHMENT – Whether three-strikes-and-you're-out sentencing laws result in unconstitutionally harsh prison terms. Lockyer v. Andrade, 01-1127, and Ewing v. California, 01-6978.

DEATH PENALTY – Four death penalty cases involving the mechanics of imposing capital punishment, not major constitutional issues. Woodford v. Garceau, 01-1862; Miller-El v. Cockrell, 01-7662; Abdur'Rahman v. Bell, 01-9094; and Sattazahn v. Pennsylvania, 01-7574.

IMMIGRATION DETENTION – The government's practice of jailing immigrant criminals without bail to make sure they don't flee before deportation. Demore v. Kim, 01-1491.

CROSS BURNING – The constitutionality of a 50-year-old Virginia law outlawing cross burning. Virginia v. Black, 01-1107.

INTERNET LIBRARIES – A look at copyright protection that could determine when many books, songs and movies will become available over the Internet. Eldred v. Ashcroft, 01-618.

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